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F/N P.O.V.

F/N = first name

C/N =community name

Me and Haruhi were about to walk into music room three this morning when a middle schooler came behind and asked "Excuse me, are you two members of the host club", "yeah" we said in at the same time "could you tell third year Mitsukuni Haninozuka to meet me out here" "who Honey-senpai, you sure?" Haruhi asked "Yes" the unknow middle schooler said as the door opened more Mori stood there with the wanted Honey on his shoulders "Oh look its Chika-chan, so whats up you rarely come to visit the high school just to see me" in a cheery voice. "Prepare yourself Mitskuni" 'Chika-chan' (as Honey-senpai reffered to  him as) said as he pushed his glasses up and full out kick attacked him off of Mori-senpai's shoulder and landed on his hands and feet I ran behind Haruhi not wanting to end up hurt bides she was used to this... Hopefully "Hey c'mon cut it out you guys" Haruhi said with her hands up in defense "Mori- senpai" "mm" He said casually "what do you mean 'mm'?" She asked with anger in her voice. Just then I heard a squeaky voice say "Whoa did you see that" then I heard nosises they almost sounded electric? Anyways she then continued to say "Honey-senpai  just doojed Chika's plimerary attack this is gonna be good" As a piece of the floor moved up "what's going on?" Me and Haruhi ask  in sync "wait Haruhi you don't know either" I ask thinking she'd be able to awnser about what was going down "nope" "Honey-senpai is able to fly through the air with such grace he's just like a modern day ushiwakamaru" the unknown to me girl continued "whoa Chika-chan attacks him again without giving him the chance to regain his balance" as 'Chika-chan' is trying to punch him and kick him down but Honey quickly tripped him instead "Increadible he dogged his attack and tripped him neither of them is gonna give if they just keep crashing ut with ferosius techinques. I just keep looking at them in disbelief while Haruhi is still in pure shock. They stop for a moment Chika-chan is painting in a certain stance while Honey-senpai is unphased. I then noticed the other four hosts the twins back to back with hands on their hips looking at Honey and Chika, Tamaki with his left hand on his hip and the right on his chin, and Kyoya with his arms folded across his chest. "so they're at it again" Tamaki said all camly like its normal then Kyoya added "I just wish they would've chosen a better location to do this" me and Haruhi walked over to them I stopped biside Kyoya and Haruhi stopped infront of all four "Why do guys sound so calm?!" She asked Kyoya dropped  his arms by his side right before Tamaki pointed to the fight Haruhi turned around when Chika pulled out a weapon "Now things are getting serious Chika's got a weapon" I latched onto Kyoya's arm and hiding my face and trembling as I can't stand to watch people fight "are you alright?" He asked "Yeah sorry I just can't stand watching people fight" I said letting go a bit not wanting to make him uncomfortable  "Oh no its fine, you don't have to let go I'm fine with it" "o-okay" I stuttered out the words he started rubbing my back to try to help calm me down I heard all the noise of the fighting but didn't pay attention because I knew I'd get frightened "wow he knocked him out of the park" I heard Hikaru say quit loudly "this might be his first win" Karu added again with too much volume for me to block out and I started much worse shaking and almost cried "Sorry I don't think so the winner of this fight is Honey" the girl I don't know the name of said "Rengea's right about that" Mori added "see he got you" I asked in a mumble so only Kyoya could hear "it's over, right?" "Yeah" He awnsered I whipped myself up then said "I'm so sorry about that Kyoya-senpai" "No, no its fine I'll always be here for you" "thank you so much" I say hugging him "Not a problem he says and hugs back tightly when the moment felt right we let go. To see Tamaki, the twins and Haruhi paying half their attention to us and the other half on the whole fight situation just then the curtains closed and a screen came down about to show a clip I realized what she was about to show on it and I hid my face by hugging Kyoya's arm and putting my face on it then I heard the curtains open again so I let go again. "He uses shuriken?" Haruhi said confused "Leaving Chika completely defensless" Rengea said "What a great fight can't wait for the next on until then see ya" As her part of the floor went back to normal when it went back down "so does she just pop in and out whenever she wants?" I asked for anyone to awnser "Basically" Kyoya, Tamaki, Haruhi, and the twins awnser. "Hey guys I'm  completely lost here who's that kid and why did he attack Honey-senpai" Haruhi asked Kyoya pushed his glasses up then Tamaki awnsered "what you can't tell just by looking at his face that's Honey-Senpai's younger brother" Haruhi then gasped a bit too dramatically. Chika sat down with me and Haruhi with Kyoya and Tamaki watching him explain how their family has combined different styles of fighting and created their own, how much they excel at mashal arts apparently whenever two family member meet face to face they must battle eachother. Both of us understood only Haruhi said so though I just don't get why people fight anyways. Tamaki offered him sweets but he declined saying he didn't like sweets nor was allowed for their family to eat them because they consider it selfish yet Haruhi told me about when Honey had a cavity Tamaki argued say a piece won't hurt the twins came up from behind the couch me and Haruhi were sitting on and Hikaru said "wait a minute I happen to know of a sweets loving loli boy who happens to be" "the next head of the haninozuka family" karu said then in sync they said together "and he's sitting right over there pointing to Honey-senpai eating some cake with Mori-senpai next to him "Let me just say theres no way I'm going to recognize a dimwitt like Mitskuni as the head of our family, theres no dubt my brother is strong but he lives a decentant lifestlyle and has failed to show any self restraint, he no longer has the right to be called a Haninozuka, I can't allow someone who arbertranly quit the karate club only to get hooked on cake and stuffed animals to be the head of our family, even if he is my older brother I've been meaning to make that clear for a while and another thing Mitskuni" Chika said while standing "I've said it before and I'll say it again stay away from me at school, got it?" He walked off from the music room. Honey got a stuffed animal walked over to the window staring out it, Haruhi walked over to him and asked "senpai, are you okay?" I saw Kyoya and Tamaki start to walk away starting to make plans I walked with them because why the hell not be making friends you can hang out with outside of school too. "I'm not sure if the cleaners will be in by the- Oh geese you scared the life out of me F/N" he noticed me "sorry Senpai, I overheard you talking about hanging out after school and was hoping I could join in my mom is worried sick I won't make friends because I'm a commoner to you guys" "OF course we can't really go to Tamaki's house because his grandmother is strict about guests I have absolutely no idea when the cleaners are coming around to my place... hnn" Kyoya said "I mean you guys can come to my place the entire Host Club can if they want it'll have to... Tomorrow sound good with you guys?" "YES" Kyoya said "I'll go and force everyone else to go" Tamaki said "Alright I'll  tell my mom" I said we walked back to Honey-Senpai and Haruhi Tamaki picked up a piece of cake on the way "so what should we do with this piece of cake now" Tamaki said trying to cheer him up. "I'LL EAT IT" Honey-senpai said cheerfully, ate it then spun around with his stuffed Bunny. "Wait so Honey-Senpai used to be in the Karate club I had no idea what made him quit and join the host club" Me and Haruhi asked in sync. "Why did you say Host Club like that?" Tamaki slide behind Haruhi and asked "No matter how you put it the Karate club is a much more reputable club then this" Haruhi said. Tamaki then started sulking in the corner "aw are you alright Tamaki?" I ask trying not to giggle a bit, Kyoya put his hand on my shoulder and said "he does it a lot, its fine". "If you really wanna know" Karu started "We'll have to take a little trip down memory lane" Hikaru finished as the twin went behind me Haruhi and Kyoya with Kyoya growling under his breath a slight bit. The twins explained before the host club was a thing Honey was a legend leader of the Karate club people would question if people would even respect him as the head of their family he would try his best sealing away his cute possesions and acting his toughest to not seem soft but it was clear to everyone around his efforts were failing Haruhi started questioning them then the twins said they'd explain how it realates the members would basically say how much of a manly man Honey was on ten minute breaks then they yelled the story is such a tear jerker and burst out into tears. I didn't know what to do I wanted to help but Kyoya still had ahold of me from when I tried to help Tamaki so I just kinda stood there awkwardly Haruhi told them to tell her the rest so they did to sum it up Tamaki stuck a bunny puppet in the door of the Karate club Honey tried to resist going out but couldn't he followed Tamaki's hand around every corner until he found Tamaki saying with the puppet "why hello there Haninozuka-senpai I know this is kinda sudden but I'm wondering if you'll join a new club I'm starting" Arren't you Souh, Tamaki right from the middle school what kinda club are you starting" Honey asked "I CAN TELL YOU THAT HANINOZUKA I'M GLAD YOU ASKED"Tamaki practically yelled at him, he went behind Honey and said "C'mon senpai why don't you use you good looks for something to get more out of life, why waste it fighting when you could use it to give solis to young girls who have too much time on their hands with tons of stuffed animals and all the cake you could want I lpromise if you join we'll always have plenty of sweets on our hands" "Really? I mean no I don't like sweets so you can forget it and I don't like cutsey things either for the record" Honey regected Tamaki started waving around the puppet thatv got Honey over in the first place "Nuh uh not into cutsey stuff" He said while following it with his eyes "Nope don't like it at all" his voice started to soften. "Hehe I don't know much about marshal arts so please forgive me but I was wondering do you think you could tell me what true strength is?" this caught Honey off guard "I may be out of line but running away and hiding your true self is the same as running away to me, I think being able to embrace the things you truly like and being able to express them too is worth more then anything and to me is what true sdtrength really is I'll be back to ask again please consider it senpai" Tamaki gave the puppet to Honey whil walking away backwards. Later that night while talking to his father Honey asked him what true strength is so to the dojo they went the referee at the time worked for the government and asked Honey to never fight in public again or at least not full potential other wise the UN might find out and take it all out on Japan so HHoney quit the karate club and joined the host club and as a result his younger brother had a more strict upbringing. The twins and Tamaki finished the story "sometimes I think Chika-chan hates me because I don't follow the family rules" Honey added to the story "Alright gentalmen  time for operation Haninozuka brothers recensilviation" Tamaki announced Kyoya glanced at me while pushing us his glasses "hurray" the twins said in sync "I knew he was gonna say that" Haruhi said.

                                       time skip cause theres one here in the show too 

We watched Chika instruct the Karate club until one of the twins said "looks like a simple minority complex" the other said "He's always being compared to his older brother so that's why he feels such anorosity to him, his brother is more attractive, more popular and a better marshal artist then he is so he's just letting his jealousy get the best of him". "Its totally normal and boring and we're gonna go find something more entertaining" The twins said in sync as they started walking away.

Kyoya's P.O.V. 

I saw F/N peer in the window just as it looked like fighting was about to start so I quickly spun her around facing me and hugged her I felt heat rise to my face I feel so bad for her something must've happened to make her this terrified of seeing people fight. Tamaki said to the twins "hey why are you two being so uncooperative all of a sudden?" "well we thought there'd be a secret interesting reason they're fighting this is just lame" talking in sync again I feel F/N hold me tighter I look down to see her almost in tears I held her tighter rubbing her back "it'll be okay" I whisper to her. Just as I said that Chika came out of the room and started attacking Honey again I turned around so the fight was to her back. Chika explained everything of how they started fighting turns out it was Tamaki's fault. Then they said they were going to fight to settle it once and for all everyone went to watch except me and F/N, because F/N said she was gonna tell me why she hates fights so much. When she calmed down we sat down she said "Well when I was with my real parents they were jumped a lot and ended up in fights because we lived in East C/N it was a really dangerus place to be so one day I was caught by police running from being attacked again in the streets when I was four I didn't know where my parents were anyway I awnsered the cops questions they told me my parents had been murdered two different group of people at different times same day though I was put into an adoption home because I had no immediate family that lived close enough I was then adopted, by an abusive family until I ran away and a really nice lady on the streets took me in by that time it was me and Haruhi's first year of middle school and I lived with her ever since and call her mom because shes like one to me" When I heard this I felt horrible like I would kill anyone that hurt her "I feel so horrible I had no idea it was anything like that I am so sorry" I say trying not to cry "It's fine, I've never opened up to anyone about it except mom and you not even haruhi, shes only been to my house in middle school please don't tell the others I don't like talking about it I only told you cause you deserved to know why I randomly latched onto your arm and also because I can trust you". "Wait so you trust me more then Haruhi?" I asked "Yeah at one point she could tell something was wrong when I was with the abusive family and she bugged me about it to the point I lashed out at her without meaning to it took at least a week for me to finally break" "oh my" I said a tad shocked I knew Haruhi was looking out for her friend but theres just some things you just don't tell other friends. "Um yeah anyways I'll see you guys tomorrow" She said as she walked away it is the normal time we head home anyways "Yeah see ya" I say witing for my drive home.

(I know paragraphs its the death of me and also spelling words the day after I did drill for 2 hours and 40 minutes) (2925 words) (Episode 18)

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