❀ Before You Read ❀

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❃ Welcome to Crown Of Silver! This is a basic overview of the clans and their leaders. The code will be written in the next chapter.


❝For those who pursue courage, and freedom from fear❞

♛Leader: Amberstar

♕Deputy: Snowflame


❝Where following your heart leads to peace; for those who trust that kindness and peace are the greatest strength❞

♛Leader: Echostar

♕Deupty: Mintflower


❝For those who trust in the power of knowledge, and see the wisdom etched in the stars. ❞

♛Leader: Petalstar

♕Deputy: Lavenderstep


❝Underneath the gaze of the moon, those who acknowledge the strength in honesty, and the courage behind telling the truth will have the stars and the moon to guide their paws.❞

♛Leader: Aspenstar

♕Deputy: Nightheart


❝Ambition and determination mark the path to power; those who recognize the potential in their dreams leave claw marks of legacy.❞

♛Leader: Fawnstar

♕Deputy: Silentmist

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