♠ chapter one: the shadow ♠

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Laughing, I admired my handiwork. This project took me almost nine all-nighters to complete. I picked the chip up from the table and placed it in my hand. "Big things come in small packages," I whispered to myself. No, this was no ordinary computer chip. This little thing could be used to download information from any database I wanted. The leverage I could hold over people's heads with this thing. Tony Stark would be drooling all over this. I laughed, remembering my little visit to see Tony Stark last year. The information I got from his home was enough to hold a large price over S.H.I.E.L.D's head.

I stood up from my rolling chair, and walked over to my computer, pulling it off of the shelf before going to sit back down. I placed the tiny chip into the open side of a USB, and then picked up a welding tool and some copper wires. I placed the wires in their places accordingly and welded them together carefully, making sure everything was in its proper place. One wrong move, and all my hard work would be for nothing.

As I finished welding, I picked up the other half of the USB and welded those together as well, taking caution with everything I did. Once it was finished, I plugged the USB into my computer and started running the program for it. While I was waiting for the program to load, I went onto the S.H.I.E.L.D. website and started reading the files that caught my eye.. I particularly liked the ones by Hawkeye himself. They were written in such detail, it was almost like you were on the missions with him. Of course, all of this was classified information, so I had to hack into the first of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s many databases before I could read any of them.

Loki, my German Rottweiler, came bounding down the hallway with my phone in his mouth. "Oh, you little stinker!" I cooed while scratching under his chin, taking my slobbery phone from his mouth, praying that the screen wasn't cracked, as there would be no way for me to afford another one. My computer beeped once and I clicked onto the chip's program. It was completely loaded, and I closed my eyes for a second, feeling glad that I had finally done it, after trying to make it so many times. This was going to be a long night for sure. The dog laid down at my feet, and I smiled, pressing a kiss to the top of his head before looking back at the glowing computer screen.

I cracked my knuckles and started typing in strings of codes. 27-0o3, I mumbled, while my fingers were busily typing away at the keyboard, muscle memory kicking in. I was humming a song that had been stuck in my head all day while hacking into S.H.I.E.L.D.'s many databases. "Jesus christ, why do you need 25 firewalls.." I sighed, rubbing my face, feeling sleep's soft hands slowly pulling at my brain. But, I couldn't fall asleep now. Not when I've already gotten this far. I continued to download a few files that I didn't have, knowing it probably didn't include anything I needed. Nothing that put me closer to what I really wanted.. I was tapping my foot anxiously, lost in thought when my phone started ringing. Ugh, I thought.

I leaned back in my chair, a bit too far, and I didn't have time to catch myself, ending up on the ground with an extremely loud thud.

I picked myself off the ground and scrambled for my phone. Sabrina King, the name read, and I groaned out loud. She always calls at the worst times, I thought to myself. "What do you want now?" I asked, sounding slightly annoyed. "I'm right in the middle of something."

"You're always in the middle of something," Sabrina remarked. "Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that Tony Stark is launching a new-"

"Fuck Tony Stark." I cut her off, not even giving her a chance to respond before hanging up the phone. Shit... Why do I always do that? I sat up a little, regretting what I had just done, when something popped up on my computer screen that caught my eye. Standing up, I walked over to the computer, my right brow raised slightly. A name in bold letters was displayed at the top.

Natalia Alianova Romanova.

Intrigued, I opened the file and began to read it.



HEIGHT: 5'7''

WEIGHT: 131 lbs.

GENDER: Female

EYES: Green

HAIR: Red-auburn

OTHER ALIASES: Natalia "Natasha" Romanova

EDUCATION: Unrevealed (formerly believed to be college graduate), intensive espionage training through The Red Room Academy

PLACE OF ORIGIN: Stalingrad, Former U.S.S.R

POWERS: Slowed Aging, Superhuman Durability


Indoctrinated into the Red Room by General Dreykov

During her childhood, she lived as the daughter of Alexei Shostakov and Melina Vostakov

Worked as an operative for the KGB

Allowed to join S.H.I.E.L.D. after she accepted an assasination mission, where her goal was to kill Dreykov, ultimately catching his daughter, Antonia Dreykov, in the crossfire.

Her extensive training in the Red Room made Natasha into a warrior with few peers. She is skilled in many forms of martial arts including aikido, judo, karate, savate, and boxing. In addition, she is an amazing gymnast and uses her acrobatics to gain an edge in combat.

Her fighting skills are augmented by a variant of the Super-Soldier serum, which she was given as part of the Black Widow program. Although this treatment doesn't give her superhuman strength like Captain America, Natasha operates at peak human condition. The serum also grants her an improved immune system and enhanced durability, which explains why she has barely aged over the years, retaining her youthful appearance.

Natasha Romanoff never comes unprepared and brings many gadgets to help her combat her enemies. Her black bodysuit is composed of a kevlar-like substance created for maximum protection. It is equipped with two bracelets on each wrist that fire the "widow's bite"—a high-frequency electrostatic bolt with a range of 20 feet that discharges up to 30,000 volts, able to stop even a superhuman opponent. These bracelets can also act as radio transmitters and contain tear gas cartridges that Natasha can deploy. The fingers and feet of her costume have microscopic suction cups that allow her to stick to any regular building surface. Her belt occasionally contains discs with the explosive power of four pounds of TNT.

Along with her extraordinary fighting abilities, Natasha has a few other talents that make her one of the best spies and assassins in the world. She is multilingual; in addition to speaking Russian and English, she also is fluent in French, German, Chinese, and more. An excellent markswoman and expert in weaponry, she uses automatic weapons and knives as needed to fulfill her missions. Her skills of infiltration and stealth, coupled with an ironclad will make Black Widow a force to be reckoned with.

Hawkeye ended up influencing Natasha, his idealism and strong moral compass helped Natasha find her own. Despite a lifetime of conditioning, Natasha chose to pursue her own destiny and defected.

She began to work for Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. and assisted the Avengers on missions

Always looking to make up for her past, Natasha then sided with Iron Man during the Super Hero Civil War. This was despite the fact that many of her friends and allies, notably Captain America, opposed the Superhuman Registration Act.


After reading her file, I closed my computer, absorbing the information I had just received. My eyes felt heavy, watering from the brightness of the screen. I shut it off, and laid on the floor next to my dog, Loki, who was sleeping soundly. I rested my head against the cold, hard wooden flooring, allowing my eyes to close, quickly falling into a peaceful sleep.

edited: february 17, 2022

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