Will You

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Lee Eunhye's POV

After school, the library was closed. So me and my friends just went to my park and just talked. While I was in the middle of talking, suddenly my phone rang.

*What? I already told my dad what time to pick me up. Why is he calling me again?* I thought curiously. I took out my phone and it said 'unknown' on the screen.

*Wtf, who is this?* I thought and just answered the phone anyways.

"Hello?" I said and waited for the person to answer back.

"Hey there babe! I've been texting you to text back but you wouldn't so I just called you. How are you? I love you!" The guy on the phone said. I was still shocked because I didn't know who he was.

"Who are you?" I asked since he said 'I love you'.

"What?! You don't know me?! I'm your soon-to-be husband!" He said.

"Sorry but wrong number!" I said quickly while panicking. I quickly hanged up because he was creeping me out.

*Who the hell was that?! I don't remember being in an arranged-marriage.* I thought.

"Who was that?" My friend asked me.

"I do not know. He said he's my soon-to-be husband! I think he's in a metal hospital!" I said with a scared face.

"Haha! Soon-to-be husband! Lol." My friend said and I glared at her.

"I will block whoever that human is!" I said and my friends laugh because I used the word 'human' instead of 'person'.

This guy is really creeping my out!

For the next few weeks, I thought this creepy guy will stop calling or texting me but I guess I was wrong. Everyday, he would call or text me. Like 'Hey baby! How are you? You're not replying to my text T.T Please reply! I love you <3'. AISH. This guy is making me change my phone number.

Oh my God. Why didn't I think of that?! I'm so stupid!

I went out of the house and went to a mobile shop to change my phone number.

"Hello miss! How can I help you?" The guy in the shop said.

"Um, can you please change my phone number?" I said shyly and gave my phone. After a few minutes he came back and gave me my phone.

"Here you go miss! Have a nice day!" The guy said and I smiled at him.

I went out of the store and walked around the mall window shopping. I went to a hat shop because I really love hats. They're my style! When I was looking around, one hat caught my eye. When I was about to get it, someone else grabbed it and both of our hand were on the hat.

"Oh gosh! I'm sorry. You can take it." I said and smiled. When I was about to walk away, he grabbed my arm.

"Babe?" He asked.

'WTF. I just met you dude.' I thought

"Um, sorry? I don't know who you are." I said awkwardly wanting to get out of here.

"Babe! It's me! Your future husband!" He said and grinned.

WHAT?! Oh gosh.

"I don't know who you are so can you please let go of me!" I yelled at him.

'I'm so scared right now!' I thought.

"Babe, you don't remember me?" He said letting to of my arm and grabbed my shoulders.

"I don't know you!" I said quickly removing his hands on my shoulders and ran away as fast as I can.

"B-babe!" He shouted and tried to catch me.

'Oh my God! Why can't he just stop following me!' I thought.

I ran as fast as I can and I saw an elevator. So I went into the elevator when it was about to close.

'Phew! That was so close!' I thought and sighed.

After how many hours, I walked to the park and kicked a stone.

'Aish. Today is a very tiring day. Why was that guy following me? What did he want from me? How does he know who I am? Why am I even thinking about him?! AISH! That guy is rea-' My thoughts were cut off when I heard that guy's voice again.

"Babe!" He shouted.

"What the hell? Why am I hearing voices?" I said to myself wondering.

"Babe! Babe!" He shouted again but this time louder.

"AISH. This guy is really-" I was cut off when I heard footsteps running to me. I looked at my back and saw 'him' running as fast as he can. It scared me so I started running when I saw him running towards me.

"Get away from me you creep! AHHH!!!" I shouted while feeling so scared and nervous.

"No. I don't want to lose you again!" He shouted back.

I started running to a dark alley and saw a gate blocking the way so I couldn't get out. I saw him running towards me as fast as he can and I screamed thinking that he was gonna kill me or something but he just hugged me so tight that made me froze.

"Yah, I told you not to run away from me... I don't want to lose you again..." He whispered while panting.

"I swear I don't know you... I don't know you, your face even your name. Please leave me alone..." I whispered back but I didn't hug him.

"I know that you don't know me because you got into a car accident when we were about to get married. So your family moved you to America for your surgery. I also know that you have an amnesia..." He said and closed his eyes.

"Oh... I am so sorry..." I said and hugged him back since I can feel that I've known him for so long.

"It's okay as long as you're right here beside me safe and sound. I love you." He said and pecked my lips.

"I love you too..." I said and nuzzled in his neck.

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