Chapter 2

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♫ Eleanor♫

I walk out of my house as confident as I'll ever be. But I know deep down inside me I'm still worried.

Worried I'll go back to being the lonely, bullied, suicidal freak again. I'm almost to school and I haven't gotten beat up. I walk into school, I feel the eyes on me. I'm by sure if anyone notices me.

As I walk forward i see my bullied in front of me. Maybe if I don't make contact they won't bother me. I jog to my locker in a rush. After I get out my "Morning Binder" I feel a tap in my shoulder.

Turning around, I close my locker facing the last person I want to see. Taylor Caniff. "Hey girl! Don't think I've ever seen you here before."

"Fuck off" I whisper loud enough for him to hear me. As I walk away I have a smirk on my face. I hear the boys giving Taylor a lot of shit for what I just said.


I walk into my first period- Math-plopping down in my seat. I just remembered. I have this class with Taylor, Cameron, and Matt.

"What are you doing in that slut Eleanor's seat?" I hear Cameron's voice from behind me. "Oh I don't know! Maybe because I'm this 'slut' Eleanor you are talking about." Technically I'm yelling but technically I'm not.

This is when I notice that Taylor and Matt are in their seats, next to me. "Now can I be left alone?" I said in the same time looking at all of then.

I turn around, I feel satisfied on what u had just done. I don't know why. I just do. Notes. The notes are being thrown at me. I decide to read them.

"Go kill yourself already! Just because you loom different doesn't mean anything. How about you in out of class right now and head home and grab your razor?" from Adam Leving

"You're really pretty! I'm sorry for what I have done. I wasn't thinking. I just have a lot of things going on at home. And I brought it out if you. Can you except my apology?" The note does to have anybody's name in it. Well I wasn't going to accept any apologize anyways.

All the rest say go kill yourself and shit. Use to it. Why do I even bother. I'll never get noticed. I'm worthless.

"No you aren't" I hear someone. "D-did I say that out loud?" I look up and see someone I've never seen before. "You kinda did" he looked at me with a straight face. No one has done that. At all.

"Well you shouldn't be caught talking to me or else you will get hate." I stated.

"Oh I do-"

"Shawn! What are you doing talking to that slut?" Cameron yelled again from behind me. Well I guess this Shawn shuts up and sits down in the empty seat next to me.

I looked at him and he mouthed something. "I'm sorry" Really. Great act. The teacher then barged through the door carrying a million papers.

He drops the papers on his desk and everyone shuts up. He is gasping for air. The class is laughing. I'm not its not funny. I look over at Shawn, he isn't laughing either.

"It's not funny!" He yells. The class laughs harder.


The be finally rings signaling lunch. I head to my locker to put away my morning binder. I don't even eat my lunch. Why bother?

As I opened up my locker, someone tapped me on the shoulder. "If you're gonna beat me up wait till aft-" I turn around stopping my sentence.

"Who said anything about beating someone up?" Shawn. i turn back around proceeding putting my things away. "Shawn out of everyone in this school you want to talk to me?"

I'm done with my locker, so I slam it close. "Well I've hurt a lot about you. They say you're a.... A lot of bad things. But I thought no one could be like that. WANNA be friends?" he's now leaving up again the lockers. I laugh, "you want to be friends with me?"

"Mhm!" he says excited. "Alright then. Friends?" I ask. "Friends."

I smiled. That's the first time I smiled in a while. Shawn puts his left hand in his hip "Shall we?"

"We shall" I put my arm through the space in between his arm. I have my hand around his wrist as we walk into the cafeteria. I can feel the people eyeing us down. Whispering. Planning to give me hate and Shawn.

I sit down at a table while Shawn goes and gets food. "Aren't you gonna eat?" he asks me sitting down. "I-I'm not hungry." I shutter.

Why did I stutter? "You're lying" he says taking a bite of a celery stick. "N-No I'm not" I need to stop with that!

He nods his head yes. "You are. Why don't you wanna eat?" Taking yet another bite.

"I'm not hungry" I answered fast looking at the floor. "Sure" he added. "Have a bite?" he said holding out a celery stick.

I take it from his hands. I take a small bite, I feel like I want to puke. But I have to swallow. So I do and I take a lot of drinks of water.

"So Eleanor, want to hang out later? Maybe like right after school?" Shawn asked. "Yeah! Meet me by my locker"

The be had then ring again signaling that we should head to our next class. I said bye to Shawn walking into the girls locker room.


Does this chapter suck????

I feel like it does?

Copyright © Cameron Archer

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