-Seoul District-
1 week before the wedding"Young master," A soft voice caught the attention of the prince. His ears perked up as he turned around slowly. "Your father has requested you." A smile cracked on the young alphas lips. "Soobinnie, why are you always so formal with me?" He walked over and stood in front of the servant. "We are best friends." The servant, Soobin, pursed his lips. "Jungkook," his formal tone had dropped. "Just go see your father, he sounds serious this time." Jungkook scoffed, rolling his eyes before walking out of his room.
The young alpha didn't live in a cliche castle like you would read in a children's book, but rather a more modern version. Jungkook admired the decoration. Painting from the new era covered the walls, crown moldings were embedded into both the holding and the baseboards of each wall. It was all very lavish but yet modern. The king didn't fancy the old fashion royal decoration like hierarchy in the past. The prince couldn't complain much since he was an influence on the King's taste.
The young alpha had a way with words. His natural tongue was littered in persuasion covered by a bratty attitude he refused to admit he possessed. His attitude had only worsened when his alpha instincts had started to awaken. His father had given up on trying to make him the strong leader he envisioned, so he just let him figure it out on his own.
Jungkook pressed on the large door, a muffled creak let out as it opened. "My son, please come sit." His father's eyes locked on his son. Jungkook sighed softly before walking over to a chair and taking a sit, slumping in it slightly. "What is it this time? You want bribe me again?" Jungkook played with his own fingers. "Maybe allowing me to see Jimin?" He asked as he shot a look over to his father, raising his eyebrows. The king groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Jeon Jungkook, we've talk about this many times. You are not allowed to see Jimin when he is in heat." Jungkook rolled his eyes.
"But that's not what I asked you here for." The king adjusted himself, taking a deep breath. "Son, I am getting close to the end of my time as king. Which means that it's almost time for you to claim the crown." Jungkook looked at his father with a bored expression. "And I've decided that it would be best if you will have someone that can lead the kingdom along with you." Jungkook's brows furrowed. "Are you saying what I think you are saying?" His father ignored his comment. "So I've talked with the Gwacheon district and we've decided to marry you to the alpha prince." His father smiled at his own words. "And there it is." Jungkook muttered under his breath. "Why can't I just marry Jimin?" The young alpha whined. "Jungkook!" The king slammed his hand down. "You are doing as I say! You are getting married to the Gwacheon alpha and that's final!" Jungkook was shocked at his father's outburst. "Now take that bratty attitude of yours and leave my room at once!"
"Really?" A curious Soobin spoke. Jungkook nodded as he laid on his bed. "Why did he choose another alpha? I'd rather have the omega I already marked and own." Jungkook whined. Soobin smiled softly at how his young master was behaving. "Maybe the other alpha will understand." Soobin sat next to him and petted his hair. Jungkook groaned and covered his face. "Do you know his name?" Soobin asked, trying to distract the other. Jungkook shook his head. "My dad just told me I'm getting married and then kicked me out." He spoke dramatically, emphasizing that last part.
-Gwacheon District-
Seokjin paced in his room, every scenario played through his mind like a broken record. He nibbles on the end of his thumb as he continued to pace. "Son, it isn't healthy to stress like this." Seokjin stopped pacing and looked up to see his father standing in the door way. Seokjin sighed, "I'm afraid they'll find out and then we won't be respected anymore." His father smiled sympathetically. "As long as you don't stay around the other alpha, you'll be fine." His father spoke softly, trying to comfort the omega. Seokjin nodded. "I hope they let me sleep in a separate room. I don't think my omega could be controlled around a true bred alpha like Jungkook." Seokjin began to pace again. The king chuckled as he watched his son overthink. "Well, when you are done with this," he used his hands to refer to all of Seokjin. "Come eat with your mother and I." Seokjin nodded, slowing his speed down a little.

King and King [jinkook]
FanfictionThe Seoul District and the Gwacheon District had agreed on an arranged marriage between their two sons. Jeon Jungkook was a strong alpha that didn't seem mature enough to lead the district. Kim Seokjin a secret omega that was chosen to lead along wi...