Dragon Ball Love Story - Vegito X Chrissie

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Chrissie's POV

I was heading to see Vegeta and Goku to train to defeat Majin Buu and protect our friends until I heard a very loud explosion. I gasped in horror and I realised that Buu is already here and people are disappearing. I watched behind a tree not far the city that is getting destroyed and I saw the cause of the destruction. I then realised I have to try to contact Vegeta and Goku about what's happening.

As a Saiyan, I can mind contact just like Vegeta and Goku. I contacted Vegeta as he answered in a grumpy tone. "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU CHRISSIE?" shouted Vegeta. "I'm in the city and stop shouting at me Vegeta" I said in a calm tone. "Why?" said Vegeta. "Just shut up and listen to me. Both you and Goku need to listen very carefully. Majin Buu is here and is destroying the city and people are disappearing." I said. "What, Majin Buu is here?" said Goku. "Yes Goku. Everyone is in danger including your families". I said.

As I was just getting closer to the city, I saw Gotenks disappeared. I gasped in horror. But it was loud enough for Majin Buu to hear me. "Buu see pretty girl with Dark Blue hair and sweetly light blue eyes. Buu must have her" said Buu. "Damn it" I said in a quiet angry tone. "What's wrong Chrissie"? said Goku in a worried tone. "Buu spotted me. I'm in trouble now. Guys please help me" I told them as I started to run as fast as I could but Buu was right behind me in fast speed. I screamed as Majin Buu grabbed me and said "Buu got pretty girl" as I tried to fight back but I gave up. I knew I was in trouble. Good thing was I was still in contact with Vegeta so he and Goku can hear about what's going on. I shouted for Buu to let me go but he wouldn't and he knocked me out cold leaving Vegeta in shock as he and Goku just heard.

Vegeta's POV

As Chrissie's screams died out, I couldn't hear her anymore. Neither could Kakarot (Goku's Saiyan name) I went up to Kakarot and told him that we have to save more than the Earth and its people. We have to save Chrissie. He nodded in agreement. We both love her but she cannot choose between us. So Kakarot said we need to work together to stop Buu and save Chrissie. Kakarot grabbed something and put in his ear. It looked like an Earring. He offered the other one to me but I refused it so he puts it in his pocket just in case. We were ready to stop Buu and save Chrissie as we flew. Kakarot didn't say much after Chrissie got captured. He looks worried. To say this, I'm worried too but I love Chrissie and so does Kakarot. We stopped for abit and he asked me about if Buu hurts Chrissie. I said he better not hurt her if he wants to live. Kakarot said in a worried but calm tone tells me "Chrissie is a strong Saiyan. She'll be okay hopefully". "Hopefully you're right. Come on let's go find her" I said. Kakarot nodded in agreement and continued on flying.

Chrissie's POV

I awoke in a dark room. I was lying on a cold, hard mattress; my back was killing me with pain. I tried to sit up but I then feel ropes wrapped around my wrists, my legs and my ankles. The ropes around my wrists were tied tight to the bed bars including my ankles. I tried to yell for Vegeta and Goku but I'm gagged. A cloth has been stuffed into my mouth. A few minutes later, Buu comes in with a sick grin on his face. I'm then started to get scared. The way Buu put his hand on my cheek stroking it with his finger, it felt very unconformable. He wasn't just Majin Buu. He was Super Buu wearing Gohan's battle clothes. "Shh my princess. I don't want to hurt you. I just want to love you". He said as he stroked my Dark Blue long hair. I shook my head to get his hand away from me. My warm tears were falling from my eyes as my mumble cries behind the cloth in my mouth is drying up. Super Buu tears open my orange shirt (that Goku gave me) with a knife revealing my battle scars from my battles with Frieza (thank goodness I was wearing a bra underneath the shirt). Super Buu started to lick my scars with his Blue tongue and I tried to get him off of me but I couldn't because I was tied to the bed. I tried to scream but Buu grabbed some kind of strip from a bed sheet and tied it around my mouth just to keep the cloth in my mouth. Now I couldn't do or say anything. I couldn't even contact Vegeta or Goku. But they can track me.

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