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The next day, Kallah entered the supermarket that was across the street from the bakery. She needed to buy more milk, butter, and eggs before the bakery's opening time. There were only a few other people shopping in the supermarket, scattered throughout the various aisles.

As Kallah turned a corner to go into the next aisle, she bumped into someone else. She picked up the loaf of bread that the other person had dropped. When she looked up, seeing a man with black hair that reached just past his shoulders. It took Kallah a moment to realize he was in a wheelchair.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you," she apologized.

The man took the loaf of bread from Kallah's overstretched hand. He gave her a friendly smile, "Don't worry about it. You look familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?"

"I work at the bakery across the street," answered Kallah. She noticed a look of recognition cross the man's face.

"You're Kallah, right? Your parents are Michael and Phillip?" he asked. When she nodded in reply, he held out his hand, "I'm Billy Black."

"You go fishing with my dads, Charlie Swan, and Harry Clearwater, don't you?" asked Kallah. She took Billy's hand in hers, shaking it politely.

"All the time," nodded Billy. "We're supposed to go—"

Billy was interrupted when three teenage boys came around the corner, playfully shoving one another. Two of the boys had longer hair like Billy's while the third had short curls. The three paused upon seeing Kallah.

"This is my son Jacob and his friends, Embry and Quil. Boys, this is Kallah," introduced Billy.

The three boys waved awkwardly, seeing as they hadn't been expecting to meet someone new. Billy noticed the sudden silence the moment it took over, and said, "Well, we should be on our way. You probably have somewhere to be. I hope to see you again, Kallah."

"Bye," said Kallah.

The group parted ways. Kallah turned to enter the next aisle. She heard someone approach her and looked back. The boy with curly hair, Quil, as Billy had told her, was standing there. He smiled, "I just wanted to tell you that I like your jacket."

Kallah glanced down at her red jacket. She pulled it tighter around her body. She looked back up at Quil, and replied, "Thank you."

Quil smiled at her and followed his three companions. Kallah stood there for a moment before refocusing on her shopping list. She had to admit one thing: Quil was rather cute.

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