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Why did the humans attack? Indeed, it seemed that they had nothing to fear. Humans are unbelievably strong. It would take the Soul of nearly every monster... Just to equal the power of a single human Soul. But humans have one weakness. Ironically, it is the strength of their Soul. Its power allows it to persist outside the human body, even after death. If a monster defeats a human, they can take its Soul. A monster with a human Soul... A horrible beast with unfathomable power.

Hurt, beaten, and fearful for our lives, we surrendered to the humans. Seven of their greatest magicians sealed us underground with a magic spell. Anything can enter through the seal, but only beings with a powerful Soul can leave. There is only one way to reverse this spell. If a huge power, equivalent to seven human Souls, attacks the barrier... It will be destroyed. But this cursed place has no entrances or exits. There is no way a human could come here. We will remain trapped down here forever.
However... There is a prophecy.

The Angel... The One Who Has Seen The Surface...

They will return. And the underground will go empty.

At least that is what they were told.

The Angel came in the form of a child, fallen from the surface. They destroyed the barrier, and everyone went free. Then it reset. The child came again. And again. Sometimes they were an Angel of Mercy, freeing the monsters to roam the surface. Other times they were an Angel of Death, killing the monsters until not a single one remained.

No one remembered the resets except for the child and two of the monsters. At first, one of the monsters welcomed the resets and the chaos. But, after what felt like the hundredth time, they became bored. Then resentful. Then desperate. Both monsters wished for it to stop. So they researched and theorized until one day they came across a discovery so unbelievable, that it shook the foundations of their very world.

They were only NPCs in a videogame, and the fallen child was but a puppet to the whims of the player.

That was why the child was constantly different, some days kind and merciful, other days completely cold and ruthless. The player, tired of playing benevolent god, decided to try a different path, and then another, continuing up until this discovery. But how could the monsters use this information to their advantage?


We'll just have to see.

(A/N: All italicized text belongs to Toby Fox and is directly quoted from the game Undertale)

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