Their are twist
And turns in life
Bumps and
Puzzles to solve
The world is good
But when their is good
Their is evil
Nothing is black
Or white
If the world was that simple
Their would
Be less tragedies
Less heartbreaks
I wish the world was
Black And
So life can always be happy
Sadly we are just
Left to wonder
If it is going to be
Good or bad day
Or both
If you will
Or die
Will you have
The people
You love
Or will you lose them
Life is harsh
But when their
Is harsh moments
Their are good or awesome
I always hope
That is more
Good moments
At the moment
It seems that
Their is no good
But I promise you will
Git though the tough
Their is no need
To end your life
You will just end it in
Sadness life has a plan for
You it doesn't matter what
Religion you have
You have a purpose to
so don't
Fill it with pity
You matter
Sometimes I think
I don't matter
But I have a
Best friend to
Remind me
Life can be great
And Wild
You don't have to be
Happy about the bad
But be happy about
The good