Snamione 12

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Lord Lucius put a hand on his right shoulder and patted it. "He did, but she loved him. Just give her time." "She has a month, and I want her household moved to my castle," Lord Severus decided. "As much as I sympathize with her grief, this is politics, not sentiment." Lucius nodded, smiling, "Of course, it is. I am so relieved you agreed to honor our agreement." Severus pushed away from his cousin. "Fuck your agreement. I know you, cousin. She will be safer with me than as your mistress. Just know that once she becomes my wife, if you so much as lay a finger on her, I will kill you." With that, Severus left Malfoy Castle that same evening. But he did send Lady Hermione a letter explaining his absence; she was the only one who merited an explanation after all. But he would have her brought to him, of that he was more certain of than anything else. He would then win her away from his cousin's cause, no matter what the cost...

Tomorrow, and I never told you that I loved you, I would never forgive myself." Tears ran down my cheeks, and he wiped them away gently, "Then I'm glad that you told me. I love you, too Severus Prince. I did not think I would be able to love again after my husband was killed, but you taught me to love again, and I am infinitely grateful for that beyond words." Severus answered me by drawing me into a kiss that took my breath away as his tongue gently intertwined with mine. He slid his hardened member into me slowly, and moved within me slowly, languidly. When I tried to speed things up, he shook his head, and I understood that he wanted to just savor being inside of me. We cuddled to this intimate position all night as we slept in each other's arms. When first light came, Severus gently disentangled himself from my arms, and kissed me chastely, "I have to leave now, love." I yawned, and stretched. He was getting dressed, and I hated the feeling of grim finality in the air. It was the same when Draco Malfoy had left me on the morning of his last battle with Prince soldiers. I had sensed then that Draco was going to die, but with Severus, I only felt fear for his safety.

Snape suddenly felt as though he had been hit with a bullet right in the chest. How could I have been so stupid? "No. I do not believe I did. Come here, I need to see something." Hermione walked over timidly, she was sure he had the same thoughts as her but it was difficult to trust a man who had done so much wrong to her. Snape drew his wand (the wooden one used for casting spells, not the other one) and beckoned her closer, so she was standing right in front of him. "This may be a bit chilly." He informed her before lifting the hem of her shirt. His wand tip (remember not that wand) was gently pressing against her abdomen. He muttered a spell under his breath, and they waited for a moment. Snape stared intensely at Hermione's hair, waiting. Then, beginning at the roots of her hair, a neon shade of pink crept down to the tips. Once the pink had entirely engulfed the brown, a vibrant red slid down, adding highlights to the pink. "What? Why is my hair red and pink?" asked Hermione, enraged. "I believe I have finally shocked you" said Snape. He would have sneered, but he was too shocked. "A spell unknown to Hermione Granger? What are the chances! Well Granger, I just cast merternadis on you. It is exactly as it sounds, a spell with the same effects as a pregnancy test, although far more effective. I am very surprised to add that you are indeed pregnant. The pink in your hair represents that you are going to have a girl, and the red represents a second girl. That's right. You are currently with twins." With that enlightening news, Hermione fainted.

Soldiers, and beheaded them with his sword in short order. He smiled sardonically. Of course, Malfoy would use a locking charm on the drawbridge that could only be accessed if one knew non-verbal magic. Severus concentrated on the word or words used in the protective ward. He found it, and cast it with his wand. He rose through on his black stallion. A lone figure stood at the top of the highest battlement. "NOT ONE MORE STEP, SEVERUS. YOU WOULDN'T WANT ME TO NICK THE LITTLE HALF-BLOOD BRAT NOW DO YOU?" Severus amplified his own voice magically, "COME AND FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN, LUCIUS. THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU BEING DENIED MY WIFE'S ATTENTIONS. THIS HAS TO DO WITH NARCISSA AND YOU KNOW IT." "YOU DARE BRING MY WIFE INTO THIS!!" Lucius snarled. Lucius knicked Delia's throat, and the little brunette witch screamed. "I WILL KILL THE WHELP, SEVERUS, DON'T THINK I WON'T." Lucius disapparated, and appeared before him. There was a sick madness in his blue eyes that Severus had never seen before. He had just enough time to dismount his horse, and put up a shield

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