Chapter 9: Payback

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Draco's POV


Me and Harry looked up. The Weasley was standing in front of the door, face as red as his hair.

"Bloody hell, Harry," he says. "Thank Merlin you guys have your own room."

Harry laughed, but I was frowning.

"What do you want, Weasley?"

He rolls his eyes. "Its 12:00, you guys need to eat, and I need to erase my memory."

Harry's eyes widened. As the Weasley left, (shaking his head, muttering something like "I was hungry") Harry said "Oh no! Draco, what do we do? People are going to stare at us and people are going to judge us and think we are disgusting! Dra-"

"Do I need to give you another make-out session to shut you up, Harry?" I joked, walking over to where the door was. "We'll be fine. Remember, if someone hurts you, I will hex them."

Harry's eyes were a little pink, but a lot more purple. Like a dark magenta.

"Okay, but where will you sit?" He asked.

"With you, of course." I reply, fiddling the doorknob.

"Eh-I-Y-You can't!" Harry exclaimed, waiting for me to say something.

I turned to look at Harry. His eyes were a deep purple. His raven-colored hair was messy; locks of it covering the scar on his forehead. He was in a weird position; he was sitting up with his knees bent to face towards the ceiling.

"Why not?" I asked.

"B-Because the Gryffindors will hate you and the S-Slytherins will make fun of you."

"Harry, it will be fine, I promise," I say, walking towards Harry. I held out my hand. "Come on, lets go."

Harry glanced nervously at my hand for a minute, then finally obliged.

As he stood up, he grabbed my hand. I then quickly pulled him towards me for a passionate kiss.

We pulled away. Harry's face was red but his eyes were a deep pink.

"Okay," I chuckled. "Lets go."


We walked into the Great Hall, hand in hand. And, just as Harry predicted, people were staring at us. Some people were giggling, some people looked frightened, and some people were looking at us as if we were pices of shit.

"Potter and Malfoy are gay?!" someone from the Hufflepuff table blurted out loud. A load of people laughed from the Slytherin table.

Harry was blushing furiously and he was trying to let go of my hand, but I was holding it firmly.

"Let them laugh," I whispered. "They'll get payback."

Harry turned to face me, eyes widened. He was about to say something, but I quickly sat down next to him at the Gryffindor table. Hermione was smilingly at us and the Weasley looked like he was about to puke.

People were still staring at us, and Harry's eyes were turning into a brown color. I saw red and green. He's annoyed and angry, I thought. I then had an idea.

As the food appeared onto our plates, I whispered in Harry's ear.

"Sit on my lap."


"You heard me, idiot."



"Why should I?"

"Because I asked."

Harry gave me a disapproving look. I smirked.








"Harry, just sit on his lap already!" The Weasley shouted, clearly annoyed.

I looked at Harry and smiled innocently. He was glaring at me, but he finally sat on my lap. I heard laughs from the Slytherin table. I ignored them.

Harry, however, was red as his eyes.

"I hate you, Draco."

"Yeah, I love you too," I reply sarcastically.

Harry frowned and continued eating. I looked around the Gryffindor table. The Weaslette was looking at us, eyes puffy from crying. I smirked and hugged Harry so quickly and suddenly, he almost spit out his turkey.


"Sorry," I say innocently. "The Weaslette was looking at us. I wanted to give her payback for calling you a weirdo."

Harry glared at me. "Its always payback for you, isn't it?"

"Yes," I nod. "Yes it is."


This was more of a fluff chapter, but that's because I'm not good at writing smut. It will come soon, though. I promise 😁.

If you don't like smut, however, I will post a warning. I mean, this was rated mature so....

Here's another question.

#3. What's your patronus?

My answer: I honestly don't know, I think any type of bird, but a eagle or owl, I guess.

Goodbye Stars!


No quote today, sorry 😐

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