Chapter 32

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Draco's pov

I smiled at the sight of Harry celebrating. I couldn't lie to myself any longer. I had fallen for Harry James Potter. I got up from the ground and brushed myself off, and walked over to Blaise. I had told him everything. He knew about every last detail.

"Go make a move." He whispered to me. A sudden rush of confidence engulfed me, as I turned to face the handsome Harry.

"Oi Harry!" I called walking over to him. He turned to me as soon as he heard his name being called.

"Fuck it." I say, then grabbed his arm with one hand, and grabbed the back of his head with my other hand. Our lips met, and fireworks exploded inside of me. Everyone around us started cheering. We pulled back from the kiss, and put our foreheads together.

"Harry James Potter, will you go out with me?" I ask.

"Of course." He whispers.

Hermione's pov

Pansy and I cheer loudly for the cute duo. We then face each other and squeal. Finally one of them had made a move. Harry looked around, worried what other people would think, but everyone had wide smiles on their faces. Everyone seemed to accept them, which I was very happy about. Pansy and I then glance at each other, nodding. We stand up and entwine our hands, walking to the others.

"I guess there are two more members of the gay squad." Pansy says. Everyone looks surprised.

"You two?" Ron asked.

"YAYYY!!!" Blaise says.

"Good for you guys!" Neville says.

"Guys stop! This is all too cute!" Dean says. Everyone laughs then cleans up the Quidditch supplies before we all headed inside for dinner. Harry and Draco's hands removed themselves from each other before they walked into the castle, but I guess Pansy and I took two words from Draco's dictionary. Fuck it.

The few people who saw it looked at our hands in shock and confusion, and it seemed to be the topic of the night. When you put 300 teenagers in one room together, gossip spreads like wildfire. We were forced to leave each other as the six Gryffindors went to their table as the four Slytherins went to theirs. I kept glancing up at Pansy, but the few times I wasn't, I noticed Harry and Draco's hands entwined underneath the table. I smiled at the cuteness, and went back to eating my food.

Harry's pov

Summer's at Private Drive, almost dying, not even Voldemort could ruin my mood right now. I am dating the one person I fell for. Dinner ended, and much to my dismay, our hands had to let go of each other. We made it to the common room, and I decided to have an early night. Draco came too, equally tired at the long day we had.

"Use protection!" Someone called. I saw Draco give them the finger, and we walked up to our room, an I found parchment, and wrote something out for Draco.

I'm going to shower.

"Can I join?" He asked. I smiled but shook my head. He pouted, and I went into the bathroom, taking a quick warm shower. I changed into grey sweatpants, black socks and a black shirt. I left the bathroom after brushing my teeth. Draco had changed into a black shirt and black sweatpants.

"How can you wear socks to sleep?" He asked jokingly. I smiled and shrugged. I climbed into the covers of my own bed, but Draco made a sound of displeasure, making me look over in his direction. I looked at him confused, so he sighed, got out of his bed, walked over to my bed, took the covers off of me, picked me up, and walked back over to his bed. In the process, I had whispered his name numerous times, and hit his chest. He just laughed, and put me on his bed. He walked around the bed, and got in on the other side. I smiled, and pulled the covers over me. Draco's arms snaked their way around my stomach, and pulled me in closer to his chest. I could soon hear his soft snores, and fell asleep with a smile on my face. Why? Because I was in my love's arms.

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