Chapter All of Them

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A long time ago in a far land, but the same world, was a fantasy. Few humans walked the land, for those were only people lost and taken into the fantasy world. Many other things were there too. Fairies and elf people. Even bad things like giants and evil witches, although there are good ones. The only abnormal thing, was a fish. Yes, I know what I said. A fish.

One day a little fish was swimming around in the human world ten years ago. He was a young fish, very weak. The water had gotten rough. The current of the river pulled him far. He went up and out and down under. He washed out and suddenly was swept into calmer water. The water was beautiful, it was very tropical with white sand and clear, blue water. The bottom was covered in rainbow coral and not a creature was in sight. "What is that thing?" The fish was pulled out of the water by a strange little creature. It was dressed in green and had pointy ears. It's curly, yellow hair came down to its neck. "It came from the human world!" "Oh let it be, Charles. A girl was behind him, with long wavy brown hair and a pink outfit similar to his. She also had pointed ears. He dropped the fish into the water, who was happy to breathe again. Meanwhile in the human world...

This is about a girl who is around ten or so. She has blonde hair and faint freckles. She was swimming in the ocean that day. She loved the water. She swam out real far, to around fifty feet. She got tired and started to swim back. Just then, huge waves crashed over her. They went up and got bigger and bigger. She gave in and was swept away. She fell asleep, floating farther away from the shore. It was only a good minute she slept. She woke on another shore. With soft white sand and still water. A short boy in green clothes came up to her. She noticed he had pointy ears. "I'm Charles. I can see you've washed up from the human world. That's another in the past week! Who are you?" She was scared but saw he meant no harm and managed to talk. "My name is Annie." "Good name. Hopefully your parents won't worry much because there's no going back." "I have no parents. I'm in an orphanage. I was teased there much. I won't be missed." He smiled. "You can live with me. Until you get settled at least." For a few years she lived there. When she turned fourteen, she fell in love. She was in the forest and met a young wizard. He was about fifteen. He had messy light brown hair and grey eyes. He was mean, but she was too lovestruck to notice. "Oh look it is a pitiful human!" She only giggled and took it as a compliment. "Why thank you." She went home sighing. Charles knew just why. The wizard. It's happened before. He tried to get her to snap out of it but nothing worked. He tried banging noises, loud stuff, putting things in front of her, nothing had her attention. He finally got her attention after waking her zoned out mind with the smell of Faerie Chocolate.. "Charles! I was day dreaming." "Listen Annie. The wizard you saw today?" "Yeah?" She sighed again. "Well I hate to be the one to tell you this but, wizards can't love. They look human but they just don't love like they do. They couldn't if they tried." Her lovestruck expression was immediantly broken. Her heart was shattered. It was only a love because of his looks, but any girl would be heart broken. After that she didn't have any interests in other love. She spent over a week in her bed, coming out almost never. The fish wasn't having luck in his life either.

The fish had been there a few years, but was bored of being a fish. One day a pixie flew up to him. "What's wrong, strange creature?" "I want to be a human. A fish has a boring life." "I can help you. But I'm not sure what a fish is." Keep swimming north. In an hour or so, you'll reach a completely still river. It's clear and colored a light but faint yellow. Swim for a minute. Anything that touches it can make a wish. It will come true." "Thank you!' The pink haired pixie nodded and flew off. He got started immediantly. He swam for what felt like hours, but was only half of an hour. He swam and swam getting more tired but kept going. When he reached yellow tinted water he relaxed. "At last." He remembered his desire to be a human and wished. "I wish to be a human. The transformation was painful but fast. He sat at the bottom and realized he couldn't breath. He floated up and took a breath of fresh air. Floating next to him was a hand mirror. He picked it up with his hand. He saw he had black hair that was wet but sort of curly. He also had green eyes. He realized he had no clothing on, like humans he had seen before. Just then, a girl walked up to him. It was a witch, but a nice one. She had long black hair tied up into a ponytail. She laughed. "A naked human! Let me help you. She muttered a strange language and he appeared out of the water, dry and in a grey shirt and blue jeans. "What is your name?" "I don't have one." "Then you will be called Ben." "Ben it will be. But why Ben?." "It was my dead brother's name." "Oh, I apologize-" "My name is Amy" "Well I'm sorry, Amy." He had no place to live so he lived with the witch. She had a little cottage. He had the attic for his room and lived there comfortably for a few more years. Now he was twenty one and Annie, twenty.

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