Chapter 1

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Before I start this story, I just wanted to let you know that this is pure fiction. Also, this is my first story so please bare with me. Thank you!! :)

Chapter 1

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I groaned then started walking to the bathroom with my eyes closed. When I opened my eyes, I was in front of the mirror and I looked terrible. If I look terrible in the morning then it clearly means that I had a goodnight sleep which is true. I brushed my teeth and washed my face then went out of my room to eat breakfast. I grabbed some cereal then poured some milk. My everyday breakfast. After I finished eating, I decided to watch some movies. I was in the middle of picking something to watch when my mom called me.

"Honey! Can you come down here for a sec?"

"Yeah, wait a sec mom!" I shouted loud enough for her to hear then run down the stairs and went straight to the living room.

"Yes Mom?"

"Honey, your Dad and I have been talking and we've decided to go back to North Carolina and stay there permanently." My eyes grew wide as I heard what she said.

"What?! No, Mom! I won't go back there. I want to stay here!" I said then crossed my arms. She laughed then gave me her sweet smile.

"I didn't say you were coming with us, silly! I know you're not coming with us." I sigh in relief. But something crossed my mind that made me confused.

"Wait! If I'm not moving back there with you, where am I going to stay? How am I going to pay this house, mom? I just graduated, you know." I said sounding confused.

"Well, we bought an apartment for you. It's just a few blocks away from here. You're not going to pay for it honey, we'll send money for you to be able to pay your apartment and for whatever you need until you get a decent job, hun. We had it all planned out." She said then we both smiled at each other.

"When are you moving back?"

"Next week. Go pack your things now, young lady." She said then slapped my butt which made us both laugh. I started running up the stairs then shouted "Love you, Mom!"

Moving Day

I'm currently in the parking area getting the last box of my things in the car. I carried it then started walking. When I got to the entrance, the lady at the front desk called me.

"Excuse me, Ms. Young. Can I ask you a favor?"

"Of course, what is it?"

"Can you please give this to the boys living to you next door? I kinda have a lot of things to do."

"Sure thing. Just place it here on top of the box." I said then she thanked me. I rode the elevator and when it got to my floor, I stepped out. I'm looking for the keys of my apartment in my bag while walking. There's nobody in the hallway anyways so it's fine. I stopped in front of the door next to my apartment. I pressed the doorbell and some guy that looks familiar opened it. He opened the door with a huge smile on his face.

"Uhh, hey. The lady at the front desk wanted me to give you this." I handed him the envelope without looking at him 'cause I'm still looking for my keys in my bag.

"Are you new here? I'm Cameron!" He asked and I finally found my keys. I nodded as a response. He still has that huge smile on his face.

"Tiffany. You look familiar." I said then put my free hand in my chin, thinking who he was. I'm still carrying this box, by the way. I looked at him carefully. Then my eyes grew wide realizing who he was

"Oh my gosh! You're that vine guy right? What's your surname again? Denver? Nah. Downey? No. Diamonds? No. Oh my gosh, is it Dallas? Cameron Dallas?" I asked. He just laughed then nodded his head. I was about to say something when someone started talking.

"Hey Cam, who are you talking to?" He said while looking at his phone.

"Just our new neighbor, Tiffany" Cameron said. The guy looked up from his phone then looked at me. I looked back at him then looked away realizing who it was.

"Tiff?!" He asked with his mouth hanging wide open and shock written all over his face. I bit my lip because I'm a bit annoyed.

"It's Tiffany, not Tiff." I said and just groaned out of frustration. He's still looking at me shocked. If I knew that he's living here, I should've just moved back to North Carolina with my parents. Just. My. Luck.

"Wait a sec, guys. I'm confused, you two know each other?" Cameron asked with a hint of confusion in his voice.

"Ex/Neighbors" we said at the same time. Nash was the one who said 'ex'. Cameron just nodded and smiled playfully. I just rolled my eyes then bid goodbye to the both of them. I closed the door and placed the box on the floor. I immediately called my mom, after a few rings she picked up.

"MOM!" I said or maybe shouted.

"Calm down honey, what is it?"


"No, of course not. It's okay, just be friends with him and forget the past. You can't change it anyways. Okay?"

"Okay. Love you, take care." I said then sighed. Why do I have to live next door to Nash? Is this some punishment? I did not do anyhing! I started pacing back and forth thinking of a way to avoid Nash when my doorbell rang. I groaned then walked quickly to the door. I opened it and there I saw the person I was trying to avoid. Yes, it's Nash smiling at me like an idiot. Great, just great.

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