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❤️32,068 💬10,385
Liked by jung.jaehyun, jae.nana, mark.lee, 56789.TEN, and 32,064 others

moon.chae: i need my boba


jae.nana: i want some!!!
-moon.chae: get your own kid

mark.lee: noona is so mean T_T
-moon.chae: sksk sHUT UP

jung.jaehyun: you should get some boba with ten

You have (1) new message!
From: 56789.TEN

Ten: hey chaerin

Chaerin: Hi ten, what's up?

Ten: I was wondering if you wanted to get dinner sometime.

Chaerin: Oh, are the others coming?

Ten: No I mean just us...like a date

Chaerin: Oh...

Ten: It's fine if you say no I just wanted to ask

Chaerin: Ten I would love to go out with you

Ten: Really?

Chaerin: Yes really

Ten: Ok um i'll pick you up at 7 dress nice

Chaerin: Ok i'll see you later

Ten: Bye Chaerin

Chaerin: Bye Ten

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2019 ⏰

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