Where it all began//(A Confusing chapter)

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A/N: Before reading,this chapter sucks so I suggest you skip it!!


Narrator's POV

Let's go back to the day where it all began.

One,wolves ruled a kingdom.

Two,a Queen and King.

The Queen, (A/N:The Queen is Hana's grandmother and the King is her grandpa,don't get confused :) ) Lee Soo Ra, married to Park Joo Myung had a happy life. Soon,they had a daughter named Park Min Ra. 13 years later, their daughter met a boy in the woods. This boy,however, was different from the wolves. He was a human. Now, wolves weren't so fond of them but they hated vampires the most. Obviously, Min Ra never revealed her true identity.She introduced herself to him whose name is Kim Dong Yul. They talked and had a lot in common. "Can I see you again?" He asked after they met. She blushed and nodded. The next few days, Min Ra saw Dong Yul everyday and she could not stop giggling during dinner about him. "Daughter, what are you laughing about? Please eat your dinner now,"The King said.Now,The King has all kinds of power,controlling the power of wind,weather most of all he knew what you were thinking. He dropped his fork,"What did you do?"

Min Ra gulped she obviously knew what he meant. "Appa...I...."

The window in the dining hall burst open. 12 wolves stepped in,growling.

"Your majesty, what has your daughter done?" The leader of the pack growled furiously. "Now now,who is The King here? I AM! You all are just my advisors,"The King yelled. "Get out!"

This wolf pack goes by the name EXO. Each of the 12 wolves has different powers,they are powerful,even powerful than The King but they never wanted to go against him.

They kept silent but the youngest said,"Your Majesty,please know what you're doing." The wolves gave Min Ra a glare and left.

"Appa...," She pleaded. "Stay away from that human," He gritted his teeth and got up from his seat.He slammed the door shut and walked to his bedroom.Min Ra brimmed her tears from flowing down her cheeks.She knew she was wrong and should stay away from him but she loved him. "Eomma...please,"Min Ra sniffed. The Queen stroked her hair," Do the right thing."


The next day,she went to see Dong Yul. "Hi," He said and hugged her. She hugged back," My parents found out about you." He broke the hug,"That's great! I can meet them!"

"Yeah but they don't want me around you."

"Whyyy...yy not?"

"I can't tell you why,I'd love to but I can't."

"What's going on?" He sounded worried.

"It's complicated okay!" She yelled,frustrated.

"Why are you shouting at me for?"

Min Ra walked away,"I'm a wolf! I'm not human!"

"What!? What wolf!?"

Just like that,the sky turned grey. "Appa..."

Thunder roared,lighting flashed across the sky.

"I have to go!" Min Ra yelled.The trees swayed to the left and to the right. She was about to run when she felt her hand slip into his. "I'm not letting you go that easily,"He said.

"Hang on tight!" Min Ra said. Min Ra could teleport herself or people to anywhere just like the second youngest of EXO.


They were in the wolf kingdom.

"Woah,"Dong Yul said in amazement.

"YOU! WHY DID YOU BRING HIM HERE?!?!" The King bellowed at his daughter. "Appa! We make our own choices in this world and my choice is to be by his side,"she interlocked his hand with his.

The King soon realised how much she loved Dong Yul and since she was his only child,he couldn't see her upset. Besides,he was the King,he could do anything.

EXO,however,wasn't too happy, actually,they were fuming when they found out the King accepted a human. "What do we do now?" One asked the leader. "There will be consequences,"He then said.

(A/N: BTW, EXO do not have the ability to change into a human form only the royal family and Bangtan.)


---Few years passed---

Dong Yul lived with Min Ra.They held hands in the garden and he pulled out a necklace from his pocket which he made out of leaves. "Here, this is for you." He put it on for her. She held onto it and gave him a kiss. "I love you Dong Yul."

"Love you too Min Ra." They pressed their foreheads against each other.

"I was wondering if you want to be in the human world? Like give it a shot?" He asked out of curiousity.

"I don't know,my father? After what he had done for me.."


"N.O! I have already let this human into my kingdom,and you still want more? How selfish can you be!" The King said furiously. Next,The Queen felt something strange,something bad. She held onto The King's hand,"Something's wrong."

The wind grew stronger. The windows flapped open and close continuously. "They're coming for him!" The Queen gasped and pointed at Dong Yul.

In the distance,the 12 wolves howled,preparing for battle. "You need to get out of here! All of you!" The King said. (A/N: The King and Queen are like Bangtan's ancestors,they created the wolf pack after all)

"Appa...what about you?!" Min Ra shrieked. He pulled out his sword,"Get out now!"

"Your Majesty,go with them!" One of the guards.

"No this is my kingdom,I decide where it goes from here!"

"Soo Ra,return only in a few years time,"The King ordered.

The Queen just nodded and gave him a quick hug.

Min Ra started to cry and hugged her father for one last time,"Thank you Appa!"

"Now go! Hurry!"

"Eomma,Dong Yul," Min Ra choked on her speech while crying.

They held hands and teleported to the human world.

------Few years later-----

They returned once again like what The King said.

The kingdom was destroyed. All of the memories there were vanished. Bones, scattered everywhere. And there lied the King's crown,he was nothing but ashes. Min Ra fell to the floor and burst into tears. Dong Yul's eyes became watery. The Queen sniffed loudly. "We need to go," Dong Yul said. Min Ra held onto the King's crown and they soon teleported.


EXO knew that they came back.The leader,Suho, placed a curse on Min Ra,causing her to death.(A/N: Min Ra died of lung cancer if you didn't know)


A/N: Hi! This is damn confusing I know. I hate writing about history shiz but this was just not to make you readers so confused. :)

So basically this is how Hana's mum and dad met blah bla blah. Bangtan is just related to them.

Suho just placed a curse on Min Ra so that was why she died of cancer.

Spoiler:EXO may/may not come back

I hope you guys liked it,please vote and feel free to ask me any Qs!

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