Chapter 3

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I ran further and further into the woods. I was so so sorry for Jacob but I couldn't come back, I'm not save there... I stoped for a little mini break and began to run again ignoring the pain on both side of my ribs. Then, I felt something heavy and sharp going in my feet. I fell to the floor and began to scream in pain. I bet, I haven't screamed that loud since my kidnapper slapped me with his wooden metallic stick. I cried in pain. Hoping that the pain will go away, but it wouldn't. I finally got to look down at my feet seeing a bear trap pulling further and further in my feet and leg. I tried to get it off but it was to heavy. I screamed again. I felt more dizzy ever minute tears falling down my cheek. I cried out loud hoping that somebody would hear me. My breathing went quicker and I had to control my breathing. I felt light headed and just lied there not doing anything but controlling my breathing. I closed my eyes only trying to get my breathing down. After 2 minutes I lied there thinking I would die alone without anyone noticing me being dead but then I heard his heavy footsteps and his soft voice „Omg Lils your gonna be okay, I'm gonna get u to the hospital okay? Lili stay with me" He said almost crying „Say something please" He continued. I opened my eyes „Jay" I whispered „It's ok I got you, your going to be just fine" He said and picked me up. I whimpered and blacked out.

Jacob pov:

I carried her through the woods and began to run when she blacked out. I soon got to my car and placed her on a seat while driving off to the hospital. As soon as we got there they took Lili from me and asked what her full name was I didn't know. it was Lili.. just Lili. I literally waited 3 hours until her name was called out. I immediately sprang up and went to the nurse who called out her name. „She is in room 22 still resting but we need her full name and parents and stuff. We also can't tell you how she is because only her parents should know before we can let her go" She smiled sadly. I just nodded and went off searching for room 22. As soon as I found it I knocked and went in. I saw her small little body in a hospital bed still unconscious and her leg and feed in a bandage. I sat next to her holding her hand and caressing it with my thumb. After half an hour just staring at her she slowly opened her eyes „Hey you" I said softly and smiled at her „jacob" she whispered and smiled at me tiredly „how your feeling?" I asked when I pulled some hair behind her ear and she smiled even wider „better, thanks. " She smiled. „For what?" I smirked a bit now „that you saved me". „Don't thank me" I said
After an hour later I came up with another question „what's your second name? " I questioned. „Lili Grace Anderson" She said tiredly „ok go to sleep now, Grace" I smiled „stop it"she giggled and slapped my chest playfully „I'm going to sleep when your telling me yours! " She said „Jacob Brian Edison" I smiled „sleep well edds"she smiled tiredly and closed her eyes. As soon as I knew she was asleep. I stood up searching for a nurse. When I found one I said „excuse me" she turned around and smiled a bit „what can I do for you, young man? " she asked nicely „uhm some information about Lili were left and I can fill some of them " I said „that's great could you follow me please " She said and walked off I followed her „here you go, do you know her parents? " she asked nicely again „uhm.. no my older sister adopted her and she'll come soon to pick her up" I said
I filled out the question

Name:Lili Grace Anderson
Age: 15
Parents: -----------
(And all this stuff)

I walked back into the room seeing Lili in a deep sleep. I locked myself in the bathroom calling my sister after 4 month „Hello? Jacob is that you?" Mackenzie said through the phone „yes kenzie it's me and I really need your help" after I told her my plan I ended the call sighed and went back to the hospital chair

(Half an hour later)

„She had a bear trap in her feet and leg it sure will give scars. She also had huge scars on her back and stomach " I heard a unknown man say when I woke up.
„Yeah I know she wasn't treated well by her abusive mom and drug dealing dad but she is with me now" My sister said. I wanted to jump up and hug her so bad but i didn't want to loose any of the things the doctor would say next so i stayed quiet and let my eyes close. „Poor little girl, she can go home tomorrow morning but we have to check her wounds first good night" the man said „good night " my sister said and with that the door closed and I sprang up hugging her tightly „Mackenzie I missed you" I said „I missed you too little bud' but who is she? " i sighed and looked at Lili and then said „that's Lili she is a 15 girl who was kidnapped and I found her and got her home.. then dad came he was mad. I got punched. i kicked him out wanted to see if she's awake, but she ran away cause she was scared and trapped in a bear trap and I found her and drove her here" I explained „wait what??" she asked „I'll search for her parents when she gets home" I said. „Why not now" she asked still confused „because she has to deal with other things right now, and I'll get her to her family when she is better" I said fast „okkk"Mackenzie said slow.

Next morning:

„Jacob? Wake up we can go" I heard Mackenzie say I opened my eyes seeing my sister and Lili awake and ready to go. I stood up, a few minutes later we were outside in my car driving to my house. I picked Lili up bridal style and sat her on the couch where hope was wiggling with her tail happily and I went to the bathroom to go shower whilst Mackenzie was making breakfast.
The past few weeks flew by and Jacob and Lili had to go to the doctors appointment.
„Stop it Jay!!" Lili giggled when I made a sarcastic joke „ok ok" I smirked. „melady" I said and opened the front door from the hospital „Thanks edds" She smiled „when will you learn that I hate to be called like that?!" I asked her. „Never" she responded. I rolled my eyes in fake annoyances. Soon the doctors appointment was over and Lili and I sat on the couch whilst playing with Hope. Lili could easily walk again. Even if she seemed to be better. I hear her crying in the night or when someone new is coming to her she hides behind me that's why I wanted to ask her one question „Lils? " I asked „Hm?" „uhm.. have you ever thought about visiting a therapist?!" I asked. „No why?!" she asked easily „Cause I hear you sometimes in the night and you've been gone through so much and maybe it will help a bit? " I asked a bit scared of what she'll say. „probably" she said truthfully I let a breath out I didn't know I was holding „I mean it still chases me you know..." she said quietly and ashamed whilst looking down.„Hey look at me" she still looked down „Lils look at me" I said again she didn't looked so I kneeled infront of her I pulled her head up with my thumb. She looked in my eyes when single tear left her eye „Lili don't be ashamed you are so so strong I bet I don't even know such a warrior like you!" I said „yeah.. but the things they did were just so.. " I knew it was hard for her so I cut her off „Lili you don't have to tell me when you're not ready, and when you need someone come to me ok? " I said softly she just nodded.

Time skip (night)

„Night Lili" I said when I went to my room „Night jac" She smiled. I closed my door and began to watch YouTube after awhile I heard Lili cry again. I just wanted to run to her hugging her calming her down but I guess she needs some alone time. After awhile I heard her crying go down a bit. When I was about to sleep I heard my door go open. I opened my eyes again seeing Lili standing in the doorway with puffy red eyes and a tearstained face „Hey.. " I said worried and sat up „can I sleep in your bed?" she asked quietly „sure" I said and stood up letting her lay in my bed. When I was about to go out she stopped me and said „Jacob can you stay here?" She asked shyly „uh uhm.. of course" I smirked. I got next to her and she cuddled into my bare chest. I smiled and played with her hair while falling asleep.

(1628 words)
Hi guys, sorry for the long wait but here you go. Hope you like it.
Byeeeee Lol. ❤️😂

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