
54 3 11

"you're nothing without me, you pathetic whore! i'll kill you!"

seokjin was sitting in his giant marble bathtub, bruises littering his soft fair skin. hot tears ran down his sculptured face as he recalled the events that had just occurred.

seokjin had been planning a big surprise for his husband, kim youngbae. it was their fourth year of marriage, and youngbae would be coming home late due to a large "project". seokjin overlooked the fact that youngbae was a dangerous gang leader and stayed with him anyways.

youngbae always let seokjin spoil himself; he didn't care how many charges were racked up on his credit cards because he always found a way to pay it back, with interest of course.

seokjin had everything set up in their penthouse: rose petals decorating the floor, cherry vanilla scented candles lit in moderation so the house wouldn't burn down, and a steak dinner. seokjin had decorated himself with pretty pink lingerie and whipped cream, sitting seductively on the table by the door.

after what felt like forever, youngbae entered the house, the strong scent of vanilla filling his nose. a sinister grin painted his face as he turned to see seokjin trail a finger from his tummy to his neck, licking off a trail of cream and making a popping sound with his plush lips.

youngbae immediately removed his tie slowly, containing his lust in order not to pounce on seokjin's very inviting demeanor.

then this happened.

seokjin slowly slipped from off of the table, making his way to his husband, desire firing up inside him. "happy anniversary my big, strong man."

as youngbae reached for seokjin's waist, there was a harsh knock on the door and the sound of three- no, four girls? giggling and whispering.

seokjin grew annoyed; this was his night to give youngbae the best sex and cuddling ever!

he angrily stomped over to the door, completely missing the very blank expression on his partner's face.

as he opened the door, four very provocative looking girls walked in, skimpy outfits and even skimpier makeup being illuminated only by candlelight.

the first girl pecked youngbae on the cheek, her voice shrill and annoying.

"youngbae baby, why did you want all four of us at the same time? i don't have a problem with it but where will you put..you know?"

seokjin immediately figured out what they were there for.

his blood began to curdle as he screamed louder than any child could.


the girls looked nothing short of startled and terrified, quickly exiting the house.

seokjin scraped a copious amount of cream onto his hand, slapping it onto the floor. tears brimmed his eyes as he waited for youngbae to explain himself.

youngbae gave him a bored expression, bending down to retrieve his tie, as seokjin angrily sobbed.

"are you FUCKING kidding me youngbae? you married me..and you still decided to pull this shit? and on our anniversary night?" seokjin's voice cracked on the word "wedding", as youngbae chuckled darkly.

"oh baby. you're so boring in bed. i only ever liked your face. they were supposed to come in 4 hours but i guess jennie can't count. oh well."

seokjin was appalled, he always had his suspicions about why someone with youngbae's power would want to be with him of all people, but he pushed that thought deep into his mind.

youngbae approached seokjin, a hand gripping his chin harshly.

"do something, slut. you'd be dead without me anyways. throwing yourself all over men just for profit. how sad."

seokjin couldn't process anything in that moment. he saw noting but crimson, harshly punching youngbae in the jaw as a new influx of tears blurred his vision.

"i want a fucking divorce. you're a bastard and an asshole and i can't even say i'm surprised you would do this to me. i'm moving out. i'll live with jimin and yoongi again if i have to. but i'm not spending another second with you."

youngbae grew furious instantly; seokjin had never talked back to him before or stood up for himself in that matter.

he began to punch seokjin everywhere: his face, his stomach, his pretty thighs.

"you think you can talk to me however the fuck you want to, huh? let's not forget who gave you such a lavish life. you're nothing."

seokjin's first instinct was to run. rather than running out of the penthouse, he darted for his big bathroom, locking the door and shoving a towel underneath the space.

he collapsed onto the soft white rug, crying his eyes out.

after a few minutes, he stripped his lingerie off, softly rubbing the bruises on his skin. he limped over to the wide bathtub, turning the knob to the hottest it could get. he rustled through a bin beside the tub, pulling out a lavender scented bottle of bubble bath.

he poured the entirety of the bottle into the running tub, turning down the heat to a temperature a human could actually survive and stepping in.

he sighed, exhausted from the realization that his husband never loved him.

he began to relax, but was immediately startled by the sound of loud pounding at the door, followed by, "you're nothing without me, you pathetic whore!" i'll kill you!"

seokjin stared at the door handle jiggling, giggling and sinking further into the tub to where his nose was being tickled by bubbles.

"i'm going to kill him soon. maybe i'll give namjoon a call afterwords."

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