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side note: they are in korea but i'm using usd bc i don't feel like using a won > usd converter right now so when i say 20 grand i mean 20,000 american dollars or if i say $5.50 i mean the same thing. i'll fix it when i feel like it.

"youngbae, honey, could you buy some strawberries for me? i'm sorry for how i acted yesterday.."

seokjin was sitting on the couch by his large window, nothing clothing him but socks and a cotton blanket.

he had everything planned, as long as youngbae agreed to buy him the fruit he asked for.

he would wait for youngbae to return, a pistol behind his back and all of the blankets and pillows removed from the living room.

he'd gather his most beautiful jewelry, consisting of perfectly round pearl necklaces and long diamond and emerald earrings with golden rings placed on his slim fingers.

youngbae appeared shortly after hearing seokjin's request, skeptical but still compliant.

"i guess so. anything else you want?" youngbae sounded almost too bored, digging into seokjin's heart a little further, hurting him just a little more.

but seokjin was perfect and good at everything. he masked his broken-heartedness with a small cute grin that made his cheeks puff out.

"thank you darling. i love you." seokjin wanted to rip his hair out uttering those words for the last time.

youngbae simply hummed, grabbing his keys and closing the penthouse door.

seokjin wasted no time springing up from the couch, locating youngbae's bright blue revolver and shoving it underneath a pillow on the couch he was going to sit on.

he then made his way to his walk-in closet, pulling out a large trunk full of exquisite jewelry that seokjin rarely touched, unless it was a special occasion or he felt especially pretty.

today, he felt a mix of both, pulling out his favorite diamonds and pearls and decorating himself for his husband one more time.

he waltzed back into the living room, feeling for the revolver so he could practice pulling it out and firing it.

after he got the hang of how he was going to do it, he pushed the revolver deep into the cushion, retrieving his glittery phone from the small coffee table before him.

he scrolled down through his contacts, stopping at "joonie <3" and tapping the messages.

he hadn't been in contact with namjoon recently, as he had no real reason to talk to him other than to discuss something regarding youngbae and his business.

he quickly typed something cutesy but not too suspicious, closing his phone and staring at the pink cat stickers on his phone case.

he contemplated for a minute; he had always had a small crush on namjoon because lets face it, the man was gorgeous and intimidating, yet soft at heart and smarter than anyone he knew.

but he was married, and there was no way he would cheat on his husband with one of his associates.

if only he knew sooner.

seokjin jumped at the sound of keys jingling, the locks slowly turning. youngbae walked in holding a bag of strawberries and a small key-chain that said "princess" on it in silver letters.

seokjin felt his heart throb morosely, his throat feeling tight as he set his plan into motion.

"thank you baby. could you come here? i want to talk to you about what happened yesterday so we can clear things up."

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