Female Dog

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Wow. Talk about irony.

I throw myself into his arms and we do a dramatic twirl. Jungkook showers my face with his sweet kisses.

"I exist too you know."

"Jimin hyung!!!!"
I rush over and give him a huge hug.

"Yoongi hyung!"

"Don't touch me."

"Ouch. Still feisty eh?"

"I'm feisty too!"

For the rest of the evening we watch movies and chill. I missed being in Jungkook's arms.

The Next Day

I wake up caged in by Kookie's arms. His warmth is something I will always cherish. Jimin fell asleep on the floor with Yoongi cuddling his leg. They make a cute couple, but not as cute as Taekook :)

We've been hanging out for almost the whole day. Jimin and Yoongi went back to their dorms for some alone time.
*insert Lenny face*
I swear I can hear Jimin. He's very loud when it comes to alone time. Once I slept over at Jimin and Jungkook's house. Yoongi came bursting through the door and picked up Jimin. They locked themselves in Jimin's bedroom. I had a hard time sleeping. They swore they were just playing Uno.

"It's a blessing that I got to know the most beautiful person in the world." Jungkook always says sweet things that make me blush.

"Oh? Who is this person you speak of?"
I ask jokingly knowing the answer already.

"Well... It's me! It's always been me!"
He bunny-smiles and I roll my eyes.

"Don't worry Tae, your in second place!"
He giggles. He's a giggling Kookie.

Then we make eye contact. His sparkling brown eyes meet mine. Our faces inch closer. Soon our lips connect and harmonize as we share a passionate kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck and let him pick me up. He brings me to my small bed and- someone knocks on the door. Great. Screw life.

Jungkook groans as he gets up.

"Don't worry. I'll be quick."
I go and open the door.

"Hey Taehyu-"

I slam the door in his face.

"Not today Kim Minjae!"

"Is it that Minjae dude who you said was your friend?"
Jungkook asks as he appears by my side.

"He ain't my friend anymore!"


Then we hear a muffled voice coming from outside my dorm.

"Taehyung! Look, I'm really sorry about yesterday. Can you please open the door so I can formally apologize?"
Minjae says.

I open the door. He looks a bit confused that Jungkook was there but he shrugged it off.

"Taehyung I'm so sorry. It was stupid of me and I'll never do it again."

"I know you were drunk but touching me inappropriately is disgusting."
I snap at him.

Jungkook is red with anger and his hands turn into fists.

"Look it was a mistake."



Jungkook grabs Minjae's collar and shoves him against the wall leaving me shocked and Minjae without breath.



"Sorry. Anyways where was I? Ah yes! YOU SON OF A FEMALE DOG!!!"
Jungkook throws his fist into Minjae's face.

I yell. He calms down and let's go Of Minjae who takes the opportunity and runs.


"I'm so sorry Tae I won't do that ever ag-"

"OMg! ThaT LitLE FeMale DoG DesERveD It!!"

"Oh. I guess I'm not in trouble."

To Be Continued...

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