2: SSB part 1

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Played in 4/1/1 to 4/2/19
Publish: 4/2/19
Theme [If any]: Super smash bros
Players: Raresu and Kanashi ( with a little bit of Marrow playing but not that much)

Link was going to the tournament for fighting. The boy had glass shoe because Link like glass shoes.

Meanwhile, Inking girl was buying Princess Peach from Bowser. Meta Knight had Kirby hanging around with Master hand. Kirby wanted to hug Meta Knight and kiss him.

Ike bought something for Marth. Mario was gay and Italian. Daisy was looking for moto moto butt. Isabelle is in Disneyland away from the creepers and kissed herself.

Back in the smash girls, Marth is waiting for Ike. Marth was checking his hair to make sure that his hair is not mess up. Ike wanted Marth to cuddle with him. Marth thought he was not gay but in his mind he was gay.

Back to Link, he fought the Goku from Dragon ball. Goku laugh and slapped the boy! Then he sang a song about hit or miss. Link was scared. Link wanted to cry and dance to Taylor Swift.

After that, Goku called Taylor Swift. Goku was making cookies for Link because Goku felt sorry for him. Taylor Swift died from wrecking ball by Miley Cyrus. Link was happy that he was getting cookies.

Back at Meta Knight and Kirby, Master Hand slapped Kirby. Meta Knight.....

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2019 ⏰

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