Why is it always me? *sobs*

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No, seriously, why is it always me?

I have been tagged...twice.

First was by the amazing  AngelFireIce.

Then I got tagged again by the wonderful Mishka-adv.

However, the latter had to do 47 questions. Which means I have to do 47 questions.

So— looking at the sheer number of questions there are— I think I'm good on the first tag and this can count for both of them.

1) Full name? ...Yeah, right.

2) Zodiac sign? Is it bad that I didn't know and had to look it up? I'm an Aquarius. Fitting, I think.

3) 3 fears? Being alone, feeling trapped or constrained, and losing those that I love.

4) 3 things I love? My family and friends, music, and my life.

5) Four turn-ons. When someone respects my decisions and boundaries, supports and guides me, makes me genuinely laugh, and who I learn to trust almost unnervingly quickly.

6) Four turn-offs. Being pushy, unable to apologize, rude to people they don't like or for no reason, and being insensitive or neglectful.

7) Best friend? Her name is Ava. I'm only answering this because it's an insanely common name.

8) Sexual orientations? Straight.

9) Best first date? I've never been on romantic dates, but I honestly don't rank my events. They're either good or bad, and with the amazing people in my life, it's almost always the former.

10) How tall am I? 5'3

11) What do I miss? Waddling around as a baby or wiggling in the blankets with my parents and baby sister.

12) What time was I born? Uh, somewhere around 10 or 11 pm.

13) Favorite color? Teal.

14) Do I have a crush? Not anymore. I finally got over my crush on that guy like Adrien by convincing myself that it would never work even if it did happen. There's still a certain fondness for him and I still like him as a person, I'm just over my crush on him.

15) Favorite quote? Being equal does not mean being the same.

16) Favorite place? By an ocean. I love the ocean waves, they kind of calm me.

17) Favorite food? Oh, that's a tough one. Currently, I think it'd be chicken tacos.

18) Do I use sarcasm? Gee, why would you think that? -.-

19) What am I listening to right now? One Last Time by Ariana Grande. I had a playlist on and it popped up.

20) First thing I notice in a new person? Their expression. Like how their face is generally set when they aren't doing anything or think that no one is looking.

21) Shoe size? Women's 7 or 8.

22) Eye color? Brown.

23) Hair color? Black, but like a black with a brown reflection, especially in the Sun.

24) Favorite style of clothing. Comfortable but cute. I have everything from baggy, cozy sweaters, to cute rompers and tank tops, to pretty blouses.

25) Ever done a prank call? I actually did, and this was recently.

26) Current underwear color? *politely clears throat* WHY THE HECK WOULD ANYONE WANT TO KNOW THIS??

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