T.T.F needs some T.L.C

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Heres a new chapter....if anyones even reading this at the moment.... Man i need more fans... Nyways enjoy!!

James p.o.v 


"What is this place?" i asked

After a few moments of dramatic pause Bossy final said," Welcome to T.T.F, Teenage Torture Facility." 

Well crap. I knew this wouldn't turn out good. I look over at Chloe to see her staring at the building with wide watering eyes. She caught me staring at her and she shook her head slighty at me. I think it meant she didn't want to go in there.... or that we will never make it out. It was probably both.

Someone pinch me....I must be dreaming. I thought to myself. Little did i know i thought out loud.

"So you want me to pinch ya pretty boy?" Meanie asked. Man i hate it when people call me that. And i really didn't have problem with him pinching me, i mean it was just a little squeeze right?

I shrugged my shoulders at him not really caring weither he pinched me or not. He walked up to me grabbed my arms and used his nails to pinch and it didn't really hurt. That was until he started to twist and pull my skin that i flinched away from him, cursing under my breath.

"You thought that hurt? Just wait till we get you in there." Meanie said, pointing at the facility.

They started to lead us towards the building and I could hear Chloe's breathing getting faster. She was panicking. I mean who wouldn't?

They opened the large metal doors and all we saw.. were rooms. Endless rooms, with who knows what behind them. There were plaques on all of the doors, with what im assuming was inside of the room engraved on them, but guards were standing directly in front of them so no one knew. The metal doors closed behind us with a loud clank making me jump a little but I soon regained my calm.

They started to lead us through the endless hallways that concealed our fate. So many twist and turns, it was hard to even picture where this place even ended.

As we were walking we heard screams coming from behind some of the doors, earning me a grin from the guards and a panicked look from Chloe. At least we aren't alone.

We continued to walk for what seems like forever when suddenly one of the doors bust open and a bloody teenage girl came crawling out.

"He-elp meeee." She croaked, reaching out for us with her bruised hands. I looked at Chloe to find silent tears sliding down her beautiful face. I wanted to comfort her. I wanted to run out of here. I wanted to drop to the ground and scream, but I knew I had to be strong... for both of us.

Meanie and Bossy quickly pushed us past her but I couldn't help but look back to get a last glimpse of what could very well be me.... or Chloe in who knows how long.

We kept walking for another few minutes until we finally started to slow down. We came upon a door with guards in front of it but as they saw us approaching, they stepped aside. I got a chance to look at the plaque and it was titled Couples Administration. Good, i thought. At least we won't be subjected to torture.... unless administration some how had a secret meaning I didn't know about.

Bossy knocked on the door and it creaked open. I started to step inside then room with Chloe in front of me, but I was quickly yanked back by Meanie.

"What the?" I blurted out. Chloe turned around and her eyes widened as the guards started to close the door. I had to get in there. I couldn't... I wouldn't leave her alone in there. I tried to push my way back in but it was too late. Instead they lead me into the door next to it titled Observation room. Greeeeeeat, i thought to myself.

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