22 Marvel Characters Ranked (Dear Buzzfeed...)

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Soo Buzzfeed did this thing where they ranked 22 MCU characters based on how sad they'd be if they died, and they were very wrong.

I'm sure you will think my opinions are wrong too, but theirs were VERY wrong. They were like "if you don't have powers you can die" that is not how it works op.

Sooo I'm going to give you my ranking. I am a huge marvel stan, as some of you might know from my other works. However, some of y'all bout to be real mad at me...

22 Marvel Characters Ranked From "Not Worth Saving" To "If They Die, I Die" (Revised by Hannah!)

22. Bucky Barnes
This will get a lot of hate. I'm sorry. Bucky has had a tough life, and his smile deserves MUCH MORE. But because he's been through so much, I feel like death would treat him well :\

21. T'Challa
Unpopular opinion. I like T'Challa, but sometimes he can be too serious for me. If I'm being honest we all know the women of Black Panther stole the show.

20. Rhodey
I adore Rhodey, but the MCU has not treated him well. They never want to develop him besides "great friend to Tony with funny one-liners." You deserve better, BB, as many high on this list do.

19. Drax
It's time to say it: Drax is my favorite guardian. I'd be okay with him dying though because then he'd get to be with his family that he loves so much :(

18. Rocket
Brooke did not agree with this placement for him. Rocket has had a very troubled origin, and a big heart. Marvel is finally starting to develop his character so it would be a real shame if he died. Wait... I might be reconsidering where I put him on this list now.

17. Gamora
Gamora is a really great character with a lot of character arc. However, a lot of her story has been played out for the most part, and all of it will feel less significant when Thanos is out of the picture. After Endgame if she lives, I have a feeling she'll have less and less of an arc.

16. Carol
I love Carol, BUT because I haven't seen that much of her besides Captain Marvel, I can't form that much of an opinion. Of course I will be more sad if people I've seen in multiple movies compared to Carol, who I've only seen in one. But Marvel, DO NOT take this as an excuse to kill Carol. She has too much potential.

15. Peter Quill
You either hate him for Infinity War or you forgive him and love him. Peter Quill has always had a soft spot in my heart because of his personality. Considering that he just travels around space though, not bounded, I don't know how many people  in the movie universe would miss him.

14. Okoye
What a queen. She would probably be further down the list if I had seen her in more movies (see a trend here?) You can't deny that Okoye is badass and empowering though. I hope she became Queen of Wakanda.

13. Thor
Broke my heart to put him here. If you don't have a soft spot for Thor, you're wrong. So many people close to him have died though that he really doesn't fear death. He kind of just accepts it. Poor baby

12. Nebula
Hear me out: this girl has been tortured and always told she was lesser since she was a child. Now she finally has a chance to live and be happy and you guys wanna kill her off? She'd kill you first, and honestly she'll probably kill Thanos. Love her.

11. Groot
Now if this was Baby Groot, he'd be much further down the list. Groot has died before and been brought back, so while it would be sad if he died, that just means there may be potential for more Baby Groot. Not complaining about that. Had to put him lower though in case we couldn't grow him again.

10. Bruce
He's pure, and he is Mark Ruffalo. I think that sums it up pretty well. Plus, he's just started to sort things out with Hulk. It would be a shame if he just died. Honestly though I feel like Mark Ruffalo should be immortal so this is irrelevant.

9. Sam
Some of you may think I ranked Sam way further down than I should have, but I love this unappreciated character. He is so witty, and so smooth. I genuinely wouldn't mind a Falcon movie, or maybe he could become Captain America when Steve dies. I have too much love for him.

8. Fury
Fury is probably sick and tired of living and dealing with all this, but he is the backbone of the MCU. It wouldn't feel natural to just never see him in Marvel movies again. Tell me I'm wrong.

7. Tony
I'm sorry Tony stans. Tony does have so much potential for the rest of his life: mentoring Peter Parker, having a family with Pepper. He has been around for a while though, so if he had to go I would be cripplingly depressed, but there are people I would miss more.

6. Mantis
People might be confused by this placing, but think about Mantis. She has been stuck on a planet all alone for her whole life. It would be a waste if she died this early. She has so much to see, and so many friends to make (we all know she'd make plenty too because she is so loveable).

5. Steve
He can be whiny and annoying, but I legit call myself Mrs America so I had to rank him this far down. Honestly, I will be so sad not to see Chris Evans every Marvel movie, even though (unpopular? opinion) I hated bearded Steve Rogers. If he died with the beard, I'd put him at like 15, but since he shaves, he is at 5.

4. Clint
Complain about how he's not helpful, but he has a family. He has three children and a wife. He is very helpful and important to them. If you disagree, you are officially in charge of telling little baby Nathaniel that his dad died if he does. Have fun.

3. Shuri
First of all, how dare Shuri get dusted? Rude. Second of all, she is singlehandedly the smartest character in the MCU, and one of the funniest and most relatable to teenagers. We all secretly want to be Shuri, and we all know she stole the show in Black Panther.

2. Peter Parker
Honestly, I'm shocked he isn't 1 for me. I adore Peter Parker (currently writing a story for him and have rewritten it THREE times because I have to do him justice). He is a baby, and if you didn't cry over him then you have no heart. He has to avenge Tony. He has to be his awkward, lovable self.

1. Scott
He has a daughter. He just started being able to see his daughter again, could you imagine? Cassie is an angel and Scott is definitely one too. He is the purest person in the MCU, despite getting arrested several times. He deserves everything. I'm not kidding.

Okay sooo to address some people I didn't put on the list!! I didn't put Loki on there, because even if he died for real I would never believe it. I didn't put Doctor Strange because I forgot he was a person for some reason whoops sorry. I didn't put Wanda because even though she's powerful Marvel is doing her dirty by making her plots always line up with a guy (Pietro, Vision). I didn't put Vision because he pulled us into this whole mess. I definitely forgot more people, but I tried to stick with main characters of the MCU, so hopefully you guys don't hate me as much as you hate that Buzzfeed writer!

thanks for reading! ~hannah

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2019 ⏰

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