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L e t M e L o v e Y o u -- soft-kacchan

Chapter 8 -- L e t M e D i e


' Fucking idiot— what are you doing ?? so you're just gonna end it all ?? just going to swine dive off that damn roof like Bakugo wants you to ?? Damn, you're so fucking weak '
" SHUT UP ! " Kaminari screamed at his own thoughts, soon sure enough he knows he'll be grabbing attention.
But.. those voices might be right.
It's all his damn as fault he's in this mess— ending it would give Bakugo a chance at having a normal relationship,, not with a fuck up who can't control his anxiety.
' Idiot— you think he'd actually fall for you ?? Stop trying to believe what's not true,, you might hurt yourself even more '
Tears trailed down his red cheeks as he stumbled his way to the top floor of these damn dorms.
' Don't try to let them stop you Kami— you're just making their lives easier,, maybe Bakugo'd be better off with Kirishima or Sero for that matter huh ?? exactly— so fucking jump. '
He just couldn't find the strength to disagree, to tell back, to stop..
He couldn't stop his legs from dragging him to the roof, to the forbidden place to have anyone go up there but Kaminari knew it was his mission to do so.
" Just— jump.. " It seemed easy enough, maybe he could cough enough to kill him already.
That's his plan A.
The thought that the blonde used to be scared of death was so silly now due to the willingness of him to die because he knows Bakugo will never like him.
He feels the sorrow fill his chest as he places his hand on the roof entry knob. Bakugo was already hurting so much from thinking he ended All Might.
He was really just doing him a  favor.
Kaminari nods, agreeing on the fact he was worthless,
a waste of time
and space
for not only Bakugo
but everyone.
" Kaminari ! Don't you fucking go anywhere. "
The harsh voice commanded as he lightly pushes the door open. He doesn't even look back, knowing the ash blonde had gotten at least Aizawa or someone to try and stop him.
" I'm— trying to help you Bakugo.. " The blonde claims, voice cracking as he can see the ash blonde in the reflection of the glass.
" This isn't helping idiot ! You're making it worse— "
" Exactly ! So leave me the hell alone and it will get better ! "
. . .
Kaminari never knew his voice could get that loud.
Neither did Bakugo nor Aizawa.
" Kaminari— I advise you to step away from that door before I have to pull you away from it. " Aizawa warned, his black shoes clicking against the ground as he approaches him.
' No, no, no ! You can't let them stop you ?? don't they know what good would happen when you're dead ?? '
" when i'm dead. . . " the blonde murmured, just barely audible but still able to make more petals collect in his throat and the pit of his stomach.
Bakugo perked up, " What did you say ? "
" i'm going to make sure i'm dead so that you don't have to suffer anymore— " his amber eyes darted towards the reflection of Bakugo in the glass, " and you can't stop me. "
Before Aizawa or Bakugo could react, the electric teen pulls the door opens— running up the stairs to the stairs as fast as he could.
His heart beats against his chest as he tries his best to lock the final door behind him.
He was finally on the roof— the place for him to die, to lose Bakugo's love, patience, laugh, smile, jokes, insults, apprecia—
Blood spilled from his mouth rather harshly as he coughs into his sleeve. Less and less petals occurring in the patches before pain overwhelms his chest.
Fuck— his last moments were finally here. The blonde soon finds himself spilling fast words and confessions as blood would never stop dripping from his lips, gentle petals looked so disgusting.
" You'll probably never know how much this hurts me a - and you probably don't feel the same− ! " He almost regrets the fact of saying this, the way it feels as though thorns and vines are wrapping around his heart and stomach. Was he dying but − in a worse way . . ? He shakes and trembles as it pokes through his whole body, falling on his knees hard. " B − But ! I love you Katsuki Bakugo ! " Kaminari shouted, to the moon, to the rooftops, to the universe as they finally break through the door, seeing the weak and shaking blonde.
Especially Bakugo; " KAMINARI ! "
. . .
Bakugo ushered as fast as he could past Aizawa, not caring for warning or anything. Just wanting to see his crush, wanting to save him.
" No, no, no, no— Kami ! " The ash blonde sighed heavily, kneeling by the trembling blonde. He pulls him close, inspecting his almost dead and pale face.
Tears filled and blurred the explosive teen's eyes as he studied him more and more.
" Bakugo— Kat,, please . . " The weak and coughing blonde lifted his lightly blood-stained hand to Bakugo's cheek.
Fuck, he was so cold and his nerves were so sensitive.
' Kat ' sniffs, shaking his head, " I'm not leaving you— I'm not letting you get away,, i — i .. " after all of this, those 3 words were still so hard to get out.
It probably would be shocking if the ash blonde admitted he wanted to say those words all week.
" You will make it— I know— "
" damn it kat— you.. don't kno — ow— i really— really love you.. but you never loved me.. " even if the worse situation, the only situation were tears rolled down Bakugo's cheeks so hard they could wash out a whole town— he still pulled his small smile.
" and i'm fine with that.. "
The ash blonde shook his head over and over again, mumbling small " no's " and " kami, please ". The blonde skin was like paper and the blood as continued to roll down his chin as his body gave up on him.
" but— but i do ! " the ash blonde claims, " p - please kami,, hold on— "
" katsuki .. " that smile slowly fades as kaminari starts losing the life in him.
Panic and realization overcomes Bakugo as the ambulance finally arrives, " w - what ?? kami ! fuck— i love you, you idiot ! i love you with my whole damn heart, i love you more than anything ever .. " the red eyed boy sighs, barely having a voice. he presses his lips against the blonde's, hoping it wasn't too late.
He couldn't care for the small dribble of blood on their lips, he just wanted his everything back.
His whole world.
It seemed to be ripped away as Kaminari was immediately taken from Bakugo's arms.
The ash blonde sobs quietly into hand, never talking to Aizawa as he gets to his dorm and slams the door.
" Bakugo. "
The rough voice definitely was Aizawa's. The teen never looked up from where his sons were hidden in his pillow, " I won't question anything now but— we'll visit him later, okay ? I care about my students Bakugo, please don't keep this bottled up. "
Bakugo tiredly grunted back, just trying to get the teacher out of his door frame.
Aizawa nodded and left, leaving the boy to drown in his sadness once more.


End of Chapter 8

L e t M e L o v e Y o u -- soft-kacchan

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