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dylan wakes up as usual, starting the day by showering: it was his favorite part of his morning. after he showered, he dresses up and walks out of his room then to the kitchen. he walks to the fridge as he gets some bread, he then places some in the toaster. while waiting, dylan sat on one of the wooden stools and used his phone for a bit. he was finding some good restaurants, dylan was scrolling until he hears the toaster's ding then he gets up from the stool and walks towards the toaster, then gets the toast and butter and sits back down on the wooden stool. dylan eats his toast in peace, until he gets a text from his co-worker, joshua.

josh: dylannn
josh: ms. pagsanghan is asking for the designs now

dylan: yeaahh, i'm working on them now

josh: noww pleaseee

dylan: yeaaahhhhh, just calm down dude

dylan hurriedly goes to his office, the toast still in his mouth and is about to fall. as he gets inside, he turns his laptop on then he opens his folder that are full of the company's files and starts finishing the advertisement they were hired to make. dylan didn't enjoy the silence so he opens the spotify app and started to listen to some music and proceeded to finish the project. "ahhh, finally." he exclaims as he adds some finishing touches then emails the project to their client, suddenly he receives another text from joshua.

josh: dylannnnn

dylan: hmmm?

josh: wanna come with me and erwin to a near café?

dylan: suree josh, wait for me there

josh: okayy

dylan chuckles as he gets out of his then proceeds to his room to put on some nicer clothes. he then gets his keys and phone, then walks out of his room and then walks out of his apartment. as dylan gets out of his block he walks to the café where he and joshua hang out in, 'leblanc'. luckily for dylan, it was only a walk away from his block and it's a hybrid café which was where joshua and erwin first met for a project in their last year of college. dylan arrives inside the cafe and sees joshua and erwin in their usual spot, "hey josh." dylan calls out as the couple looks them, joshua smiles and waves at him. "hey erwin." dylan says smiling as he waves at the hybrid, erwin hides himself behind joshua because yes, it's their first time meeting each other. "hey sweetie, don't be shy. it's only dylan, my friend at work." joshua reassures his boyfriend as he strokes the hybrid's hair which made erwin calm down a bit. dylan extends his hand out to erwin from him to shake as he gives the shy hybrid a warm smile, erwin hesitates a bit but later on extends his own hand to shake the latter's hand and smiles back at him. dylan's smile grows as he takes a seat beside joshua, "so how's the project?" joshua asks dylan who just shrugs. "all i need to do is wait for a response email from her and then we're done." dylan said as a waiter came to take their order, dylan orders an espresso while joshua orders a caramel macchiato. as the waiter writes down their orders she walks away and while waiting, dylan and joshua caught up with each other since they took a week break from work. when their drinks arrived, joshua was stroking erwin's hair. dylan wished to do the same to someone too, but he wasn't that desperate for love at the moment. just the thought of it made him kind of, lonely?

"so, me and winnie are going to head out now. see you on monday, dyl. it was nice catching up with you." joshua tells dylan smiling as dylan smiles back at him, "say bye, sweetie." joshua says holding erwin's hand as they both stand up from their chairs. "bye dylan." erwin says while he hugs him making dylan smile. "see you next time, erwin." dylan tells him as he ruffles the hybrid's hair making him also stand up from his seat. as they get outside of the café, they bid their goodbyes as they now part ways as dylan walks back to his block. he walks into a convenience store and buys some chips and a drink for a movie marathon (hopefully) later. dylan pays for the items he bought and walks out of the store to continue his walk while listening to his spotify playlist.

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