chapter three

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ㅡ 별이 빛나는 밤 ㅡ

dylan wakes up from his nap and notices cat is nowhere to be found on his chest, he just shrugs as he sits up  up from the couch and stands up then does a little bit of stretching. he proceeds to walk to his room, took a hot shower because he wanted one. he went out of the shower, drying himself and getting some comfy clothes. after that, joshua texts him.

josh: hey dude, we have another client.

dylan: sure okay, send me the details.

dylan went to his laptop which was already opened. he saw the email and saw that the job was pretty hard. it may take a month or so but dylan can handle it. dylan opened the program and started the project right away to prevent further delay. after finishing the outline, he was getting hungry. he went to the kitchen and saw lord on the couch cuddling the pillow again. "hey lord" dylan said as lord looked at him and slightly smiled. dylan got some snacks from the cupboards, then he remembered something. "uh, lord?" dylan called the cute male again. "y-yes?" lord asked turning his head and looking at dylan. "have you seen the kitten?"dylan asked as lord. "w-why d-do you ask?" lord said stuttering, slowly recovering from that frozen moment. "well, i have milk for the kitten" dylan said again as lord froze up again. "huh?" dylan said looking at the frozen boy. he figured out that only kittens tense up like that. dylan put some milk in a cup and walked towards lord. dylan sat down on the couch, lord jumped and hid behind the pillow he was cuddling. "so, you're my kitten?" dylan asked the cute male going closer to him. lord was blushing because dylan figured it out. "s-shut u-up" lord said playfully punching dylan on the shoulder.

lord slowly showed his cat ears and tail which dylan found cute. "aww, cutie" dylan said stroking lord's hair making him purr. lord hid behind a pillow and blushed a dark red. dylan smelled something bad all of a sudden and found out it was coming from lord. "d-did you take a shower and change clothes?" dylan asked. lord looked down and shook his head. dylan looked at lord, "why don't you shower and i find you some clothes?" dylan suggested as lord nodded and went to the bathroom. dylan was looking for some clothes for lord when he heard his name. "d-dylaaaan" he heard his name as he went to the door of the bathroom. "what's wrong kitten?" dylan said using the nickname. "i-i don't know how to use t-this" lord said still confused about a shower. "okay kitten, put on a towel and i'll just help you take a bath" dylan said getting clothes and waiting for lord. "d-dylaaaan" lord called out as dylan went back with the clothes and prepared the bath. "lord, the bath's ready" dylan called lord as he told the kitten to go in the bathtub. lord enjoyed the bubbles dylan put and playing with them. dylan put some shampoo on his hand and rubbed it on lord's hair. "close your eyes kitten, so the shampoo doesn't go in your eyes" dylan said as lord complied. "now, scrub your body and tell me if you're done" dylan told the cute boy as he nodded and did what he was rold. "done" lord said as dylan gave him a towel. lord stepped out and dried himself with a towel. "here, wear these" dylan said handing lord some of his clothes. "o-okay" lord said going to his room.

dylan was waiting for lord in his office, continuing the project. "d-dylan" lord peeked his head in dylan's office. dylan saw lord and it was the cutest thing he'd ever seen. everything he was wearing was too big; the hoodie and the shorts. "t-they're too b-big" lord said still standing in the doorway. "it's okay kitten, we'll just buy your clothes tomorrow" dylan told lord as he saved his file. lord went back on the couch cuddling his pillow, watching tv.

"want some food?" dylan asked as lord nodded. "i'm gonna just have delivery" dylan said dialing the phone and ordering their food. he ended the call and went to sit down on the couch. lord slowly laid down on dylan's lap. "a-are y-you okay w-with this?" lord as dylan with the 'cute eyes'. "it's fine kitten, it's a good thing you're cute" dylan said stoking the boy's hair. this made the boy blush and hide inside the oversized t-shirt. the door bell rang, which meant the food was there. dylan and lord stood up as dylan went to the door to get the food. he opened the door seeing the delivery guy, "hey, that'll be 457 pesos" he said as dylan got out his wallet and paid him with tip. he brought the food to the table where lord was waiting and gave the food. they enjoyed it because they got to talk to each other. "aww you're so cute" dylan said because of the way lord was eating. "s-stop, i-i'm not cute" lord said hiding his blushing face behind his hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2019 ⏰

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