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Every part of me felt like it was breaking apart. My flesh, my bones; every piece of this fragile body, unable to hold itself together. Every fiber of my being was too weak to even move. Though, unfortunately, my mind was conscious. Trapped in an empty void, unable to reach the outside world. A vacuum of emptiness, I was terrified. It took me a moment, but I slowly began to recall what had happened before my body entered that state.

The piece of my sword was lost in battle, and so, a part of me as well.

Something like this had occurred once before, but the cause was different, unknown. Try as I might, I could not remember. But I knew I had gone through this before. The mind may forget, but the body always remembers.

I will come back like before.

I lingered long in the vast darkness within my mind. Maybe, the piece that may have been strong enough to weaken me faster than intended. I noticed my own inability to be patient. I felt the darkness of my mind seeping into my body. It was infuriating how helpless I was.

Maybe it had been days or even months in the outside world. Tsk. I didn't survive this long to be trapped in my own mind in the end.

As if on cue, a light appeared above me in the distance. It was blinding, as if I was staring directly at the sun. I had to shield my eyes. A spark released from above, or below, shocking my body. For a split second, I gasped as my eyes flew open.

"Are you-"

My hand was gripping onto something tightly. A rail? A bar? My eyes came into focus and when they did, I saw it. The only thing I was able to focus on. My sword. A wave of relief came over me.
The sunlight peeked through from the blinds to my right as I sat up, still keeping the sword within my grasp. Barely able to make much out at first, I scanned the room I was in. I saw a bookshelf against the wall I was facing. Each one in alphabetical order about our history, recognizing some of them. Leaning toward the edge of the couch, I let my fingers glide along the words inscribed upon them.

"Ah, you're awake," I heard a masculine voice say. His voice spooked me, causing me to snap back into reality. Unconsciously, I used the sword to keep a safe distance between us. Ready to strike any vital part if need be. He smiled, placing the book in his hand down onto the coffee table.

As he stood up, my blade moved along with him. It was merely in that moment, I realized the pain I was in. Almost like my body and soul finally connected and my weapon slipped from my fingertips, making a clinking sound as it hit the floor.

"Everything alright in the-" Leila, the women who I met before, said. She made herself visible by entering the room. Her hair was up in a bun and her eyes were dark, sunken. "Oh? You're awake, Lilit, I believe?"

I simply nodded in response.

"I told you she doesn't talk much," Leila said to the man standing before me. His eyes were a deep amber and his mid-length, light brown hair almost covered his right eye. He crouched in front of me, trying to meet my gaze.

His hand reached for my sword, cautiously picking it up and placing it between us. My heart began to beat fast as I watched another soul carry my life in his hands. Chills ran down my spine; my hands shaking. I wrapped my hand around the hilt, not once breaking eye contact. His lips formed a small smile as he let go of my weapon.

"How long?" I mumbled, hands shaking against the hilt of my sword.

"You were out for almost three days," he replied, taking a seat on the coffee table behind him.
My eyes grew wide at the thought of sleeping at a stranger's house for three whole days. Lucy! She must be so worried...

Screams came from the other room, making me jump from my seat. My hand flew behind me in an attempt to grab my sword, but my fingers brushed against my palm. Right, it was already in my hand.

"It's okay, Leila went to see what happened," he said, holding his hands out in front of me.
Sounds of heaving could be heard from beyond the wall. His eyes weren't on me anymore, they were watching the door behind him. I couldn't help but watch as he fiddled with his fingers and bounced his leg. If I was not here, he would've ran inside without another thought.

The door opened and Leila walked in. "Everything's okay, you may check on Natia if you wish."
The man in front of me stood up and left, closing the door behind him. My eyes froze there for a couple minutes, not sure of what to say or do next. If I had been on my own, I would be out there searching for the piece that belonged to my sword.

Leila sat on the coffee table, right where that guy from before was. She grabbed my arm, and my instant reflex was to pull it back, but she held on. Humans were stronger than I remembered. "Don't squirm."

I looked straight into her eyes, "don't touch me."

"Anyway," she said, brushing my comment off as she examined my arm. "You sustained minor injuries and yet, even in this short amount of time... they're already healed. Not even a scar left behind. How?"

"It's not any of your concern. May I leave?"

"Well, I can't keep you here any longer now that you're awake. I'll have Lucien accompany you." She called for the man named Lucien and within seconds, he entered the room.
"I'm fine, uh... thanks." I made my way toward the entrance of their home and stepped outside. I had to return to my isolated life. Dragging more humans into my mess would only cause more trouble. They must be forgotten.

"Hey, wait! I want to make sure you get home safe. Not pass out or anything like that, yeah?" Lucien said as he ran toward me. I turned on my heel, placing the sword against his chest. He came to a halt, eyes wide. "Whoa!"

"I said, I'm fine. I appreciate your concern, but I am capable of walking on my own." I backed up, step by step, away from Lucien. At first, I believed he gave up on following his orders. I had no desire to be aided by mundanes. Most of my life I went through everything on my own, and they were experiences worse than the one I was currently in.

This is nothing, I reminded myself with every step I took.


"Please respect my decision-" I said right after he caught me. The blade flew out of my hands and flew toward a building. My eyes never left my lifeline, making sure that the pieces of it were still intact. Unlike what became of it from the previous battle. "I need the missing piece," I mumbled through gritted teeth.

"Once you return home, I will search for it, okay?" Lucien said, holding me as I guided us back to my home. I never thought another human being would lay their eyes on my home. It has been hidden and gone unnoticed for years. It must've been because it was at the border of the forsaken lands.

"Thanks for offering to help, but I must find it on my own. That sword..." I tried not looking at his eyes, so I stared off into the distance. If it weren't for my legs losing all feeling, I would've moved away from him. "it's complicated."

Could I discuss that world? The world I once knew?

Would he know?

The modern world abandoned everything I knew. Each generation straying further and further away from its origins.

Which meant there wasn't a single soul that could repair that sword. Once the piece returns to me, I must find something that can read the world of my ancestors. The many incantations that covered my weapon was a language that did not exist anymore.

"We can go find your sword, then maybe you can tell me more about what's complicated, hmm?" Lucien said, carrying me up and walking toward the direction my weapon flew. He grabbed it, and placed it upon my lap. My hands wrapped around it tightly.

This man, who chose to follow me home, seemed interested in something that was part of my world. Opening up to another person was no easy task for me. The last human who chose to become my friend and understand me died many years ago. I was unable to connect with another ever since.

I couldn't control myself as a tear escaped my left eye. So many emotions overwhelmed me at once. A lot has happened since the day this sword fell into my hands.

Don't isolate yourself, Lilit. You are incredible. You are unlike others, embrace it. Share your world with those who will immerse themselves in it.

My only mundane friend flashed before my eyes. Her final words rang in my ears. I covered one of them with my hand and the other against this man's chest. He did not seem to mind, his breathing was normal as well as the beat of his heart.

Lucien did not comment on my sudden reaction. To him, this may as well be something he dealt with everyday. I couldn't tell if I was calling myself crazy. Maybe I was.

"We can leave when the moon's out," I mumbled, looking at the ceiling of my home. The sun had not set yet, so I sat against the couch, looking anywhere but that man's face.

Lucy's bell could be heard as she made her way to the living room. "Lilit! You're-" She went silent when her eyes landed on Lucien. "What's he doing here?!" Lucy growled. Her eyes never once left him. I picked her up to stroke her fur, which calmed her down.

"It's okay, Lucy. He's going to help me."

She kept her eyes closed, "I can come with if you need, Lilit."

"No, I'll be fine." Lucy didn't respond. She knew not to push it if it wasn't a huge threat to us, or maybe she fell asleep in my lap. I glanced at her to confirm, and my eyes landed on Lucien. He was immersed in a book, mumbling words I couldn't make out to himself.

That mundane had his face in a book more often than any other I've observed. It brought me back to when my family was alive. When I would see magic users studying every piece of literature known to man. Lucien would fit in with them, almost perfectly.

He gently turned the page, and his eyes met with mine. I didn't hold it, moving my gaze somewhere else. What is it that I must do when they have caught me?

"Found something interesting?" He asked as his fingers fiddled with the edge of his page.

"Nothing, I-" tch. I wanted to communicate, but what would I say?

His honey colored eyes watched me carefully, closing his book and standing on his feet. I hadn't realized that the sun began to set, because my mind was racing, trying to find the words to answer his question. I clenched my left hand into a fist, angry at myself for not being able to sound as confident as I looked in battle.

Lucy stretched and hopped off my lap. She took one look at me, then ran to her bed across the room. After turning in circles and finding the right spot, she fell asleep. Advanced pups always needed more rest than your average animal. One of the down sides of their intelligence.

I placed my sword on my back, prepared to leave and find the broken piece. "Although, I don't need the help. I will admit that I do appreciate it. But if misfortune befalls you tonight, I will have to slice you."

"Oof! Is that how you treat all your guests? You don't have to worry about me becoming a Broken," Lucien said, opening the door. As I walked through, he gave me a smile. "Lead the way." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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