The District Line - Bella

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I woke up in a dazed confusion to the sound of my phone vibrating on the oak wood floors.
As I pried my sleep encrusted eyes open, I saw that I had several missed calls from Molly. Even though I was thoroughly hungover and the maturing adult in me was advising me to ignore the call, the irresponsibly reckless party girl in me was screaming to call back and discover what devilish endeavours I could find myself in tonight.

"Molly my love, how are we you naughty little sort you. I saw that you checked into a hotel that I might recall was not the one you had originally booked. I'm curious as to know how you might have ended up in such a predicament"

"Well as you know Bella, my dear, curiosity killed the cat but may I say spicy Italians most certainly killed the kitty."

I could hear the repressed laughter in her words. Despite her general immaturity and poor influence, I had to give praise to Molly's quick wittedness.

"Do tell." I inquired

"Oh well I shan't go into full detail now as I'm just about to get a skin treatment done, I've been up all day and morning and I look like Lindsay Lohan pre rehab. However Bella my love, I have made dinner reservations at Park Chinois for 8pm and a lovely promoter has got us VIP access for Tramp tonight where I will reveal all. Oh the therapist has come in, I'll see you later! Kisses, mwah"

And with that my bed for the evening had been made which was covered in satin sheets stained with nonsense, privilege and procrastination.

On a less hungover Saturday, I would have been inclined to have made a trip to an MUA studio of which many were located throughout the city. Naturally the ones who we're accustomed to celebrity faces were based within zone 1. Their artesian eye for nude glamour appropriate for canvases that had been adjusted with botox and fillers were second to non and every time I would leave looking fresh off the catwalk. However tonight I would have to make do with the clutter of premium makeup dominating my dresser and the set of makeup skills that I had acquired through watching YouTube.
Fashioning a rainbow of couture, designer names and a garnish of precious stones, I was set and ready for wherever the evening wind wished to blow me. So long as there was champagne, cameras and a dose of luxury I was there. I had put in a request with the chauffeur almost immediately after Molly had given me the itinerary for the night and so only rightly I was becoming increasingly frustrated with the fact that it was now 8:15 and yet the driver was nowhere to be seen. This was very unusual behavior from Eddie the driver. He was a tall Eastern Europe man or perhaps he was middle eastern, who knows. The truth is I had never cared to ask the origins of is thick slurred accent or taken any interest in his personal life. All I knew was that it was very rare for him to not be on time and that he smelt of stale cigarettes masked by the fragrance of Eau de cheap Cologne.

While I waited for his number to pop up on the screen of my phone, I took the time to admire my image in the large crystallized mirror that guarded the entrance to the penthouse. Tonight I had decided on a sophisticated all black statement piece with a slicked back, blonde ponytail. I hadn't the time to sort out my extensions and the style gracefully showed off the large jeweled earrings that resembled a pair that Grace Kelly had once worn. The custom made tulip mini skirt which was covered by a a long, sheer satin vail matched perfectly with my Dolce & Gabbana Spring 2018 bustier that just about covered my bought size 26 C's. The statement red pout I was sporting would surely take attention away from the large dark leather bags that were gathering under my eyes, Which no amount of concealer could hide. Just as I was beginning to become fully submerged in my own vanity, I heard my mobile ping and knew that this time it had to be Eddie. Picking my clutch up off the console table, I made my way out to the car, minding not to trip on the long fashion trailing behind me.
Dinner at PC's was just perfect as per usual. Tonight they had a swan lake performance that I felt really complemented my somewhat darkened mood that I managed to brighten with a multitude of bright pink cocktails served in bowl shaped glasses, with a raspberry coloured petal floating like a lilly on top. By the time I had indulged in a handful of dim sum followed by a delicious arrangement of Duck d'Orange, I had almost completely forgotten about my not so pleasant encounter with Eddie earlier that evening. As it were,  he had to pick some relative up from the airport and ran into problems with the car along the way. Like I cared about any of that. His job was to take me to where I wanted to go and to do it on my time not his! Oh the audacity. I most definitely spoke my mind, thoroughly and without any filters. Not that I ever needed any. Any how, by some now forgotten occurrence of events we ended up taking a black cab to meet the promoter at the nightclub. I think Molly said that it would be an enjoyable to experience public transport in London and that since I was already feuding with my driver, that we should just walk straight past him and make our own way. Now for me the whole point in having driver was so that people like us didn't have to directly interact with the public and their filthy transportations but Molly was too adamant to resist and the spirits residing in the drinks had already begun to posses my body for me to do otherwise. The journey turned out to be a bundle of banter. It turns out there is a lot of room in those black cabs and the drivers don't seem to mind if you standup in the back to have a little dance. Needless to say, I was totally giddy by the time we reached Tape and the promoter appeared more than excited to see us arrive.

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