Next on ABC NEWS, four people were found dead in their homes early this morning, each with completely different ways of death. The first victim, Jenna Picerd, a 24 year old college student at Stanford, was found in her dorm room burned to a crisp at her computer. Witnesses say no one went in or came out of the dorm last night, and her fellow classmates are baffled.
The second victim, Caroline Wood, was also found at her computer. 35 year old Caroline was a waitress at a nearby Olive Garden. It was clear that she was killed by a stab through the heart and died instantly. Her only family died long ago, including her younger brother Joseph Wood, who died in the fire of Small Mountain Preschool in 1985.
The third victim, 39 year old Jackson Dekoda, was found on his tongue cut out. Police are not sure of the exact cause of death, but it is clear the he either bleed out was choked by his own blood. Jackson was found on his office computer, and being the son of CEO Walter Dekoda, this shocked the entire corporation.
The final victim, 18 year old Kipling Crestview, was on the computer in rehab center ALRC with a bullet hole through his skull. It is believed he committed suicide, after failing to hang himself earlier this year. How he managed to get his hands on a pistol, no one knows. The question remains is if it really was a suicide, or cold blooded murder. More coming up on ABC NEWS.