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Danny Reagan sat on the couch, his eyes glued to the screen. His heart had practically stopped beating when he first heard the news.
This can't be happening. It can't be happening...
"This may be the worst helicopter crash in this decade," the reporter's voice came through the speakers.
Danny couldn't believe it; he just couldn't.
"So far, there have been no survivors, but the MEs are looking everywhere."
The detective held his breath as the cameras showed the crash site.
The tv reporter went on and on about how it'd take a miracle for anyone to survive the crash.
"Wait a minute, wait a minute. This just in! There was a survivor!  A... Linda Reagan!"
Danny's head shot up so fast, he could've given himself whiplash. Almost immediately, his phone started ringing. At nearly the same time, his family called him. They all had the same message, "I'm so glad Linda's okay!"
"Wait, hold on!" The detective told his sister. "They're gonna say which hospital."
"She'll be taken to St. Benjamin's..."
"She's at St. Ben's. I gotta go to her!" Danny hung up, and was surprised he could form actual sentences.
The first-grade detective hesitated at the door of his wife's hospital room. The doctor smiled, "You can come see her. It's okay."
Danny hesitantly walked to Linda's side. He nearly cried out loud when he saw his wife of twenty years and some months hooked up to a football field of machines.
"Her right arm is broken, her left knee is also broken, she has three ribs broken, she has a broken collarbone, as well..." the doctor told Danny. "She has some decent burns, and, for the time being, she's in a coma."
Once again, Danny's heart stopped. He barely whispered, "is she likely?"
"Not at the moment. I'm sorry..."
The husband collapsed on the chair next to his wife's hospital bed. Not likely. Not likely. Those words swarmed his head; he was in disbelief, "no," he shook his head. "No, she can't die..."
A knock on the door prompted the doctor and detective to look up.
"Can I come in?" Danny's little brother, Jamie, wondered.
His older brother barely nodded as the cop made his way to the bed. Jamie bit his tongue- his sister in law was lying in bed, unable to move, not looking like herself at all.
"She's not likely...."
"What?" Jamie looked to his brother who had interrupted his thoughts.
"Don't make me repeat it."
"The rest of the family's coming."
Danny nodded so slowly, it was barely noticeable.
"She'll be okay, Danny."
"What part of not likely don't you get?"
"The part about there's still a chance." He walked over to his brother and put a hand on his shoulder.
Please wake up, Linda. Please, the devastated detective Danny Reagan pleaded as he held his wife's hand tighter. Please...

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