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Linda spent two months in the hospital. Her broken bones were all healed and she felt a little better. Although she still couldn't talk all that well and needed glasses, Linda realized she was really lucky. She could have easily died, but, for some reason, she didn't. She smiled as Danny drove her home, remembering what her mother in law had always said whenever something worked out for the better, or at least, a completely different way from where it should have gone. 'Obviously God didn't want this to end badly. Keep your chin up and praise Him'. Linda said a silent prayer of thanks, then looked over at her husband.
She cocked her head, trying to read his facial expression. Usually she could read him like a book, but not today or the past two months. He looked very far away, almost as if he wasn't really on earth. Linda looked at him, puzzled; what could she do? She could barely talk, so how could she convince him to talk to her?
"Danny?" Linda broke their thoughts.
"Hmm? What?"
"W-wh-What's w-w-wr... wr-ong?"
"Nothin'. I'm just glad you're okay."
"Y-y-you're ly-ly-lying."
"About you being okay? That's not a lie; I'm very glad you're alive."
Linda wrinkled her brow as she focused on her words. "Not.... that. Your f-f-face. It's diff- diff- dif....ferent.... Why?"
"What's different about it?" Danny knew what she was talking about, he just didn't want to talk about it.
Linda sighed, a little frustrated with her husband. "Hel- help me... out... h-he- here."
"Can we not talk about it, please?"
"O- o-k...ay."
"Thank you."
Linda pouted, trying to figure out what Danny was thinking. Trying to figure out what was eating him. After much concentration, she asked almost perfectly, "it's me, isn't it?"
Danny looked at Linda as they waited for the green light. She was staring at her hands in her lap; Danny could tell she was fighting tears as her fingers absentmindedly twirled her wedding ring. He sighed, "I'm just worried about you, that's all."
His wife smiled a little, wanting him to continue.
"It's just..." Danny sighed as his hand met the wheel, "you were basically dead, Linda. For two whole months. I thought you'd never wake up." He glanced down when he felt a soft touch on his arm. He looked at Linda, who offered a sympathetic smile, urging him to go on. "You scared me, Linda. It seems like every time you walk out the front door you scare me."
Linda chewed her lip, fighting back the angry, frustrated, sad, and compassionate tears. She knew if she started crying, it'd make Danny more upset than he already was.
"I just can't lose you," he continued, fighting his own tears. "You're my reason for getting up in the morning. For coming home at night. You're my everything. I can't lose you," he shook his head as he parked in front of their house. He got out of the car, angrily slamming the door.
Linda jumped and started to cry; she didn't know one simple movement would make her catapult into hysterics.
Danny opened the car door for her, and found her crying. "What's wrong? Are you okay? Didja hurt yourself?" He panicked.
Linda shook her head at his rapid questions. She grabbed his neck and thrust her lips on his, letting her emotions flood out of her. Once she felt like her emotions were relatively calm, she wiped her eyes, and said, "I love you, Danny."
Danny smiled, "I love you, too. Let's get you inside." He helped Linda out of the car and helped her walk up the walkway. He was confused to why she cried like that, but he figured it'd be best to ask her later.

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