Chapter 1

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The weeks after harry won the x-factor were both exciting and a blur to him, that following monday it was decided that harry would stay in school as marcel and record at nights and have performances at nights but during his breaks from school he would travel further out, harry was exhausted but he loved it niall started to travel with him but wore a costume as he still wanted to be anonymous and goes by the name james well his middle name, they haven't told liam anything and he hasn't asked anything as well

"harry, is louis still bothering you" niall asks

"not since you talked to him" harry says

"well good come on lets go to class" niall says as they walk to their classroom

"just one more year and i am done with school" harry says

"well lets hope you make it big, but i see how hard you work" niall says

"thank you i want this so bad, and now that i have it i am willing to work 100x's harder" harry says " hey simon was talking to me and he said that i will soon need someone to take over all my social media but i want to keep doing it myself but do you want to help me with it, i mean simon said he can pay you"

"yeah i would love that i know how much you love your fans" niall says

"shhh not so loud" harry says

"ok, but yeah sure" niall says as the teacher walks in and starts the class and as harry was taking notes he couldnt help and look at louis and just stare at him as he takes a deep breath not that louis would never look at him as nothing more as the school nerd and soon the bell rang and niall and harry headed to harrys locker" marcel, i have to use the bathroom"

"umm i'll meet you at my locker then" harry says as he starts to walk to his locker and before he knows what happens he feels someone pushing him as his body hits the lockers and he winces in pain

"move it nerd" louis says as he starts to laugh

"umm....ummm..... sorry" harry says as he looks at the ground

"who the fuck told you to speak, move the fuck out of the way" louis yells out as he continues to laugh

"leave him the fuck alone" niall yells out

"what he bumped into me" louis says with a smug smile

"sure he did, louis i am warning you" niall says

"ha you dont scare me and besides i already told my friends that i like harry styles so you don't scare me with your threats" louis says

"ohh i didnt mean that" niall says as he punches louis in the jaw as harry just stands there in shock not knowing what to do" stay the fuck away from marcel, you egostistical asshole"

"watch your back horan" louis says as he stands up and walks away with his friends

"what the hell niall" harry yells out

"sorry , he just pisses me off" niall says

"come on lets go home, i have to be at the recording studio at 5" harry says as they walk out of the school and soon they are driving to the recording studio and soon they walk in

"alright harry, lets take it from the top" the producer says as simon walks in

"niall, did harry talk to you about managing his social media accounts" simon says

"yeah, he did and i told him i would do it since i know what he likes to post and how he likes to interact with his fans" niall says

"ok you can start now" simon says

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