Chapter 3

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After dreaming of being a successful private eye, a lone ray of sunlight peaking through the windows awaken me from my slumber. The time is 6:45 AM and judging from the tired presence downstairs, mostly likely from the early morning and preparing for the move, I am the 2nd person that is awake in the house. I grab my wallet for a previous arrangement and follow the presence to the kitchen, more specifically the pantry, where my mother is currently in her sleepwear drinking a cup of, judging from the smell, instant coffee.

"Hey mom." "Natalie how did you, wait don't answer that. Why are you up so early?" " I could say the same thing to you. We don't leave till nine. Though judging from your choice in position and current status you decided to refuge in the pantry for a chance to have some alone time after working nonstop for the move." As I give my analysis I glanced at her cup, "Question, why are you drinking instant coffee instead of your usual brand?" "Sammy has been drinking them without me knowing so I save me some for today but I can't remember where I hid them." "Maybe the reason you couldn't find them is because their in the bucket you're sitting on them."

The doorbell rang, meaning it has arrived. I left my confused mother and answer the door. Yesterday afternoon I ordered 2 dozens of donuts from Dunkin' Donuts, so I can wake my family up without them getting mad at me. If there's one thing my parents can count on is me getting my siblings inline. After I answer the door the delivery boy's face is red and sweating, and he is giving off a flustered aura. Now that I think of it, I didn't change out of my pajamas. The delivery boy is a hormonal teenage boy, guess my appearance did him a little bit of damage. After paying him and obtaining the boxes I took a deep breath and shouted, "DONUTS!"

Bursts of energy sprouted throughout the house, everyone was running around trying to get downstairs. I set the boxes down and took a seat next to mom who has started the coffee maker. "No way, there are really donuts." Said my older brother Sammy. "Thank you so much. Please tell me there's chocolate." "Let's see, I ordered half a dozens of glaze, chocolate, strawberry sprinkles, and jelly so yeah there is. But I don't know which one so good luck finding it."

It was donut massacre, we finished the whole thing in 30 minutes but it took all I had to keep everyone from fighting. I was this close to giving up my favorite strawberry donut but luckily I don't have to. After breakfast we get ready, we needed to leave on schedule if we need to arrive before the movers. In this family, leaving in the mornings is not an easy task.

"Has anyone seen my pants?" Ask Sammy. "Val open up, you're not the only one who needs to use the bathroom." Harley bang on the bathroom door. "Honey have you seen my thermos?" Ask my mom. "Where did I put my 3DS?" Said Jamie, my younger brother. See? Not an easy task.

I let out a sigh and poke my head out of my bedroom. "Pants are in the laundry room Sammy. Valerie let Harley use the bathroom, it takes you about an hour just to put on makeup. Mom your thermos is in the car. Jamie your 3DS is charging in the living room." Afterwards everyone scatter to get their things saying, "Thanks Natalie" while Harley is still waiting until Valerie came out, albeit with no makeup. "You have 10 minutes." She said to Harley as the little girl went into the bathroom. "And for the record Natalie it only takes me about 50 minutes to put on my makeup." I rolled my eyes and lock the door to get dressed. I put on a pink sweatshirt, a white t-shirt, and jeans.

	After that I waited for my turn to use the bathroom and manage to brush my teeth and do my business

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After that I waited for my turn to use the bathroom and manage to brush my teeth and do my business. By the time I was done dad told everyone to get in the car, only to forget where he put the car keys, again. "Dad," he look at me dangling the lost car keys, they were in the bathroom sock drawer. Exactly how it got there I do not know. "Oh," he lightly chuckle, "thanks Nat." I went outside to see the movers packing our stuff while my family get readying the car. I was about to go in when I felt a familiar presence coming. "Natalie, aren't you coming?" Ask Sammy. "Just a sec." I waited at the sidewalk and see Harold running towards my direction. He looks better than the last time I saw him, his mental state is calmer as well.

"Hey," he huff, "thanks again for, you know." "No problem. I'm just glad I was able to stop it before it got out of hand." We hear a car horn, everyone is ready to go, I'm the last one. "Well this is goodbye." "Wait I have something to give you. "He pulled a box out of his backpack and gave it to me. "Open it," he said, "I think you'll like it."

Inside the box there is a black and white fedora with a black ribbon around it. "It saw this Japanese live action show where the main character wears a fedora as a sign that he's a hard boiled detective. And since you like to wear monochromic colors I thought this would suit you." I took the hat out of the box and carefully examined it. "It's something to say 'thank you' and goodbye." I put the hat on and gave Harold a hug. He is such a sweetheart, if he knew what I had to give up after that incident, it would break him. He knows sleuthing means a lot for me, it was common knowledge in our neighborhood.

After saying our goodbyes I went into the car and buckle up. Thankfully mom and dad allow me to keep the hat since it is a gift. As we drove through the highway I recorded this morning events in my diary while listening to the Moana movie Jamie and Harley are watching on the iPad. Valerie is testing with her friends and Sammy is listening to music.

We've been on the road for a while, maybe for almost three hours. I've finished writing in my diary and been gazing at the window while trying to tune out my younger siblings argument on what to watch next. They've been debating on whether to watch Toy Story 3 or Frozen for the past 45 minutes an it's been driving the rest of the family crazy.

Before mom confiscate the iPad I swiftly snatch it and selected Coraline. Reason why? Harley just finished reading the book for her class and Jamie is an appreciator of stop animation. My parents let out a sign or relief now that the noise has receded. However it didn't last long thanks to a simple question from Sammy. "Hey what's for lunch?" This ain't gonna be pretty.

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