chapter 4: from afar

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Tending to my farm in the late afternoon's sun. Calm, peaceful. My dog, Redstone, is playing around with my cat, Golden. The cows, sheep, chickens and pigs are resting in the barn. Radiant sun light gracing the edges of distant mountains; Such a lovely view.

I decided that once my work was done I'd go mining. Haven't been in such a while since... Well that's not important I've not seen him in so long I... I'm not sure if I do or don't miss him. I mean on one hand, he was sweet but he also left abruptly.

Despite torn emotions, I make my way done the cobble steps, sharp blocky turns and through to the underground ravine. Trailing ores on every wall. Wisps and faint groans from a distant portal... My nether portal. A visit couldn't hurt right?

Wrong. Keeping out of sight of the big man himself is one thing, another is mob guards. Although from a distance he seemed like an entirely different person, at least that's the way he acted in this realm compared to when he was with me. A two-faced man almost.

To the slaves he seemed strict but let the guards handle them a lot of the time. To the rest of his kingdom he seemed humble but tense when interacting with others.

"Never believe you stoop this low, stalking me and all." A husky voice erupted not inches from my ear; the time tired and horse.

"Can say the same about you." Smirking then fading into a concerned frown. "Where were you? I've missed your cheesy visits."

He chuckled. "Running a kingdom, being constantly on the run and removed by my own brother and keeping order over the rest of the land." Explains the tiredness in his voice. "And I've missed you also." Aww.

I sat down on a nether-brick step, patting the space next to me indicating him to sit with me. He rest his head on my shoulder.

Now even if we were never really friends to begin with I know that he likes more happier silence, like now. Hates small talk and will act differently depending on who he is associating with. A truly interesting man.

"Why thank you." He smirked, eyes drooped. Smiling, letting him have the time to relax and perhaps fall asleep. I just hope he sleeps well.

When he had fallen into slumber he look peaceful enough. mouth slightly parted, breathing steady. I kissed his cheek as if by instinct and readjusted so he was laying in my lap.

Rewriting Our Fates (herobrine x reader) [Discontinued? Idk Yet]Where stories live. Discover now