Welcome to Camp

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"Sh! She needs to rest! She basically broke her back! Get out, you all can wait outside until I come to get you." A male voice sounded as I shifted wrong and screamed out in pain.
"Ari! I'm so sorry!" Callie sobbed.
"Cal, It's ok honey, I'm fine see?" I smiled at her as I sat up a little bit.
"I saw you fall! I thought you died!" She cried into my chest as she hugged me.
"You know it takes more than that to take me down. I mean, just look at these guns!" I exclaimed with a goofy grin flexing as she laughed.
"I know, I'm going to get some food, want some?" She giggled.
"I'm good, go have fun." I smiled, and as she ran out I collapsed back on the bed with muffled scream.
"Hey, it's ok.... I'm Will by the way. I'm your doctor until you get better." A blonde boy reassures me as I nod. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine, where am I?" I asked.
"Camp Half Blood, New York." He answered. I was just about to ask another question before a centaur walked into the room. I let out a high pitched scream.
"Woah, it's ok! You're safe! You're safe." A boy next to me soothed as I stopped screaming.
"Hi, I'm Percy,." The boy with sea green eyes soothed as I nodded with wide eyes.
"Are you- woah." A different boy walked in and turned around to leave.
"Do... uh... Chiron?" Will asked looking up at the centaur.
"It's uncanny... what is your name dear?" He asked.
"Aria Summers... may I ask why?" I raised an eyebrow as they remained silent.
"Unbelievable." I whispered bitterly.
"How old are you?" Percy questioned.
"14. I was about to ask you the same thing." I mumbled.
"14." He answered honestly as Callie bounced into the room.
"Aria! I got you a piece of chocolate! What's happening here?" Callie bubbled as I picked her up and placed her on my lap.
"Thank you honey bunny. You know me so well." I grinned jumping away from the subject.
"What's your name?" Chiron asked.
"I'm Callie Brooks! I'm 6 years old! Oh! And this is my best friend, more like mom, Aria!" She bounced with joy as she played with her dress.
"Oh! Pretty! What does that mean!?" Her eyes went wide with excitement as something glowed over my head. A lightning bolt with a trident, a dove, a snowflake and a hammer.
"Welcome Aria Summers, daughter of Zeus blessed by Poseidon, Aphrodite, Khione, and Hephaestus."

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