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Chester skinner sat at his dusty old computer and ripped a loud, wet fart. He wiped the sweat from his brow as a fat gob of drool pooled around the corners of his mouth. The object of his obsession was a beautiful young girl he had been cat fishing for weeks now.
She was 18 with big blue eyes and black hair that ran down over one eye and looked absolutely majestic. She had piercings on her septum and lip, and looked dark and rebellious in a very alluring way.
He picked his nose and flung a fat booger at his ugly black cat Bethany, who lay curled up on his bed licking her dirty asshole. It landed with a thud in the middle of her forehead and stayed there, making her jump. She hissed at him and ran out of the room, booger still planted between her eyes, oblivious. He laughed a gravelly, creepy laugh that started deep in his throat and ended with a cackle.
He was 45, bald, and fat. With bottle cap glasses and beady brown eyes he looked like a typical creeper. His mouth hung open as he scrolled through her pictures, eyes glazed over with mindless lust. His picture showed a handsome young man of 19, well built, with model facial features. In reality he was ugly, fat, and 45.
They had been messaging each other for weeks now, and finally she had given him her address and today they would meet. Ashley. Picture of teenage perfection.
He licked his chapped lips and grimaced as a filthy spider crawled over his fat hand. He stood up with a loud grunt and smashed it flat with his fist, his eyes bulging crazily as he did so. You could tell just by looking at Chester he wasn't all there.
He lived alone in an old house he had inherited when his grandmother had passed away and kept everything just the way she had left it. He stayed in the attic room she had made for him, inherited her car, a reliable Dodge Avenger, and lived off his disability check.
He was an introvert, with very sadistic and violent fantasies and lately he felt compelled to act on them. He waddled to the bathroom, fantasizing about meeting Ashley. They would meet in a secluded place, so he could kidnap her. As soon as she saw him she would immediately realize he was not the young man from the pictures. Luckily, his windows had a dark tint and she would have a hard time seeing him as he would have on a hat and sunglasses.
They had agreed to meet near a beautiful lake they both enjoyed, near a private beach.
Chester stared into the mirror with his mouth open, a crazed look of maniacal lust burning in his beady eyes. He lifted his arm and grunted angrily as he took a whiff of his smelly armpits. He slammed open the medicine cabinet and slapped on a stick of old spice. He hadn't showered in a week and didn't want to today.
He would meet her near the lake, and use a taser gun to stun her, then he would rush up to her and chloroform her mouth and nose until her eyes rolled up into her head and she passed out.Then he would load her into his trunk and drive the 15 minutes back to his house. That's where all the fun would really begin.
He grinned crazily into the spit stained mirror just thinking about it. He felt like a giddy little kid all over again. Meeting the girl of his dreams. Kidnapping her, chloroforming her, then taking her to his place and making her his pet slave. He would feed her of course, and bathe her. He would treat her like a good kitty if she behaved. But if she didn't... he suddenly punched his mirror with his fat fist and it broke into several pieces as his face took on a demonic hardness.
Bethany hissed at him from the bathroom entrance and he gave her a fat boot that sent her flying into a laundry basket screeching. She jumped out and stood licking herself and staring at him, wary. He walked by her and snarled like an angry troll, making her run to the other end of the hallway and out of site. Ashley hadn't heard his real voice yet, and he told her she would her it was because he was very shy and that she would have to wait to hear it in person.
   Obviously it is nearly impossible for a 45 year old man to sound 19 so he had to play a little trickery. The shy act seemed a good card to play. In reality his voice was gravelly and old. He tried practicing by himself but instead of a 19 year old man he sounded more like a 65 year old lady. It had angered him so bad that he had flung himself on the ground and began flailing around like an angry child. He had even pissed his pants and enjoyed it. That's what naughty boys get, his grandmother had always said. They get pissed up pants and a shit sandwich.
   His grandmother was a wise lady. But he was glad she was dead. Now he could finally have a real pet named Ashley. A beautiful human girl pet. He would only beat her ass if she acted up. He stomped downstairs towards the kitchen, his steel toe boots making a racket on the way down. He had his keys and cell phone in his pocket, waiting on Ashley to tell him she was ready.
   A cockroach darted across the floor and he stomped on it angrily and with a maniacal yell. He was pumped up. Taser in his black leather coat pocket with chloroform and rag as well.
   He had to make sure she got out of the car so he could quickly taser her. If she saw him clearly before they got out of their cars she would most likely speed away.
   So his plan was to hunker down with a magazine out front of his face and act bashful, which would in turn make her feel sympathy, causing her to exit her vehicle first and approach him. Then he would roll down his window and taser her right in the tits. She would fall down like a sack of bricks and he would step out of the car, chloroform in hand and put her lights out.
   He smiled crazily thinking about it, his eyes crossing as he touched himself. His phone beeped and vibrated and he took it out of his pocket with a happy yelp. It was Ashley. Lovely princess from an alien world, soon to be his eternal human pet for the rest of her life. "Hey sexy, ready for our date?" She typed, a little wink emoji at the end of the sentence.     Chester smiled an ugly, toothless smile and typed back with his dirty, fat fingers," be ready in 15 minutes, on my way beautiful." He smiled and put his old Motorola back in his dirty jeans pants pocket and headed out the door, waddling towards his black Avenger, with tinted windows. " I can't wait to see you" she wrote, with a heart emoji at the end.
   Chester snickered mockingly, knowing she would probably puke if she saw him, but as he got into his car, lit a cigarette, and got his disguise ready, he knew with an egomaniacal sense of confidence that the universe would work in his favor today.
   He was out to capture a new and wild pet, a beautiful teenage princess, who would eventually come to like him, even love him. Maybe she would even want to get married someday. But first he would have to train her.
   All of these thoughts passed through his brain in microseconds as he drove down the dirt road leading to Sunset Lake. He parked about 10 feet from her BMW and put the magazine over his face, sunglasses and hat in place.
   She gazed at him lustfully and then quizzically through his windshield and in the safety of her car, smirking when she realized what he was doing. "You wimp, you're shy aren't you?" She texted teasingly, with a tongue out emoji. "Yes, I am terrified, please come to me, I can't move" he said, making a wink face.
   He chuckled his creepy laugh and reached for the taser first, getting it ready. She stepped out of her car, the picture of feminine beauty and physical perfection. Beautiful black  hair that went flowing around her and blew over one eye, accenting her perfect skin and piercings.
   A tight leather coat and tight ripped jeans, she looked so dark and emo but so perfect. Her eyes gleamed off the sunlight, so big and beautiful he almost got a boner. She got closer, and closer, her face looking better and more angelic the closer she got, and suddenly she was about 10 feet away and she frowned with surprise.
   Her mouth opened in shock as she realized he wasn't 19 year old Chester but a fat bald pervert who looked her dads age or older and was clearly trying to disguise himself. She turned away and began walking back to her car quickly.
   Chester panicked, grunting and shifting the car into drive, his cigarette falling out of his mouth and burning through his dirty jeans. " Ow!!! FUCK!! " he yelled, his eyes turning bright and psychotic. He pounded his legs with his fat fist and put out the cigarette.
   She was halfway to her car when he realized what he had to do. She was much younger and in better shape then him. He would have to ram into her with his car, just hard enough to knock her down and hurt her.
   He slammed on the accelerator with his beefy foot and kicked up a cloud of dust, the car screeching as he sped towards her. Her look of shock almost gave him an erection as she turned back in fear, her baby doe eyes wide with shock, her hand over her mouth as he stopped two inches from her and pinned her to her door.
   "Don't fucking move bitch" he yelled, scowling, as he got out and walked towards her. Tears streamed down her face but she wasn't hurt, just delicately pinned between the front of his car and her drivers side door. "You aren't can't be..." She trailed off, clearly in shock.
   He smiled a toothless grin and pulled out a taser. "I am Chester, and you're my new pet", he said, laughing that gravelly laugh that ended in a cackle. He pointed the taser at her and she pleaded with him. "Please no, I'll do what you want, please don't hurt me".
   She made a pouting face and cried. He laughed and gave her a full taser blast right to the tits, causing her eyes to cross as she fell forward, grunting in pain. He walked up to her then, grabbing her towards him, positioning himself behind her as he put a chloroform rag over her mouth and nose.Her eyes rolled up into her head almost instantly and she went limp in his arms, her own arms dangling uselessly at her sides as her head fell against his shoulder.
   He took this time to smell her hair, taking in a good whiff and then he kissed her on the cheek, tenderly. He decided he would put her in the backseat and bound her hands and feet with duct tape.
   They arrived home just 15 minutes later and he brought her upstairs in his arms. She was pretty light, and still sound asleep. Bethany hissed at him as he opened the door, clearly surprised at his sudden return. She was on the counter with a fresh kill, a mouse that had been roaming in the house. The entire house had been infested with them for years.
   Even when his grandmother had been alive they had set traps, killed most of them, but some hole in the foundation or walls always let them right back in from a nearby field. The nights could be very noisy. Imagine trying to fall asleep with the old creaks and groans of an ancient house combined with the scuttering and chewing sounds of mice.
   Also cockroaches, spiders, and the occasional chipmunk would even find its way in sometimes.       Chester wasn't very clean but he wasn't a complete slob.
   He had tried to maintain the house over the years. He took Bethany to his room and laid her gently on his bed. Her eyes rolled and she moaned slightly as he put a stinky blanket over her. It was warm, but he hadn't washed it in months and had spent many nights sweating and masturbating underneath it.
   Well that wouldn't matter. She would be warm. He kissed her forehead and sat at his computer chair, watching her with a creepy smile. He had taken off the duck tape and she rolled over on her side.
   The chloroform would probably make her sleep another few hours. He took off her shoes and socks and admired her feet. He rubbed them gently before covering them up. If she was a good pet he could make her very happy and content. But if she was a bad pet like Bethany she would be punished once in awhile.
   Just then the fat black cat walked in the room purring after a good meal and rubbed against his leg. Chester allowed this, only slightly noticing. He was licking his lips and gazing at his new sleeping pet. He wouldn't violate her yet. She needed her rest.
   Tomorrow would be a big day. For now he got into bed beside her, opposite her, and gazed into her sleeping face, his mouth hanging open with desire. He felt slightly bad that he had hurt her, but the hurt would get worse if she acted up. If she respected him and loved him they would have children, be married, and live a good life.
   When Ashley awoke her eyes widened in horror. A fat smelly hand was draped over her shoulder and dangling over her face. This creepy monster was actually spooning her.
   She cringed inwardly, but still didn't dare to move. Everything came back to her in a flash, the memories of how happy she had been, going to meet this handsome young guy who was only a year older then her, then fast forwarding to the shocking realization that he had really been an old pedophile, fat and bald and scary looking.
   She had nearly wet herself when he had tazed her and after that the rag over her face and then a blanket of darkness. She would never forget the look in his eyes as he almost ran her over. They were the eyes of a sociopath.
   An unfeeling, selfish monster.
      She struggled now against his arm and he gave her a solid whack to the ears, making her ear drum ring so loud she cried. "Don't move" Chester said, his voice ominous.
   He worked his tongue into her ear and his hand was suddenly on her ass, fondling it. " don't have to do this..." She said weakly, whimpering.
   He smacked her ear again, this time the ringing made her black out for a couple of seconds. "It's our wedding night, we have to consummate the marriage" he said, the spittle from his lips spraying her bare back.
      This man was repulsive. Ashley was disgusted but to scared to resist him. He was old enough to be her dad. She quietly reminded herself that if she survived this she would never engage in online dating again.
   She decided to play along with him. Completely in survival mode now. "Well what are you waiting for then?" She said seductively, turning and gazing into his ugly face and blowing him a kiss.
     His eyes glazed over with lust and she felt him flip her on her back and start taking off her clothes. She wanted to cry, but her mind was strong. She remembered being a child at the beach with her mommy, how much fun it had been, the laughing, the splashing in the water, how pretty mommy always looked, and daddy, so strong and handsome, both of them wrestling in the water playfully.
     While she went to this special place Chester had spread her legs and inserted himself. He was big for a man, almost 9 inches. He had to be careful not to hurt her. He thrust once, twice, and then it got easier as he kept on going, feeling the rush of endorphins.       
   Her eyes rolled and her mouth hung open, with pleasure or submission he didn't know or care.
   She grunted but it sounded robotic, and he licked her face as he kept on digging deeper, about to climax. She wrapped her legs around his waist not out of pleasure, just an automatic reaction.
    Ashley was still at the beach in her mind,her daddy was giving her a piggy back ride and they were both laughing so hard, the seagulls were flying overhead, waves splashing along the beach, a perfect day.
      Chester lurched forward as he finished deep inside of her, breathing his rank breath in her ear, resting on top of her for a moment, but gently.
     He kissed her on the lips and then just stood up, leaving her wet and naked, as he waddled to the bathroom to take a shower.
   This was Ashley's chance to escape, unfortunately she had passed out due to shock and trauma. So by the time Chester was done, she was curled up on her side and fast asleep. Still naked and wet. Chester walked up and slapped her ass, startling her awake.
   "Go take a shower" he ordered, his voice gravelly and evil.
   "What will I change into?" She asked.
   " My grandmother has a whole wardrobe of clothes, I'll get you a nice outfit" he said, attempting to be kind. He smiled and even shut the door for her as he gave her privacy in the bathroom.
   Ashley stared at herself in the half-broken mirror, and barely recognized her own face. Her makeup was smeared, black circles around her eyes, and a tired, haunted look reflected in her big sky blue eyes.
   She had just been kidnapped, beaten, and raped. But she was alive, and she was determined to survive.
   She would kill him if she had to, and then escape. He opened the door just then,handing her the clothes in a neat pile and in a strangely polite manner. He shut the door without a word and gave her some privacy.
   The tears flowed then, her crying silent but oceans deep, she put her hands over her mouth and face and sobbed for herself and for the evils of the world and for humanity. She had just left school today, so happy, so excited to meet a handsome boy who she thought had so much in common with her. And the boy had turned out to be a monster.
   She forced herself to undress as she wiped her eyes and turned on the shower, engulfed in its heat and spray caressing her back, massaging her body and the bruises he had left.
   She used the body wash and shampoo and closed her eyes, trying to imagine an escape plan. Maybe she wouldn't have to kill him. Maybe she could just get away and report him. She was younger and faster for sure. She had been on the track team last year and jogged almost daily. All she would need to do is steal his keys and drive to the police station.
   Maybe if she just played along and let him think she was a good pet he would be nice to her. And when he least expected it she could surprise him.   
   She scoured the medicine cabinet after her shower, and found just what she was looking for. A bottle of sleeping pills. She could make a drink for them and slip a bunch into his. When he passed out she could just take his keys and leave.
   Ashley wasn't a murderer, wasn't even violent by nature. She just wanted to escape and report him to the police so they could lock him up and prevent him from being able to hurt anyone else.
   She slipped on his grandmothers clothes, very old fashioned but about the right size, a simple and plain dress, almost like a maids dress. She felt like a schoolgirl from a 50's movie. This was a nightmare.
   He burst open the door and smacked her then, across the face and hard. She held her cheek in shock and her eyes watered up. He grabbed the sleeping pills from her hand before she could even hide them and yanked her by the hair into the other room.
   "What the hell do you think you're doing you filthy bitch?" He said, his nostrils flaring and his eyes looking bright and crazy. Ashley felt like she was about to pee herself she was so frightened.
   " I was...I was just gonna ask you if I could take some tonight... I have a hard time sleeping sometimes". Her voice sounded scared and high pitched but the lie was believable and he relaxed.
   " I'm sorry my pet, of course you can have a couple tonight, I didn't mean to hurt you" he said and caressed her red face. He hugged her and slipped the pills into his pocket.
   " Would you like to go sit on the porch and get some fresh air?"He asked her this so casually and jovially it shocked her.
   He smiled and said," Yeah first I'll make us some food, then I'll show you my grandmothers porch, it's very big and nice and has some very comfortable rocking chairs with a beautiful view of the land."
   When they stepped out onto the porch it all felt surreal. It was a big old porch with metal and rather rustic looking railings. Two rocking chairs angled side by side and slightly toward each other that looked about a hundred years old. A coffee table was set between them with empty bottles of liquor and beer set upon it.
   He gestured for her to sit in a manner that was almost chivalrous and polite. She sat down quickly, afraid to anger him. He sat down beside her and was holding something just out of reach.
   "I have a surprise for you my beautiful pet" he said, bringing his hand into view and dropping a full half gallon of Whiskey on the coffee table.
   " I know you've had a hard day, I want you to relax, so we are gonna drink until we stagger" he said jovially, that creepy grin widening as he opened the bottle and poured them each a glass. The sun felt warm and bright and the shadows illuminated the corners of the porch. The sky was blue with a cool autumn breeze coming in from the nearly endless field that went all the way to the forest that bordered the entire property.
   He had foolishly and arrogantly set the bottle of sleeping pills on the table, not realizing they could be his downfall.
   She smiled sweetly at him and picked up the glass, raising it towards him in a toasting gesture. They clinked glasses and he sucked his glass down while she only had a light sip. He quickly refilled his glass and belched loudly.
   "This place is actually very beautiful," She said, still keeping on a smile. The liquor actually was relaxing her, and sharpening her mind, making her feel braver as she devised an escape plan. Chester gazed at her, taking in her beauty and youth, remembering the amazing intercourse they had experienced.
   In reality he had raped her, but to him they were married and this was a wedding honeymoon.
   "My grandfather built this house, and we own all of this land from here to the forest, as far as the eye can see." He said this with an inflection of pride in his voice, sucking down his 4th glass of whiskey already. Ashley drank half of her first glass just so he didn't think she was up to anything, or playing him for a fool. Besides, the liquor really did relax her and help her through this psychologically damaging experience.
   Chester continued," When granddaddy died of a heart attack at 79 grandmama inherited everything, and left it to me when the dementia took her at age 88. By then she didn't even know who I was anymore, nasty old cunt."
   He cackled mockingly and it sent shivers up Ashley's spine, so much so that she shuddered.
   "You cold darling?" He asked, his crazy eyes locked on her, predatory, but concerned.
   "A little, yeah" She said, not wanting to anger him. He scooted a bit closer and grabbed her legs. She cringed and her eyes watered up.
   "Calm down hun, just put your feet up in my lap, let me massage them, it'll warm you right up." It was an order, not a request, so she let him put her bare feet in his lap and he warmed them up with his strong, burly hands.
   He poured another whiskey and let her feet rest in his lap. Honestly Ashley wouldn't have minded this at all if it wasn't some creepy old guy who had just raped her doing it.
   She was so traumatized, afraid, and confused she honestly didn't know what to do so she finished her glass of whiskey and asked for another. Chester grinned and grunted as he reached over and filled her glass again.
   "Feels good doesn't it? Once you get enough liquor in you all the pain just seems to melt away." As much as she hated this man, as much as she wanted to literally kill him with her bare hands, she had to admit, the more she drank, the less it all seemed to matter.
   And honestly if she just listened to him he wouldn't hurt her or kill her. She would just wait until he passed out, stay a few glasses behind him. When he went to take a piss, she would put about 10 sleeping pills in his drink. That should knock him out cold within 20 minutes.
   He kept on drinking, glass after glass, not realizing she was only on her second glass. She felt buzzed, relaxed, and also dangerously alert. The liquor had given her enough courage to act, and the time was soon.
   Chester was already halfway through a half gallon of whiskey and burping and farting seemingly nonstop. He smelled rancid and she had to almost physically refrain herself from putting her hands over her nose. He gazed at her lustfully with his mouth wide open, drooling all over his shirt. The man was a disgusting pig, and even if he had been her age, she still wouldn't have had any physical attraction to him at all.
   "Drink up baby, let's celebrate our honeymoon" he said, starting to slur. She smiled dutifully and raised the glass, sipping prudently. The sleeping pills were just out of her reach. If he went to the bathroom she could empty the entire bottle into the half gallon of whiskey and just pretend to drink her glass and just dump it when he wasn't looking. But he needed to leave.
   She needed to distract him, or create a diversion if he wouldn't leave on his own to piss.
   "I'm hungry, can you bring me something to eat," she asked politely, looking at him and pouting cutely. He stared at her dumbly before realizing what she was saying and then stood up, wobbling towards the kitchen. This was her chance!!! She quickly fumbled with the bottle and undid the cap nervously, sending it flitting to the ground. Then she positioned the pill bottle over the half gallon of whiskey and began dumping them in, carefully, her hands shaking with terror.
   A few bounced off the table and onto the oak floorboards of the porch. Finally the bottle was empty, she had dumped about 20 pills into it, enough to send him to dreamland. He came back 5 minutes later, which gave her more time then needed to pick up the loose pills and cap that had fallen. No evidence. Just a missing pill bottle he probably wouldn't even notice because he was shitfaced.
     He stumbled back to his chair and handed her a piece of beef jerky.
   "Best food for drinking" He slurred, handing it to her and then swigging right out of the half gallon. She smiled and thanked him, chewing it gratefully as she watched him drink about 20 sleeping pills. He slammed the bottle back down and belched loudly, rubbing his belly. He lit up a smoke and seemed to barely even realize she was sitting there anymore.
   This was her chance. She could run! No, no. She had to wait until he passed out. She was getting to eager and her adrenaline was pumping. He picked his nose and flung a booger at her, laughing a deep gravelly cackle that gave her chills. It landed right on her cheek and she raised up her hand to get it off.
   "No, leave it there!!" He commanded, his voice turning evil. She cringed at the sudden increase in the volume of his voice, and felt the putrid wetness on her soft cheek. This was utterly humiliating. He was a monster.
   " You are a disgusting fucking pig" she said, picking it off her face and using a napkin to dispose of it.
   "You fucking cunt, I said leave it there" he said, reaching across the table and smacking her right on top of the head.
   She saw black spots and felt a pinprick of pain shoot through her skull, tears welling up in her big blue eyes. She stared at him now, crying.
   "Why the fuck are you doing this to me? I'm young enough to be your daughter! Do you feel tough raping and beating a teenage girl?" She glared at him, and felt a surge of adrenaline. His eyes began to cross then, the pills and booze kicking in, and he fell sideways off the chair, toppling over onto the porch, landing flat on his back, and was soon snoring loudly.
   Ashley stared numbly in shock, paralyzed with fear but realizing this was her chance to escape. She would find his keys and steal his truck, heading towards town and to the police station. She fished in his pockets as he mumbled and groaned, flat on his back with his arms spread wide open.
   She checked his pants pockets, and frisked him, almost gagging at how bad he smelled. Nothing on him. She stood up, looking around the property, a thick forest all around it.
   The dirt path leading to the house alone was 2 miles long. They were a 15 minute drive to town, but it would be much longer of a walk. Probably about 2 hours on back country roads surrounded by thick forested areas that could possibly be inhabited by wolves, bears, anything.
   This was Michigan, and wild wolves did live nearby and Ashley was terrified of them. Even near her house in town she had heard of attacks nearby and one was just a few minutes from Chester's house. She knew where she was, that wasn't the problem. It was finding his keys and getting his avenger.
   Her BMW was still sitting near the lake he had kidnapped her at and she had no idea where those keys were. She walked by him and suddenly he reached out, grabbing her leg in a vice like grip. He was amazingly strong for as drunk as he was but she managed to use her other leg to give him a swift kick right in the mouth, blood spurting everywhere as a couple of his teeth were knocked loose and went flying.
   "There fucker!" She yelled, now feeling rage building up inside of her. She kicked him again in the ribs with her bare feet but still hard enough to make him puke.
   She crinkled her nose in disgust and ran blindly through his kitchen as he lay on the porch, writhing in pain. To her amazement the keys were on the table. She practically screeched with joy, nervously scooping them up and making her way to the front door. It was locked! She fumbled with the bolt and got it open, faintly hearing him shuffling and groaning, about to get up.
   She walked out into the yard, barefoot, crying, dirty but still beautiful, her black hair blowing in the breeze and her piercings still intact. She unlocked his car door and quickly got inside, starting the car.
   Miraculously it started on the first try. She put the car in drive and wasted no time, putting the pedal to the floor. He came out suddenly, and her heart leapt into her throat.
   He was aiming a shotgun at the back window as she sped away and suddenly a deafening roar pierced the air and the back windshield shattered, shards of glass flying all around her. Luckily she was ok, and followed the dirt road back to the main road. She knew how to get to town, and thankfully she would. She was losing light but luckily it was only a 15 minute drive and she had a half a tank of gas. Chester Skinner was going down. And she had survived. She looked in the mirror and smiled, thinking that the worst of it was over. She would end up being wrong of course, but for now she relished in this sweet taste of victory.

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