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Ashley drove down the old country back roads and was starting to get confused. Had she missed the turn heading into town? She didn't recognize the road she was currently on. Just then she passed an old farmhouse that she had never seen in her life. Suddenly to her dismay and horror Ashley realized she was lost. She drove another 20 minutes and began to panic, going deeper and deeper into outback country roads. She thought she had memorized the way to Chester's house, but how could she? She had been unconscious. She realized with growing panic that she had no idea where she was, and the gas needle in the old avenger was now getting closer and closer to empty. She could turn around and go to the old farmhouse for help, but it had looked abandoned. Her phone was back at his house...probably dead. It had all of her contacts and information on it. If he charged it and went through it he could hunt down anyone she knew and loved. Her parents, her friends. She had to get to the police station before he could do that. Suddenly the skies opened and the rain came down in torrents, flooding the back seat due to the missing back windshield. Ashley rolled her eyes with annoyance. As if things weren't already bad enough. She reached a stop sign and took a right, hoping to see even a house with the lights on inside, anywhere she could stop for help. Chester was a dangerous psychopath, and may already be hunting her down. She checked her rear view mirror and her heart leapt with joy. An old pickup truck was following her, brights on which was irritating but at least she would get help, finally. She came to a stop in the road and put her emergency flashers on, her eyes welling up with tears, remembering all Chester had put her through. The rape, the beatings, the degradation. The only good thing she had gotten out of the entire experience was a couple glasses of whiskey. Right now she could've used a whole fifth. The pickup came to a stop behind her, lights still blindingly bright. She heard the heavy door open with a rusty creak and then slam hard. A big man lumbered towards her, fast and aggressively. She opened the door to greet him and then opened her mouth in horror. It was Chester. His mouth was caked with blood and the rain bounced off his glasses. He didn't say anything. Just smiled as she stood quaking with fear. "Well it looks like we have a situation" he said, almost comically. "Please...just let me go, I won't tell anyone what happened I promise". She pleaded with him, her eyes looking so sad and broken. She knew he wasn't going to let her go. She turned and ran, not knowing where she was or where she would go but anywhere was better then with him. She would easily lose him in the forest, especially with all the rain coming down. Visibility would be greatly reduced. " I wouldn't do that" he said ominously, " wolf packs hunt all through these parts of the woods." He cocked his shotgun and kept it at the ready. Ashley thought he was bluffing until she saw a glowing pair of eyes just behind the tree line. A low growl. Chester stepped out front of her and shot towards the wolf, laughing hysterically as it yelped in pain, having been shot in the leg, it hobbled away, probably to die later that night. "Get in the fucking truck or you're next" he said, his voice sounding sinister. She did as she was told, getting a stiff slap to the back of the head as she walked by him. Chester pulled the avenger to the side of the road, resolving to come back and get it after he had Chained Ashley up In the basement for the night. She had been a naughty pet, and would be punished. The ride back to his house was eerily silent and Ashley was curled up, arms wrapped around herself, pouting and childlike. She felt so helpless, humiliated, and degraded. This man In just a short span of time had ruined her life. Had done things to her that would leave permanent scars and years of therapy and counseling to recover from. She didn't dare speak as the truck rumbled along the dirt road leading up to the house, lest she make him mad. She was definitely afraid of him, and with a shotgun in his possession he was even more terrifying. He glanced at her and felt up her leg as a wild gleam danced in his beady eyes. "More sex before I put you to bed" He said, an order really, not a suggestion or a question. She cringed inwardly but followed him inside and upstairs to his disgusting bedroom. Bethany had caught another mouse and hissed at Chester as he walked by, swiping his pant leg with her paws. Ashley laugher inwardly. Animals could sense good and evil in a person, and Bethany clearly didn't like Chester. "You little bitch" he said, his voice sounding maniacal and high pitched. He waddled quickly after her and gave her a fat boot that sent her flying into a frenzy. She growled and hissed, running towards a door that stood slightly ajar at the end of a long hallway. Ashley glimpsed a staircase leading down below the ground level which she realized must be the basement. "You'll be spending the night down there since you were bad today," he told her, speaking to her like she was a small child. She didn't respond or he would probably have just hit her again. She merely continued walking up to his bedroom as he followed behind her, smacking her ass. He laughed a gravelly and evil cackle that gave her goosebumps. She felt defeated. He was bigger, stronger, and crazier then she was. So she just undressed without saying a word and let him take her, first kissing her from head to toe, then gently lifting her up in his arms and kissing her deeply, as he lay her on the bed and spread her legs, putting his head down there and tasting her. She moaned silently, feeling disgusted with herself but actually enjoying it. He smiled up at her and she closed her eyes, imagining the picture of the handsome 19 year old from the dating site she thought she would be meeting. Instead she was fulfilling the fantasies of a perverted and lonely 45 year old man who was fat, unattractive, and mentally sick. Also violent. She had no idea of this mans history. Had he raped other girls? Had he murdered people? These thoughts raced through her mind as she felt him slip inside of her, biting her lip as he thrust once, twice, and began kissing her lips gently and passionately as he fucked her. She rolled her eyes and bit her lip, enjoying the sex, starting to love it. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her feet dangled in the air, shaking back and forth as he went deep inside of her, his cock wet,throbbing and hard. She moaned louder, and to her surprise she bit his ear gently. He laughed and rocked her harder, causing her eyes to roll up in her head. "Unnnn, it feels so good" she cried, digging her nails into his back. "Give it to me daddy", she said, blowing into his ear and biting it gently. Chester shivered then and moaned loudly, finishing deep inside of her. She could feel the warmth of his load fill up her tight pussy and she smiled, gazing into his eyes with her big beautiful blue ones. "Do I still have to go to the basement tonight daddy?" She asked, pouting so that her bottom lip jutted out in a way that was seductive and adorable. He collapsed beside her and kissed her neck, unable to speak. " I always dreamed of a girl like you, of what it would be like, I always imagined, and it was better then I ever could've dreamed". He ran his fat fingers through her beautiful black hair, and she honestly kind of liked it. She didn't know what was going on, but she was also in survival mode and had suffered a traumatic sequence of events that had changed her forever. Maybe she had lost her mind. Maybe he had made her crazy too. But in some way she felt bad for him, a little sad even, but more so for herself. She was 18. This man was 45. She wasn't against age gaps but this was a bit extreme. And honestly even though she would've dated Tom Cruise or plenty of older and hotter men this guy was a fat, ugly creep. But she had to admit, the sex had been great. She allowed him to live his fantasy, even cuddling up to him and letting him spoon her and put his face in her hair. "Was I your first" She asked, a bit nervously. He didn't respond at first. Then he whispered, " you were the first I ever acted on. I've been fantasizing about girls like you for years, I've been a virgin my entire life, always masturbating to porn and internet girls, to introverted and afraid to ever let a girl know I was interested". Ashley suddenly felt a little bad for him. She was such an empathetic person she suddenly imagined a kid that was bullied by the popular crowd, ignored and laughed at by the pretty girls, and maybe even dropped out of high school and led the life of a recluse, probably spending his whole life or most of it living alone with his grandmother, with no friends, nobody to love. Ashley realized she was the greatest and most terrible thing that had ever happened to this man. On the one hand, he was in bed with her, they had already had sex two times, and this time She had honestly enjoyed it so much that it had made her toes curl. He didn't even smell bad to her anymore, just manly. She was confused, and her emotions were all over the place. She had been missing for 3 days now, her family and friends would worry, soon the police would be looking for her. She could ruin this mans life, or he could end up killing her in a fit of rage. He saw her as his pet, or dream girl, deprived of ever having experienced teenage romance. She realized that she was like an angel to him. She snuggled closer to him and actually put her hand over his arm that was wrapped around her and kissed his fingers. "Goodnight daddy" she whispered. To her surprise he responded, "Goodnight my angel." She slept soundly, and became used to his light snoring and manly scent. She realized her chance of escape would probably be on a night that he slept, she knew where his keys were, always lying on the table, which was foolish of him. She didn't want to kill him, she actually felt bad for him, despite the fact that she was beaten and raped, she had to admit, and only to herself, she would never tell this to a soul if she got out of this alive, she had enjoyed sex with him the second time. It was amazing and literally blew her mind. She felt disgusted with herself, perverted, and in a way it made her feel just as sick as he was. She lay beside him, it was 3am, he still lay soundly asleep, trustingly next to her. She wanted to cry but held it inside. This man had a history, probably suffered a horrible childhood, may have been neglected, beaten, molested. Ashley had always been very interested in psychology and actually wanted to get a masters degree in it. She had a deep desire to help people, she was an empath by nature and felt the emotions of others keenly. She knew this man was sick and prison would only make him worse. But she couldn't allow him to do this to another girl. He needed to be institutionalized. But he wouldn't be. The law would put him behind bars, and sadly it was his fault. He had made his bed, and he would soon be lying in it. Whether he killed her or not wouldn't change his fate. The police would catch him. Ashley fell asleep next to him, realizing she needed rest and trying to escape may backfire if she did it with a half baked plan. She woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs, and her stomach growled with hunger. Chester was out in the kitchen cooking and she padded out into the kitchen barefoot with only her panties on, looking absolutely stunning, even with her morning hair, all messed up and going all over the place. "Mmmmm, that smells so good" she said, hungrily, a bit lustfully. He laughed his creepy cackle and fixed her a plate, giving her a glass of orange juice. "Eat up, today is gonna be a big day my dear" he said. It was mysterious the way he said it, and she began to wonder what he meant but not to much as she dug into the bacon and eggs like a ravenous wolf. She gulped down the orange juice and within minutes the plate was empty and she was stuffed. "That was so good, thanks," she said politely, even giving him a sweet smile. Ashley was truly a very kind and caring person, unfortunately the world was full of demented and sadistic people, and she was in the presence of one. She was in the lions den, metaphorically speaking, and Chester grinned wolfishly and grunted mockingly at her thank you. He turned his back and began cleaning the dishes, supremely confident she wouldn't dare make a move to escape or harm him. It was understandable. Ashley was only about 5,6 and weighed 130 pounds. She was athletic but not very strong and certainly not a fighter. She was gentle and caring, a lover. She suddenly felt lightheaded, dizzy. "Unnnn" she moaned, putting her hand to her head. The whole room began to spin. Had he poisoned her? Slipped something in her orange juice? She heard his voice, distantly, as if he was speaking to her from the other end of a tunnel even though he was only a few feet away from her, finishing up the morning dishes. "I put enough sleeping pills in your orange juice to knock you out for about 8 hours, but don't worry, you'll be up in time for the surprise, we are going for a long drive and I can't have you knowing where we are going." Her eyes rolled up in her head as she struggled to stay conscious, but right now sleep was all she wanted, all she desired, her eyes kept closing shut and fluttering. "Why did you do this to me?" She asked, her voice sounding heavy and so sleepy. Her eyes rolled one last time and her head hit the table and stayed there, her arms falling to her sides as she slumped onto the floor and began snoring. She was in a deep sleep. He could kill her now but it would be hard to remove all of the evidence. The blood, the DNA samples, fingerprints, all of those forensic experts would find a clue somewhere. They might anyway. No, he would drive her way out into the woods, and they would hike a trail that went about 10 miles into the wilderness. He would give her another glass of orange juice with a lethal amount of sleeping pills, and leave her there. She would most likely be eaten alive by the wolf packs in the area. He would even make her walk blindfolded so she would have no way of finding her way back even if she survived. He realized he couldn't keep her as a pet. She would eventually turn on him and try to escape. She didn't love him. It was all an act. She just wanted to stay alive so she was playing along with him, trying to trick him. He reached down and picked her up, drawing her a bath and washing her gently. Her body was so perfect. He didn't want to kill her. But there was no other way. He even cried quietly, tears welling up in his eyes as he looked at her closed eyelids, her perfect lips, her cute nose and angelic skin. He kissed her delicately, first her forehead, then her lips, and toweled her off. He dressed her in his grandmothers clean clothes, a red skirt and black t-shirt that fit her almost perfectly. For now he laid her on his sofa near the door and sat in a nearby chair, lighting and puffing a cigarette before carrying out his sinister plan. It would be very simple. Take her out into the woods, a deep trail that wasn't commonly known to hikers. He would only have to take her in about 5 miles. Then he would force her to take the sleeping pills with the orange juice. But he decided he wasn't going to give her a lethal dose. Just enough to knock her out for a few hours. By the time she woke up he would be long gone and wolf packs would be prowling the area. The chances of her surviving were very slim, and even if she did, finding her way back to a main road would be almost impossible. They would be near deep woods that literally stretched for about a hundred miles into the wilderness. She would most likely wander further into the depths, and eventually, the wolves would find her. He stood up then, picking a wedgie out of his ass, and gently hoisted her up from the couch and over his shoulder. She felt light and as he stepped into the garage he reached for his keys, unlocking the car with the press of a button. He opened the backdoor and sat her upright, putting on her seatbuckle, kissing her cheek softly. He closed the door and got in on the drivers side, his eyes watering up again. He knew she was the one, his soulmate, but she would never realize this. She would think of him as a madman, a psychopath, a rapist. He opened the garage and backed out into the driveway, lighting up a cigarette. This wasn't going to be easy, but he would have to park near the trail and wait until she woke up. He was a strong man but not strong enough to carry her for five miles into a rough and mostly overgrown trail. He had packed his shotgun, machete, and a backpack full of water and power bars. He was ready for anything. And he had killed several wolves in his lifetime, had hunted them for sport, so they didn't scare him at all. But visions of Ashley being eaten alive by them didn't exactly put his mind at ease. But it was the only way. This way nothing could be linked back to him, it wouldn't look like murder, he couldn't be held accountable. The wolves would finish her because he couldn't. He would end up getting caught. This way if the cops questioned him he could say they went on a date, it didn't go well, and she bailed on him. He had no idea where she went and even if they didn't believe him they couldn't charge him with anything. As far as what they would discover she had met someone on a dating site, and it's been days since she was seen. The most they would find out is that he had lied about his age and his profile picture. And he could tell them he had felt very bad about that and honestly that was why she had left. He could even tell them she had humiliated him and cussed him out before speeding off. They might be suspicious but they would never find her body. Not out in those woods. And the wolves would tear her to pieces. There would be nothing left to find within a few days. He pondered all of this in microseconds as he drove on, they had about a 2 hour drive, long enough for her to wake up by the time they arrived at the entrance to the forest. He had a nickname for it. He liked to call it pans labyrinth. Because many hikers had become lost and died within its depths, it had eaten many backpackers, explorers, and tourists. But he was very familiar with these woods, he had spent 2 years living in them during a time he was on the run from the law for a warrant. He had robbed a convenient store in his early twenties during a time he was dirt poor and desperate, only getting about 200 dollars, he had basically enjoyed one night of booze and cigarettes with a few good buddies and pretty girls and then the next day the local law enforcement put out an APB looking for him. He fled immediately, early in the morning with a massive hangover, had just enough money left to grab some breakfast and a few supplies and head for pans labyrinth. Back then he didn't have a shotgun, but he had a pretty reliable buck knife. He walked fifteen miles from his home through treacherous woods filled with wolves and black bears. He knew how to stay quiet, had learned how to live off the land during his time with his father, who was a hunter and a survivalist, a real asshole but he knew his shit when it came to living off the land and what plants to eat and what plants were poisonous. He had taught Chester a lot. That was up until he was attacked by a pack of wolves one night when he was backpacking up in Pans Labyrinth. His body wasn't found for weeks, there was barely any of him left to find. A couple of hikers had spotted him just off the trail, in bloody and dismembered pieces.They had needed dental records just to identify him it was so bad. But he had killed 3 of the ravenous bastards. It must've been a good size pack. Chester's dad had dealt with wolves plenty of times, had skinned dozens. But some wolf packs could be up to 15 or 16 wolves, and if that was the case, he wouldn't have stood much of a chance. But he died a warrior and had taken three of them down with him. Ashley moaned in the passenger seat, eyelids fluttering. His mind returned to the present, for the moment forgetting his dad and how heroic and strong of a man he had been. "Where are we...going?" She asked weakly, glancing at him groggily. He smiled at her, genuinely, and said," we are going for a long hike, so you better get your energy up." He fished in his backpack and grabbed her a coke and a ham sandwich. "Eat up darlin, you're going to need the strength." She accepted the food graciously and ate it like a wild animal, chewing with her mouth open like she hadn't eaten in days. She popped the lid off the soda can and took a long and savory gulp. "Aahhh" she couldn't help moan, feeling refreshed. She put her hand on his leg and rubbed it. "Why did you drug me? I would've went with you willingly, I thought you knew how I feel about you now?" This made Chester sad, and suddenly confused. What if she was telling the truth? What if she really did love him? What if she really would spend the rest of her life with him? Was he being a coward? He was planning to strategically get her killed in such a horrible way just because he thought maybe she was lying and her devotion to him and sudden new feelings were a deception, a way for her to trick him until she could get the upper hand. "I'm sorry," he suddenly found himself saying, and was scared to realize that he had meant it. He was having second thoughts. They were only about 10 minutes away now and he really wasn't sure he could go through with this. Ashley of course didn't love him, she was in survival mode and strongly suspected he was driving her out into the middle of nowhere to kill her and bury her. So she put her hand on his leg, looked seductively into his eyes, and pretended she was madly in love with him. She couldn't tell if he was falling for it but he certainly looked confused. She giggled and undid his pants, at this point willing to do anything to survive this nightmare. "We're almost there baby, wait until I pull into the parking lot," he said, his disgusting breath blowing into her face. She could've puked. But she left his pants undone, smiling at him. They rode along a few more miles and pulled into a dusty old road that was unkempt and overgrown with grass and weeds that were almost knee high. The road could barely even be called a road anymore. It was more like an unused path. Chester drove in about 2 miles before stopping in a clearing, near a beautiful lake similar to the one they had met at, but far more secluded and private. "What is this place?" She asked, innocently and also inquisitively. "I like to call it Pans Labyrinth," Chester said, his voice sounding gravelly and older as he lit up a cigarette. Ashley felt a chill run up her spine as he said those words. "Why do you call it that?" She asked, biting her lip nervously. He smiled at her. It was cold, creepy, and full of darkness. "Well a Labyrinth is like a maze right?" She nodded as he continued, " And many hikers and backpackers have gotten lost out here and even been eaten alive by wolf packs." Ashley held back tears but her lips were pouting now and she was hugging herself for comfort. "You see these woods stretch on for hundreds of miles, and if you get lost...well...Pans Labyrinth had monsters in it remember?" She nodded again, tears running down her cheeks now. "Remember that old saying, "here there be monsters?" This time she said nothing. He took another drag off his cigarette and continued," me and my daddy used to hunt wolf packs, and this is where most of them live and hunt, my daddy got killed some years ago on a hunting trip." Ashley wisely said nothing. " He was by himself, must've been ambushed by a big pack, maybe 15 or more they said, he managed to kill 3 of them, with his buck knife, they closed in to fast for him to use his gun, they got a preemptive strike on him. But daddy still killed 3 wolves with just a buck knife. He was the toughest man I ever knew." Chester stopped then, tears welling up in his own eyes. " I have about 300 shotgun shells in this backpack, and I'm gonna kill as many of those bastards as I can." His face grew hard and determined. Ashley was terrified and didn't want to be anywhere near this place. They could both end up getting killed and eaten alive. Although Chester may be an experienced hunter, he was overweight, middle aged, and slow. If a wolf pack suprised them, they wouldn't have much of a chance. "I filled you up some food and drink, here's your backpack," Chester said, handing it to her. Ashley spoke up and instantly regretted it. "Please don't make me go in there, I'm scared, I just wanna go home." He gave her a hard slap across the face, and she sobbed quietly. "Get the fuck out of the car and get ready, we are doing this!" He ordered, yelling so loudly at her he sprayed her with his disgusting spit, as it flew out of his mouth. She opened the passenger door, getting out on legs that felt rubbery and weak. She was so scared she literally felt nauseous. She stood still, like a frightened animal, trembling. The woods looked thick and deep and ominous. The footpath they would take looked narrow and overgrown. Chester reached into his backpack and pulled out a machete. " The path isn't as clear as I remember, but don't worry, this baby will help get the job done." He gritted his teeth and his pudgy arms bulged with muscle as he gripped it. He was probably stronger and more fit then he looked if he had once been an avid hunter and survivalist with his dad. As if sensing her thoughts he turned towards her with a crooked grin and said," Don't worry, you're safe with me. I may be a little out of shape, but I am more experienced in these woods then anyone in these parts." He slung his shotgun over his shoulder and led the way, using his machete to clear out the thickest of the weeds and bushes. They made progress rather slowly, but it was still early morning and they had plenty of daylight left. Chester was still debating on leaving her to die out here or not, basically he was leaving that up to her. It would be determined by her attitude and behavior, unbeknownst to her. He was very fond of her and wanted to keep her around forever. She was so young and beautiful, she would bear them many children, and they would be strong like him and beautiful like her. He would marry her, they would get past the way they had met, eventually. These were hopes in his mind, but he wasn't sure of anything yet. She was acting strange, and although she stayed near him, she would walk for hours without saying a word. Finally they reached a clearing, near a beautiful stream. "We can rest here, set up camp." He began gathering branches and pulled out a small tent out of his backpack, just big enough for the two of them. "This place is beautiful," Ashley said, and meant it. Truly it was like an oasis compared to the bushes and brambles Chester had hacked through to get them here. The grass was green and the stream bubbled nearby, the sound soothing and serene. Ashley shut her eyes and took it all in and felt him suddenly hug her from behind, wrapping his big arms around her and kissing her neck. She was suprised at first and then delighted, putting her arm up and caressing his head with her fingers, inviting him in. "This is the same place me and daddy used to camp, isn't it nice?" He asked, while planting soft kisses on her neck and cheek. She moaned softly, "it's majestic." He smiled and made his decision. He wasn't going to leave her out here, or abandon her. This girl was a little crazy. And he liked that because he was a little crazy too. "I'm gonna set up the tent and gather wood so we have a fire" he said, leaving her to sit near the stream, the sun beams flickering through the trees, her beautiful eyes soaking up this magical place. "There's plenty of fish in that stream, later I'll show you how to catch em" he said, cackling in his rugged, gravelly voice. "We have plenty of water, but the stream is spring fed, so it's safe to drink from too. Daddy taught me that." Ashley nodded at him and smiled sweetly. Her black hair was caressed by the breeze emanating from the stream. She looked like a mythical fairy from another world, or an angel. Chester kept admiring her as he worked on the tent, and gathered wood for the fire. The way she sat, so graceful. Everything about her, perfect. He had brought her some clothes to change into, a bathing suit. Later he would surprise her by going for a swim in the stream. It was crystal clear water, and full of salmon. The bears sometimes wandered this way but a gunshot would usually send them running pretty quick. Same with the wolves. Him and daddy used to hunt and kill wolves and bears, skin them, and make damn good money for the skins. They also tasted delicious. Better then cow meat in his opinion. He sent up the tent like a pro, not even needing the directions to assemble it. He had the skills of a survivalist expert. And it was funny because he appeared to be a normal, fat couch potato. In reality he was overweight, probably about 300lbs with a very prominent beer belly. But he was very strong physically and although he seemed sluggish and lethargic he was actually quicker on his feet and had a snappier reaction time then an average person observing him would realize. Ashley sat near the stream, confused and sad, thinking of her parents and friends, how worried everyone must be. Her cellphone was dead by now and had been left in her abandoned vehicle near the lake she had been abducted. It had GPS which was a good thing, maybe the police would be able to find it and track her from there. But they were at least a 4 hour drive away from that lake. She tucked her head between her legs and silently sobbed. She knew if he heard he would hit her. And his hits hurt. She wasn't used to being physically abused. She had come from a loving family and her mother and father had never laid a hand on her. They adored her in fact. Her father would always spoil her and buy her gifts and give her money whenever she needed it. Her mother was just as generous. And they were both loving and supportive even when she had went through her gothic and then emo stage. All the screamo music and band posters all over her wall. She would vape in her room and sometimes drink, and through it all they only hugged her and told her they loved her. It was just a phase. She would get through it. She remembered daddy hoisting her up on her shoulders just last year and staring out into the ocean, watching the sunset together.He was a big man and a powerlifter. If he ever found out what Chester had done to her daddy would kill him with his bare hands. But Ashley was scared of Chester and didn't want her mom or her dad anywhere near him. Chester had a shotgun, a machete, and who knows what else? She had already seen him shoot a wolf and laugh as it whimpered and fled into the woods to die. He was dangerous. He had raped her, beaten her, and probably taken her out here to kill her. The only chance she had was to pretend that she loved him and maybe once he led her back to civilization again she could somehow get to a phone and call the police. She felt guilty that she had enjoyed the sex with him, had enjoyed him touching and kissing her. But it wasn't her fault was it? Of course it would feel good. Sex was animalistic by nature and meant for pleasure and procreation. But inside it had hurt her soul, damaged her spirit. And the even more horrible truth was that he had never used a condom. What if she was pregnant? And if she ever escaped could she live with herself if she got an abortion. A few hours passed and Ashley heard a campfire crackling and felt it's warmth. Chester had set up a nice tent for them both and had built a wonderful campfire, had even set up two chairs for them to sit in and gaze into the fire. He beckoned her to him, a beer in his hand. "Come sit with me for a few minutes sweetheart." She did as she was told, sitting in the chair next to him. Her eyes lit up and she smiled at him, charming him instantly. "I love fires, this is so cool." He put his arm around her and gave her a beer and they drank in silence as the night came to life around them. Crickets chirping, twigs snapping as animals nearby prowled around. But they would stay away from the fire. Most animals feared fire. It was actually very peaceful, being here. Ashley had never really been camping, so although she was on the one hand terrified of Chester and these wolves prowling around the woods, she felt oddly safe with him. After about an hour they called it a night, tucking in together, like a couple. She didn't like it, but at the same time, she had to admit it felt good to have a warm body up against hers, snuggling her and keeping her warm. They drifted off to sleep that way, cuddled up together in the tent, Chester drifting off before her, intoxicated by her beautiful feminine scent. Nearby the fire crackled on for another hour or so before dying out.

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