The Lab (7)

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(A/N I thought this would be interesting chapter to include, so I hope you enjoy it)

Hoseok POV
*flashback to their arrival at the lab*

It was dark on this bus. Of all things we were traveling at night, I shouldn't be surprised. I was forced to stand, everyone had claimed their seats. All of my friends were standing too, I guess I was lucky enough to have them by my side.


The bus stopped suddenly and I guess that meant we were here. I didn't want to be here. I didn't ask for my life to change like this, my dancing and underground rapping career was going successful, but they had no mercy ripping me straight from the dance studio and throwing me on a plan to Los Angeles,California.

"Get off the bus and get in a line!" A worker yelled. I started walking, as I walked a boy with blonde hair catches my eyes. He looked like his life was going well too, all of the people on this buses life had something going for them. I knew of it. Even if we were from different parts of the word, everyone was doing something with their life's, planning their future, going to college, hell even becoming an actor wasn't our of the question. I hated this so much, everyone's lifes were ruined.

Once everyone was on the bus, we were stood in a very long line to get into the large lab. I eventually got inside, and a scientist made Me follow him.

"Name?" he asked

"Jung Hoseok" I said, knowing there was no way out of these questions. "First name Hoseok, last name Jung because I'm in America now"

The scientist nodded, probably not extremely pleased with my sarcasm and typed it into his computer.


"February 18th, 2028"

"Alright, we're going to do a few tests on you and then we'll decide your placement" The scientist said, acting as friendly as possible.

I nodded and waited for a few minutes. They came back with a blood pressure machine,it was highly advanced. They took my blood pressure, then shortly after they took my blood. Then after that they took my height and weight.

"Shortly you'll be placed into the white room, that's yours. I wouldn't get too comfy, we have the first step of robotization prepared for you"

"Alright" I said and nodded. I followed him outside of the room, and he leased me to a big room, which was white. There was a big glass window, which really meant no privacy and that they could watch us if we did anything suspicious. The scientist scanned his hand and he walked into the room, I followed him inside.

"I'm Victor Hadden, and I'm the scientist who will be taking care of you"  He said, in a neutral tone which was a little scary.

"Alright, got it"

He walked out of the room, after a few short minutes he cane back with something. It was small and round. He also had the basic sterilization tools, and was already prepped with gloves.

"This is a simple step, it does nothing much but identify you." He explained and I nodded my head. He brushed back my hair away from the side of my forehead, and prepped it. "Ready? This will be a quick procedure don't worry" I nodded my head once again and he numbed that part of my head, and then made a small cut. Interesting the round thing. It was followed by a purple liquid.  "After a few minutes, the activator and identifier will combine. Then it will move outside of your skin" He explained

"Move out of of my skin?"

"Yes, Move out of your skin" I sat there for a few minutes, and then he got excited all of a sudden. "It's worked! Would you like to take a look?"

"Yeah sure" I said and he handed me a mirror. I looked at it, it was purple and glowing. I don't know how I felt about this, it was strange.

"Well purple robot or 312018 welcome to The lab" He said and he walked out.

"Yeah, what a welcome" I said, laying down on the white bed, sighing as this was my fate.

Taehyung POV

"Name?" A female scientist said

"Kim Taehyung, Taehyung, Kim however you guys put it" I said, I just got here and I was sick of it already.


"December 30th 2029"

She nodded, and did the various tests like a doctors appointment. Blood pressure, then they did my blood. It took them a while, and I had no clue why. I just sat there and dangled my legs out of Boredom.

3rd person POV

"Vanessa, the boy you just got blood from. He's spaceitizin. Well half spaceitizin. This is truly incredible!" Hank said, he was looking over the test results that he had in his hand.

"That's incredible! That means he's perfect for the wings experiment. We have to get him started on that 134340 today!" Vanessa said, her voice was full of excitement.

"Yes we must" Hank said nodding his head.

Vanessa then rushed back to Taehyung, she was ready to get her experiment underway.
Taehyung POV

The female scientist finally walked in, in a rush. The next things were just my height and weight, nothing special there.

"We're going to take you to a white room, from there we will give you something to keep you healthy"

"Um alright" I said, I was suspicious of what this was that would keep me healthy, but I couldn't quite exactly deny it. I followed her to the room, she let me sit down and quickly walked out. It didn't take her long, but she game back with a needle, filled with a strange, glowing purple liquid. I couldn't ask any questions in the matter, I doubt I would er an explanation, I would most likely get an excuse.

"Ready?" She said, after sterilizing my arm.

"I guess" I said, and she injected the liquid into my arm. My veins flew purple for a split second then returned to normal.

"All done, Welcome to The lab of Los Angeles" With that, she walked out of the room, a pep in her step. I laid down on my bed, which was comfier than I expected. It would never be comfier than my bed, which I would probably never get back.

I already had the worst feeling about this, I just wanted to return back home. Why did these people want to do this to us? It was just torture, we didn't feel like humans anymore. We felt like toys of some sort. I don't even know who had the right to allow this, but I hope that it would be stopped.

*end flashback*

(A/N The next chapter will be in present day, don't worry!)

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