Eggmans Lab - South Island - Sonic hideout

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Eggmans Lab

Hyper Metal Sonic, the only thing left

is to capture his essential life data.

Then you will be complete.

When you awaken, it will be time!

South Island


It's finally done!

See, isn't it great?

It's a jet-propelled body board!

Come on, Sonic.

Don't you wanna try it too?

No thanks.

All right, I'll try it myself!

I guess Tails is still

just a little kid.

Come on, Sonic!

It's okay if you can't swim!

You should give it a try!

Just don't get cocky and

run into something.

I must be hearing things.

Sonic! Help me!

Wake up, Sonic! Come on, Sonic!

Shut up, Tails!


Are you all right, Sonic?

I'm fine, but who the heck was that?

Sonic, how have you been?

Geez, not that old man again!

I'll pass on this one.

Sonic, we've gotta hurry up

and do something!

You're the one who can fly,

why don't you just go and do something?

Sonic, you idiot!

Fine, I can take care of this

all by myself!

Mister! Mister!

Tails, it's you!

It's nice to see you again.

I have some urgent business with Sonic.

That's why I'm here.

Mister, this isn't the time to worry

about that. Your rocket's on fire!

What? No wonder it's getting

so warm in here!

Just hold on!

I'll fix it somehow!

I'm not finished yet!

Hey, you're pretty good at this, Tails!

I got some practice in earlier

on my body-board.

That's amazing!

Mister, up ahead!

Look out!

What are you talking about? Let's see.


Thank you, Sonic!

Sonic's Hideout

Old man! Hey, old man!


Old man, you should stop flying

those dangerous things.

What are you talking about, Sonic?

I know I'm a little older now,

but back in my heyday I won the Speed

Races on Planet Freedom all the time.

Believe me, I was pretty popular with

the ladies back then too.

Mister, didn't you say you had

some urgent business?

Oh, right. It's a real emergency.

It's the President. He wanted...

He wants us to come to the

Presidential Palace right away?

Right, that was it! Please hurry!

Old man, you could have just

called to tell us that.

Oh, yeah, I guess I could've done that.

Old man, take care of the place

while we're gone!

I understand!

I don't think so.

Let's go, Tails!

Bon voyage!

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