Under the radar

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     "Mommy?" God, no! Not more questions I couldn't answer to...

    "Yes, sweety?"

     "Are we going home soon?"

    "Of course, sweety, but now you have to go to sleep -it's late. We'll talk about this tomorrow, ok?"

    "Ok... I love you, mommy!"

    "I love you too, Luck!" I gave him a kiss and he put his arms around my neck. "Go to sleep now! Mommy's gonna be in the other room if you need me." I started to leave, but he stopped me.

    "Mommy, if you talk to Nick, can you tell him I love him too?" My teeth clenched, but I forced a smile.

    "Sure. Now sleep!" I heard the tears in my voice and hurried out. God forbid the little guy saw me crying! I took the cell out of my bag getting ready to turn it off, when I've noticed that my voicemail was full. I had 15 voice messages from Nick, 30 from Lucas and even 5 from Molly. Oh, God! I decided to start with Molly's messages.

    Mrs R. I got a weird phone call from Mr Carter's economist. Please call me when you get this!

    And another one a couple of minutes later...

    Mrs R., I'm sorry to disturb you again, but I also got a very strange call from his PA. She said something about a very angry Mr Carter. Please, call me!

     And another one...

     He came to my place, asking for your adress, Mrs R. And I mean Mr. Carter. He was rageous. He almost knocked my door down. I hope you don't mind I gave him your adress, but I didn't know what else to do, Mrs R. Oh, God! I hope I did the right thing...

     Oh, no! I moved on to the next message, even though God knows all I wanted to do was skip to Nick's messages.

    Mrs R, Mr Rowland called me a couple of minutes ago. He said he can't reach you and asked me if I knew where you might be. What's going on?

    Oh, Nick...

     I don't undersand anything anymore, Mrs R, but I know what I have to do. I'll talk to Mr Liman tomorrow and tell him you didn't feel well. I'll try to buy you some time for a few days, but please, Mrs R, call me! Honestly, I'm a little overwelmed by all this.

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