Chapter Fortyeight

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note// im literally so close to dying omg. SO CLOSE TO 1million reads. omf

here's an update 'cause you guys make me want to cry. this is so amazing and im proud of myself for writing something that people somewhat enjoy omg. this means a lot thank you so much.

*smutty as shit so let's just all bathe in holy water right now ok*


I stared at the thing on my ankle like it was some sort of alien contraption. Just the sight of it constricted against my ankle makes me want to hammer it down until it's in pieces. But I'll get my ass in trouble for even attempting to break it.

It does all this gismo-tech shit and I didn't even want to get into more thought about it. I finished eating the dinner Maria cooked for us all, and after constant persuasion, my mother managed to have Maria join our dinner. She was a hysterical older woman with a lot of enthusiasm. I appreciated her attitude. She was just great.

Serenity was silent as dinner went by. I could tell she still felt embarrassed about earlier today. She couldn't even look straight at Maria without turning beet red. I thought it was absolutely hilarious, honestly.

She then offered to help clean the table and dishes.

"No," I whined, dragging out the word. I pulled by her hand, slouching a little with a pout on my lips to try and convince her to come upstairs with me faster.

Her eyes flickered towards me, a pretty light brown and a look of preparation to hit me in them. She then focused on the plates in her hands when she pulled from my own hand. "Harry, it's rude of me not to help."

"No it's alright, Hun. You don't have to help." Maria smiled.

Serenity sighed, trying to internally push away her embarrassment from earlier. "Are you sure? I --"

"It's okay. Honestly," Maria nodded, taking the plates away from Serenity and heading towards the kitchen. I smiled proudly to myself, knowing that Serenity will probably refuse to do anything in my house for a long time. But, she'll have to deal because I'm in here for two months.

God knows I'm not waiting two months.

After that, we walked upstairs towards my bedroom. The first chance I got, I shut the door behind us and jumped onto my bed. I lied on my back, quickly sitting up and eagerly leaning back to use my arms and hands to keep me prodded up.

Serenity stood there with a frown plastered on her pretty face. She stared at me for a while, refusing to open her mouth to speak. Her pink lips were into a firm line.

"What?" I asked, clearly knowing why she was staring me down, but I refused to address it.

She folded her arms across her chest. I watched her do so, flickering my eyes to her chest before looking up again.

An eyebrow rose on her face. She looked like she was thinking before she gave up with a sigh. We both knew I was going to be stubborn and refuse to even let her talk about downstairs or what we had been caught doing in the kitchen earlier.

"I need to bathe." She scrunched up her nose.

I did the same. "Bathe? Who the fuck takes a bath? You just sit there in your own shit water."

She chuckled, rolling her eyes. "And I thought you'd want to get into your huge tub with me, but I guess not."

My mouth parted slightly, and I raised a hand up as if to pause time. "Okay, wait on a second. You didn't say that at first."

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