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Larry's beautiful face suddenly appeared on my screen. I was lost for words, and judging by his expression, he was too. He was staring at me so much, that I could feel it and my heart was fluttering in this moment. Larry was first to speak up.

"My love,my beautiful love..."

"Larry...I don't know if I'm ready for this- I mean, you are such a beautiful man and I have to admit that I love you a lot,but I don't know if this is right."

As I was talking, I didn't realize, that a single tear slipped from my eye and down to my cheek. Of course, Larry noticed it.

"Why baby? You can tell me everything, I need to know why are you hurting so much so I can help you."

"I- in my past I had a boyfriend. I don't talk much about it,because I was embarrassed to be gay and I banned myself to stop liking boys after– after..."

I broke down completely. I was a crying mess.

"After what?"

Larry asks softly,not wanting to upset me more than I was already. I took a deep breath and when I exhaled;

"After his death. Larry,you don't understand- I loved him. And I feel as if it wasn't right to be in love with you. It's just so difficult..."

After this, I was calmer.

"We can go as slow as you want, just for you. I'll do anything for you and you know that."

"We can try..."

My Beloved | Les Twins Boy×Boy ✓Where stories live. Discover now