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Lula wakes up in the middle of the night. Thinking about the zoo. She runs into her parent's room. Mom dad is time for the zoo at.
No Lula go back to bed. Are animals friendly? You can't touch the animals Lula said, dad. Now please go to sleep said, mom. That's no fun. Said Lula. Lula goes back to bed. I wanna play with the animals said Lula as she laid in her bed. I bet it'll be fun.
Lula couldn't sleep Lula toss and turn. Lula wanted to run on an elephant. Luna clapped her hands. Lula wasn't afraid to touch an animal. Lula climbed out the bed again. This time she walked to her brother room. Can we go to the zoo now? Not at Lula go back to bed. Her brother said to her. Why can't I touch the animals at the zoo? Lula they bad animals they will eat you. Now please go back to sleep. Lula ran to her room in tears. They not bad animals they would love me. Lula said as she talked to her teddy bear. I can't wait to hug a bear. Lula gets back into bed. Everyone said to her. Lula lays on her bed and fall to sleep. Lula dreams of the zoo as she played with the animals. Friendly animals everyone wrongs. You won't eat me. Lula wakes and Lula goes back to sleep with her teddy bear next to her.

Lula goes to the zooWhere stories live. Discover now