The house is where I live, well that's what everyone calls this place. I was one of a family of five or... I used to. One day my mother was found and put in a pet shop after being there for a month she had puppies three girls and one boy... Me. When the pet shop opened one day three families came in and took my sister's.
After a week of my sister's gone my mom died. It was a sad time for me, the store owner got ahold of the three families and told them if no one comes and gets me, I'd be thrown out. It was three years later when the owner finally threw me out.
I wandered the streets for a month before someone took me in. Everywhere we went, when someone would talk about the house that's what they would call it. No one was caring for me except the owners daughter, Cheyenne. She let me sleep in her room, she'd be the one to feed me, give me a bath, give me water, and let me out.