St. Mungos

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Harry instantly set into panic mode. he tried shaking Draco and shouting his name but nothing happened.

"Draco! Wake up! Snap out of it!"

Harry began crying in the midst of shouting. he couldn't lose Draco. Their kids couldn't lose Draco. Luckily Teddy, Albus, Scorpious, Lilly and James were all at Hogwarts safely. Suddenly, thinking of Hogwarts, he remembered Neville and the fact that Neville's parents were in St. Mungos.

"St. Mungos!" Harry shouted without meaning to.

He grabbed Draco and quickly apparated to St. Mungos.

As soon as the girl at the counter, who looked to be freshly out of school, saw who had just apparated she ran and got help. An affirmative-looking wizard wearing white robes briskly walked over towards Harry. He was holding a very unconscious Draco Malfoy.

Through his tears Harry explained that Draco was looking for his glasses and accioed them but they were on his head and suddenly he was lying on the table, not a movement through his body. Which was still limp and lifeless at the moment.

Not but moments later, Draco was strapped to a bed and sent off into another room. Harry begged to follow, but he was just shoved away roughly. Waiting for news, was all he could do.

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