Chapter 7

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Ally's p.o.v

I woke up in the morning with a sleeping body by my side, I slowly looked to the side (I took my time) then I saw a curl then more curls and then a mop of curls then from then I went down to look at the persons face (I took my time) I saw closed eyes a nose and a mouth wide open haha shitt looks hilarious da fuck is it thoe!?! oh yea its Harry lol I started loughing becouse of my stupidness like wtf is wrong with me! for a second I thought i saw a mop with curls and a face with big ass nostrills that looked like it came out from the O from the hollywood sign and a O shaped mouth im just stupid...I kept loughing thoe, I went back to sleep

I woke up at 6:56 earliest I have ever woken up but the problem is I cant go to sleep again fuck I have to eat im hungry, I slowly looked to my right and saw harry or can I call him by his secret name (Harry Potter) I now his identity im not dumb.I looked at Harry and touched his curls slowly he looked so cute and adorable im hungry so I got up and went to my closet its too far away!! I opened it up got my undies and bra then I walked deaper in the closet hmmm I put my hand on my imaginary mustache and looked at my cloth I need to go shoping I feel lazy thoe so I grabed my black sweats and white tank-top and my black hoodie im of to the bathroom to take a 20 minute shower and did my things

                    20 minutes later

I was done with my shower and put my cloth on then went out to my room and there is still a sleeping beauty in my bed (Harry) I checked the time its......7:36 wow its still early ill eat and make breakfast for the boys, I went down stairs and into the kitchen to prepare some french toast and eggs with bacon so I started on the toast...

1 hour later I am done but I just need the boys to wake up it gonna be hard...I went up stairs straight to Zayn's room and scram

"Zaaaayyynn Perrie's here!"his head shot straight up and he ran straight to the bathroom

"wait a minute she's in L.A. on tour"he said walking backwards and eyeing me suspiciously

"breakfast is ready"I said running out and going threw the halls

"breakfast is ready!" I scram threw the whole house so the boys can hear me, Niall came out his room first running then Harry came out of my room without a shirt he's lazy walking almost draging his feet then came out Louis running like a little boy then Zayn then Liam

"thankd love"he said and kissed my forehead as I smiled and went to the kitchen to eat god im hungry

I sat down next to Harry ready to eat my toast.I finished eating right as Harry did but he ofered to do the dishes but oviously I said yes cuz who loves washing dishes? no one.when we finished we went to the living room to sit a while so I decided I should speak up

"ok guys arent we going shopping?"I asked them

"YES SHOPPING!"Louis said right next to me

"you now Lou people often need their body parts AND THOSE WHERE MY EARS"I said while everyone started loughing

"ok guys um can we go shopping and get it overwith please"I said with a bored face

"yea we can go now?"Liam said as Louis was the first to stand up and run to the door that boy...we got in the car with a bodygurd drivin, I think his name is Poul or Pone either one.

We spent like a half an hour to get to the shopping center.We got of the car and luckily no one noticed the boys or me

"ok guys we are going in pairs ok its Zain and Lou, Niall and Liam, then me and Harry yea?"I said as they all nodded

"but where do we start?"Niall asked

"each group has to get something like maybe Zayn and Lou you guys can get the shoes then me and Harry can get my undergarments and cloth than Liam and Niall can get me watever or you can get anything you want me to gave oh and I dont like any girly stuff I mostly get sweats or shorts no pink please?"I said as they all nodded

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