Don't Mess with Potion Masters

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There was no backing out of this so he wordlessly summoned the red counter potion next to his new brown colors he will use on Hedwig and removed the disguise. The kneazles and owl watched warily as red eyes met green ...


Maria walked forward first without any sign of her usual childlike demeanor, "Are you Harry Potter?"

"Yes." Harry said as his felt his kneazles lean against him protectively. The deceitfully child like vampire gestured for him to kneel and without any real choice in the matter Harry kneeled. He tried not to flinch as the cold fingers traced his scar. There was nothing he could do against vampires and werewolves and he didn't want to get Lyra, Libra and Hedwig hurt in a severely one sided fight.

"It really is you?" Maria smiled with a glimmer in her eyes. If vampires could cry she would be.

Sanguini burst out laughing, "We tried to find you for so long and you just walk right into my apartment complex!"

Trocar sighed sadly, "I'm sorry, Harry! I didn't know the door was open-gah!"

Green eyes widened as Maria vanished. He spun around at the sound of Trocar gagging and there she was holding Trocar by the neck. Maria was standing on the arm of the couch to get the height required to lift Trocar off the ground. Her eyes were nearly black and her fangs were extended ... Maria was furious!

"Sorry?! You're sorry, Trocar?! Are you saying you would've kept your revelation from us?! We all have a life debt with the boy and you would hide him from all of us?!" The pint sized vampire growled. Harry was about say something in his mentor's defense before he was hurt, but Armel patted his shoulder comfortingly as he and many others came into the apartment.

Armel was the tallest vampire by far and, though not bulky, he did have broad shoulders with soft black hair and slightly tan skin making him an imposing figure, "Maria, let Trocar go. He has more reason than most to be protective of Harry."

Frank snorted as he and Greyback walked in the room, "Yep, he's Harry's mentor and mother," Trocar was dropped to the ground as Maria finally calmed down. Harry went over to Trocar who was gagging slightly as he shot Frank a dirty look for the mother comment even though the werewolf was also by his side checking him.

"Maria, what did you mean by a life debt?" Harry asked as he noticed his kneazles seemed to calm down as well. Hedwig, however, was watching everyone carefully from her tallest perch.

Greyback snorted, "You, whether intentional or not, were the cause of Voldemort's downfall and that madman was the enemy of every creature. Creatures like us take life debts very seriously unlike your wizard groupies who prefer to worship rather than take your care seriously."

"That's right, Harry. Dumbledore betrayed us after that, which is why we were trying to find you. Our life debt means we should keep you safe, but that bastard squirreled you away before anyone could get a lead." Maria pouted now back to her child like attitude.

Trocar nodded now recovered from nearly being mauled by a mini vampire. "A life debt also means we want the full story. Who were you running from?"

Harry saw Sanguini shut the apartment door and found it amusing for some reason. It was clear they were on his side and weren't going to let him leave until they got the whole story. "Dumbledore ... I had to get away from my magic hating relatives before they killed me. One year of school would've made them treat me worse than ever, but Dumbledore forced me to go back."

The young wizard spent the next couple hours telling them everything from beginning to end. Each detail of his treatment and all the information Gringotts found out clearly infuriated the creatures. He knew someone would find out eventually, but not this fast. It was a amazing that things turned the way they did.

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