Full Moon

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I snaked my arm around Jerome's waist as rain dripped down the windows and he relaxed. I smiled as he rested his head on my shoulder, and we sat like that until I pushed him off and went to make coffee.

Looking out the window, worry pulsed through me. The skies had darkened, and the rain was now bashing the window. "Hey Jerome, you wanna stay the night?"

"Why Mitch?"

"Cos the storm has started and it's already pretty bad. Looks so dark even though it's not even night yet."

"Uh... and?..."

"Well, it just doesn't seem safe for you to leave."

"I'll be-" Jerome stopped abruptly. "Wait."

"Yeah Jerome?"

"Is there a full moon tonight?" He asked. I nodded, and he immediately leapt up. "I have to go. I'm so sorry, but I'll message you when I get home! Uhh, I'll see you some other time! Goodbye!" Jerome babbled, and ran off before I could say a word.

*Flashback Over*

He had left over three hours ago. He had said he would call me, but he hadn't. It was now unearthly dark, a black sky. His apartment was less than ten minutes away. Something was wrong. Something was very, very wrong.

Some people know me as Mitch, others know me as BajanCanadian. Jerome knows me as his best friend. I know him as mine.

We had a mutual crush on each other, but Jerome refused to date me. I wanted to be so much more for him, but everytime I brought up the idea, he would shake his head and say no. If we did something that seemed mildly romantic, he would suddenly freeze, and tense, then run away.

I went and grabbed my phone, then called him. He always had his notifications on, and I knew he would hear it.

He didn't pick up. I called again. Voicemail. By now, I was panicking. Jerome was the biggest social butterfly ever, and he always, always picked up by the second go, even when he was on the toilet, so you could hear the sound of water in the background, mingled with other things.

I ran to the door and pulled my spare rainjacket off the hanger. I threw it on, cursing that it didn't have a hood, and plunged out my door.

I sprinted across the road. No one was stupid enough to drive in this weather, let alone walk... apart from me. There was the occasional straggler, whether it be a walker or driver who definitely had to be somewhere NOW, but other than that, I was free to run anywhere for the five minutes it took, whether it be the street or sidewalk, ducking under whatever places I could, yet I still ended up soaked when I reached Jerome's house.

By now, it was pouring madly, and I could barely see through the torrent of rain, flowing mercilessly from the sky. As a kid, and maybe now, I would throw my head back and try to catch all the water in my mouth, but I had something more important than to do. I had to find out what had happened to Jerome.

I leaned back on the door to his building, feeling chilled to the bone, and caught a brief glimpse at the full moon, luminously radiating its light around the city. It was at its peak size, a monster compared to other times.


"Jerome, I'm going to go watch the moon with Kayleigh. You wanna come?"

"The moon? What? When?"

"Uhhh... Saturday night? We're going to just watch the sky and stare at the moon. It's full moon on Saturday as well, so Kayleigh wanted to go camping."

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